LORD  BYRON  and  his  TIMES
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Lord Byron and his Times
 General Indexes

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Persons Index for Letter E
Eachard, John (1637-1697)
Eadie, John (1813 c.-1876)
Eady, Doctor (d. 1834)
Eagles, John (1783-1855)
Eardley-Twisleton-Fiennes, Gregory William, eighth baron Saye and Sele (1769-1844)
Eardley [née Carr], Lady Isabella (1804-1860)
Eardley, Sampson, first baron Eardley (1744-1824)
Eardley, Hon. Sampson (1770-1824)
Earle, Hamilton L. (d. 1798)
Earle, John, bishop of Salisbury (1601 c.-1665)
Earle [née Villiers], Theresa (1836-1925)
Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock (1793-1865)
Eastlake [née Rigby], Lady Elizabeth (1809-1893)
Eastlake, Sir William (d. 1845)
Eaton [née Waldie], Charlotte Anne (1788-1859)
Eaton, Daniel Isaac (1753-1814)
Ebel, Johann Gottfried (1764-1830)
Ebers, John (1785 c.-1858)
Echard, Laurence (1672-1730)
Eckermann, Johann Peter (1792-1854)
Eckersall [m.n. Malthus], Harriet (1776-1864)
Eckersley, Nathaniel (1779 c.-1837)
Eddis, Eden Upton (1812-1901)
Eddowes, Ralph (1751-1833)
Eddy, Thomas (1758-1827)
Edelcrantz, Abraham Niclas (1754-1821)
Edelinck, Gérard (1640-1707)
Eden [m.n. Moore], Dora (1789-1875)
Eden [m.n. Osborne], Lady Elizabeth Charlotte (1780-1847)
Eden, George, earl of Auckland (1784-1849)
Eden [m.n. Brougham], Lady Mary Anne (1785-1865)
Eden, William, first Baron Auckland (1744-1814)
Edgar [m.n. Raeburn], Lady Anne (1744-1832)
Edgcumbe [née Feilding], Caroline Augusta, countess of Mount Edgcumbe (1808-1881)
Edgcumbe, Edward Augustus, third earl of Mount Edgcumbe (1797-1861)
Edgcumbe, Richard, second earl of Mount Edgcumbe (1764-1839)
Edgcumbe, Richard John Frederick (1843-1937)
Edgecombe, Mr. (1818 fl.)
Edgell, Edgell Wyatt (1801 c.-1888)
Edgeworth de Firmont, Henry Essex (1745-1807)
Edgeworth [m.n. Beddoes], Anna Maria (1772-1824)
Edgeworth, Anna Maria (d. 1828)
Edgeworth, Charles Sneyd (1786-1864)
Edgeworth, Charlotte (1783-1807)
Edgeworth [née Sneyd], Elizabeth (1753-1797)
Edgeworth, Elizabeth (1781-1805)
Edgeworth [m.n. King], Emmeline (1770-1847)
Edgeworth [m.n. Wilson], Frances (1799-1848)
Edgeworth [née Beaufort], Frances Anne (1769-1867)
Edgeworth, Frances Maria (1799-1848)
Edgeworth, Francis Beaufort (1809-1846)
Edgeworth [m.n. Butler], Harriet (1801-1889)
Edgeworth [née Broadhurst], Henrica (d. 1846)
Edgeworth, Henry (1782-1813)
Edgeworth [m.n. Beaufort], Honora (1792-1858)
Edgeworth [née Sneyd], Honora (1751-1780)
Edgeworth, Honora (1774-1790)
Edgeworth, Lovell (1775-1842)
Edgeworth [m.n. Robinson], Lucy Jane (1805-1897)
Edgeworth [m.n. Ruxton], Margaret (1746-1830)
Edgeworth, Maria (1768-1849)
Edgeworth [m.n. Fox], Mary (1740-1791 fl.)
Edgeworth, Michael Pakenham (1812-1881)
Edgeworth, Richard (1764-1796)
Edgeworth, Richard Lovell (1744-1817)
Edgeworth [m.n. Fox], Sophia (1803-1837)
Edgeworth, Thomas Day (1789-1792)
Edgeworth, Ussher (1740 c.-1809 c.)
Edgeworth, William (1794-1829)
Edleston, John (d. 1811)
Edmonds, George (1788-1868)
Edmondston, Arthur (1775-1841)
Edmondston, James (d. 1772)
Edmonstone of Newton, John James (1771 c.-1840)
Edmonstone, Sir George Frederick (1813-1864)
Edmund II of England, King (981 c.-1016)
Edridge, Henry (1768-1821)
Edridge, Rebecca (1825 fl.)
Edward, prince of Wales (1330-1376)
Edward Augustus, duke of Kent (1767-1820)
Edward I of England, King (1239-1307)
Edward II of England, King (1284-1327)
Edward III of England, King (1312-1377)
Edward IV of England, King (1442-1483)
Edward VI of England, King (1537-1553)
Edwardes [née Thomas], Lady Dorothy Patricia (d. 1843)
Edwardes, Edward Henry (1798-1829)
Edwardes, William, second baron Kensington (1777-1852)
Edwardes, William, third baron Kensington (1801-1872)
Edwards [née Betham], Barbara (1806-1848)
Edwards [m.n. Colebrooke], Belinda (1783 c.-1832)
Edwards, Bryan (1743-1800)
Edwards, Edward (1738-1806)
Edwards, Edward (1789 c.-1832)
Edwards, George (1787 c.-1843)
Edwards [née Wilson], Hannah (1764 c.-1841 fl.)
Edwards, James (1756-1816)
Edwards, John (1768-1808)
Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758)
Edwards, William Frédéric (1777-1842)
Edwin [née Richards], Elizabeth Rebecca (1771 c.-1854)
Edwin the elder, John (1749-1790)
Egan, John (1841 fl.)
Egan, Pierce (1772-1849)
Egerton [m.n. Grosvenor], Lady Eleanor, marchioness of Westminster (1770-1846)
Egerton, Francis, third duke of Bridgewater (1736-1803)
Egerton, Francis, first earl of Ellesmere (1800-1857)
Egerton [née Greville], Harriet Catherine, countess of Ellesmere (1800-1866)
Egerton, John Hume, viscount Alford (1812-1851)
Egerton [née Stanley], Mary Margaret, countess of Wilton (1801-1858)
Egerton, Thomas, first viscount Brackley (1540-1617)
Egerton, Thomas (1830 fl)
Egerton, Thomas Grosvenor, second earl of Wilton (1799-1882)
Egg, Augustus Leopold (1816-1863)
Eginton, Francis (1736 c.-1805)
Eginton, William Raphael (1778-1834)
Eichner, Ernst (1740-1777)
Ekenhead, William (d. 1810)
Ekins, Charles (1779-1826)
Ekins, Sir Charles (1768-1855)
Elder, Alexander (1790-1876)
Eleanor, queen of England (1241-1290)
Elers [m.n. Edgeworth], Anna Maria (1743-1773)
Elers, Paul (1700 c.-1781)
Elfi Bey (d. 1807)
Elford, Sir William, baronet (1749-1837)
Eliot [m.n. Ticknor], Anna (1800-1885)
Eliot, William, second earl of St. Germans (1767-1845)
Eliott of Stobs, William Francis, seventh baronet (1792-1864)
Eliott, George Augustus, first Baron Heathfield (1717-1790)
Elisabeth of France (1764-1794)
Elisée, Jean François Copel (1726-1783)
Elizabeth, Princess (1770-1840)
Elizabeth I of England, Queen (1533-1603)
Elizabeth of York (1466-1503)
Elkington, Peter (1732 c.-1760 fl.)
Ellames, Peter (1744 c.-1823)
Ellenor [m.n. Fenn], Lady Ellenor (1744-1813)
Elley, Sir John (d. 1839)
Ellice, Edward (1783-1863)
Ellice the younger, Edward (1810-1880)
Ellice [née Courtney], Eliza (1792-1859)
Ellice [née Grey], Hannah Althea (d. 1832)
Ellice [née Balfour], Katherine Jane (1792-1859)
Ellice, Robert (1784-1856)
Elliot in Millburnholm, William (1757-1827)
Elliot of Woollee, Cornelius (1733-1821)
Elliot [m.n. Donkin], Lady Anna Maria (1785-1855)
Elliot [m.n. Murray], Anne (1782-1854)
Elliot, Charles (1748-1790)
Elliot [née Sands], Christian (1761-1832)
Elliot [m.n. Russell], Lady Frances Anna Maria (1815-1898)
Elliot, Gilbert, first earl of Minto (1751-1814)
Elliot, Gilbert, second earl of Minto (1782-1859)
Elliot [m.n. Elphinstone], Janet Hyndford (d. 1825)
Elliot, John (1732-1808)
Elliot [née Brydone], Mary, countess of Minto (1786-1853)
Elliot, William (1815 fl.)
Elliot, William (1766-1818)
Elliott-Lockhart, William (1764-1832)
Elliott, Ebenezer (1781-1849)
Ellis, Captain (1820 fl.)
Ellis [née Parker], Anne (1773 c.-1862)
Ellis, Charles Augustus, second baron Seaford (1799-1868)
Ellis, Charles Rose, first baron Seaford (1771-1845)
Ellis, George (1753-1815)
Ellis, George James Welbore Agar-, first baron Dover (1797-1833)
Ellis [née Howard], Lady Georgiana (d. 1860)
Ellis, Sir Henry (1777-1869)
Ellis, Sir Henry (1788-1855)
Ellis, Henry Welbore, second viscount Clifden (1761-1836)
Ellis, John (1689-1768)
Ellis [née Wilson], Lady Louis Amelia (1857 fl.)
Ellis, Thomas Flower (1796-1861)
Ellis, William (1794-1872)
Ellison [m.n. Lambton], Henrietta (1808 c.-1883)
Elliston, Robert William (1774-1831)
Ellwood, Thomas (1639-1713)
Elmes, James (1782-1862)
Elmsley, Peter (1774-1825)
Elmy [m.n. Crabbe], Sarah (1751-1813)
Elphinston, James (1721-1809)
Elphinstone-Fleming, Charles (1774-1840)
Elphinstone, Arthur, sixth Lord Balmerino (1688-1746)
Elphinstone, George Keith, viscount Keith (1746-1823)
Elphinstone [née Thrale], Hester Maria, viscountess Keith (1764-1857)
Elphinstone [née Mercer], Jane (d. 1789)
Elphinstone, John, twelfth lord Elphinstone (1764-1813)
Elphinstone, John, thirteenth lord Elphinstone (1807-1860)
Elphinstone [m.n. Flahault de la Billardrie], Margaret Mercer, baroness Keith (1788-1867)
Elphinstone, Mountstuart (1779-1859)
Elton, Sir Charles Abraham, sixth baronet (1778-1853)
Elton, Edward William (1794-1843)
Elwes, Sir Hervey, second baronet (1683-1763)
Elwes, John (1714-1789)
Elwes, Sarah (1755 c.-1817)
Elwes, Sir William, third baronet (d. 1778)
Elwin, Whitwell (1816-1900)
Emans, Peter (1736 c.-1810)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)
Emmanuel [m.n. Stuart], Louisa, countess of Albany (1752-1824)
Emmet, Robert (1778-1803)
Empedocles (490 BC c.-430 BC c.)
Empson [née Jeffrey], Charlotte (1814-June 1897)
Empson, Sir Richard (1450 c.-1510)
Empson, William (1791-1852)
Enfield, William (1741-1797)
Engelbach, Gottlieb Lewis (1797-1853 fl.)
Enghien, Louis-Antoine-Henri de Bourbon-Condé duc d' (1772-1804)
England, Sir Richard, seventh baronet (d. 1812)
Englefield, Sir Henry Charles, seventh baronet (1752 c.-1822)
Engleheart, Francis (1775-1849)
Ennius, Quintus (239 BC-169 BC)
Epaminondas (418 BC c.-362 BC)
Epictetus (55-135)
Epicurus (341 BC-270 BC)
Episcopius, Simon (1583-1643)
Eprémesnil, Jean-Jacques Duval d' (1745-1794)
Erasmus, Desiderus (1466-1536)
Eratosthenes (276 BC c.-195 BC c.)
Ercilla y Zúñiga, Alonso de (1533-1594)
Erigena, Johannes Scotus (810 c.-877)
Erlendsson, Saint Magnus, earl of Orkney (1075 c.-1116 c.)
Ernest Augustus, of Hanover, King (1771-1851)
Ernesti, Johann August (1707-1781)
Eroles [m.n. Edgeworth], Rosa Florentina (1815-1864)
Errington of Beaufront, John (1739-1827)
Erskine of Carnock, John (1695-1768)
Erskine of Linlathen, Thomas (1788-1870)
Erskine of Shielfield, Charles (1771-1825)
Erskine, Sir David (1772-1837)
Erskine, David Steuart, eleventh earl of Buchan (1742-1829)
Erskine, David Steuart, twelfth earl of Buchan (1783-1857)
Erskine [née Munro], Erskine (1757 c.-1845)
Erskine [m.n. Dawson], Euphemia (1831 fl.)
Erskine [née Robison], Euphemia (d. 1819)
Erskine [née Bouverie], Henrietta, countess of Rosslyn (1771-1810)
Erskine, Henry (1746-1817)
Erskine, James St. Clair, second earl of Rosslyn (1762-1837)
Erskine, Jane (d. 1838)
Erskine, John, sixth earl of Mar (1675-1732)
Erskine, John (1721-1803)
Erskine, John Francis, seventh earl of Mar (1741 c.-1825)
Erskine [m.n. Keith], Mary, countess Marischal (1665 fl.)
Erskine [m.n. Colquhoun], Mary Ann (d. 1833)
Erskine, Thomas, first baron Erskine (1750-1823)
Erskine, Hon. Thomas (1788-1868)
Erskine, Thomas Alexander, sixth Earl of Kellie (1732-1781)
Erskine, William, Lord Kinneder (1768-1822)
Erskine, Sir William, second baronet (1768-1822)
Espartero, Baldomero, Prince of Vergara (1793-1879)
Espoz y Mina, Francisco, Prince of Vergara (1781-1836)
Esquiros, Alphonse (1812-1876)
Essington, Samuel (1820 fl.)
Este, Charles (1752-1828)
Esten [m.n. Coventry], Harriet Wildman Hunter (1788-1881)
Estienne, Henry (1528 c.-1598)
Estienne, Robert (1503-1559)
Estlin, John Prior (1747-1817)
Estrées, Gabrielle d' (1571-1599)
Etherege, Sir George (1636-1692)
Etough, Henry (1687-1757)
Etty, William (1787-1849)
Euclid (300 BC fl.)
Eugene of Savoy, Prince (1663-1736)
Eugénie de Montijo, Empress (1826-1920)
Eulalia of Mérida, Saint (290 c.-304 c.)
Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783)
Euripides (480 BC c.-406 BC)
Eusden, Laurence (1688-1730)
Eusebius (263 c.-339 c.)
Eustace, Hardy (d. 1820)
Eustace, John Chetwode (1761-1815)
Eustathius of Thessalonica (1115 c.-1195 c.)
Eutropius (363 fl.)
Evans, Benjamin (1765-1833)
Evans [m.n. Evans-Freke], Lady Catherine Charlotte (1766-1852)
Evans [née Strutt], Elizabeth (1758-1836)
Evans, Frederick Mullett (1803-1870)
Evans [m.n. Eliot], George (1819-1880)
Evans, George Hampden (d. 1842)
Evans, George Sherwood (1787-1853)
Evans, Sir George de Lacy (1787-1870)
Evans [m.n. Chandler], Mary (d. 1820)
Evans [m.n. Todd], Mary (1770-1843)
Evans [m.n. Williams], Mary (d. 1854)
Evans [née Ireland], Mary Ann (1787-1815)
Evans [m.n. Disraeli], Mary Anne, viscountess Beaconsfield (1792-1872)
Evans, Robert Harding (1777-1857)
Evans [née Parnell], Sophia (d. 1853)
Evans, Thomas (1742-1784)
Evans, Thomas (d. 1810)
Evans, William (1781-1826)
Evans, William (1769-1847)
Eveleigh, John (1748-1814)
Evelyn, John (1620-1706)
Evelyn, John (1743-1827)
Everard, Ignatius (d. 1823)
Everard, Richard (1780-1808 fl.)
Everett, Alexander Hill (1790-1847)
Everett [née Brooks], Charlotte Gray (1800-1859)
Everett, Edward (1794-1865)
Everett, James (1784-1872)
Ewald, Heinrich (1803-1875)
Ewart, Peter (1767-1842)
Ewart, William (1798-1869)
Ewing, Alexander (1841 fl.)
Ewing, Thomas (d. 1776)
Eymery, Alexis (1774-1854)
Eynard [née Lullin], Anna (1793-1868)
Eynard, Jean-Gabriel (1775-1863)
Eyre, Anthony Hardolph (1757-1836)
Eyre, Sir James (1734-1799)
Eyre, James (1748-1813)
Eyre [m.n. Parr], Mary (1765-1848)
Eyre, Sir Vincent (1811-1881)