LORD  BYRON  and  his  TIMES
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Lord Byron and his Times
 General Indexes

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Persons Index for Letter S
Sabine, Sir Edward (1788-1883)
Sacchini, Antonio (1730-1786)
Sacheverell, Henry (1674-1724)
Sacheverell [m.n. Coke], Mary (d. 1580)
Sacheverell, William (1664 c.-1715)
Sackville-West [m.n. Cecil], Mary Catherine, marchioness of Salisbury (1824-1900)
Sackville [née Cope], Arabella Diana, duchess of Dorset (1769-1825)
Sackville, Charles, sixth duke of Dorset (1643-1706)
Sackville, George John Frederick, fourth duke of Dorset (1793-1815)
Sackville, John Frederick, third duke of Dorset (1745-1799)
Sackville, Thomas, first earl of Dorset (1536 c.-1608)
Sade, Jacques-François-Paul-Aldonce de (1705-1778)
Sadi (d. 1292 c.)
Sadler, James (1753-1828)
Sadler, Michael Thomas (1780-1835)
Sadler, Sir Ralph (1507-1587)
Sadler, Thomas (1754-1839)
Sadler, Thomas (1822-1891)
Saint-André, Jean-Bon (1749-1813)
Saint-Just, Louis Antoine de (1767-1794)
Saint-Lambert, Jean-François marquis de (1716-1803)
Saint-Morys, Comte Vialart (1772-1817)
Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de (1737-1814)
Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Henri Bernadin de (1737-1814)
Saint-Priest, Guillaume Emmanuel Guignard, vicomte de (1776-1814)
Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de (1760-1825)
Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy duc de (1675-1755)
Saint-Évremond, Charles de Marguetel de Saint-Denis de (1614-1703)
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin (1804-1869)
Sainte-Croix, Guillaume-Emmanuel-Joseph Guilhem de Clermont-Lodève, baron de (1746-1809)
Sainte-Hyacinthe, Thémiseul (1684-1746)
Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman (1845-1933)
Salamé, Abraham V. (1826 fl.)
Sale [née Wynch], Lady Florentia (1790-1853)
Sale, George (1696 c.-1736)
Sale, John (1758-1827)
Sale, Sir Robert Henry (1782-1845)
Sallust (86 BC-35 BC)
Salmon, Mrs. (1650-1740)
Salmon, Frederick (1796-1868)
Salt, Henry (1780-1827)
Salt, Samuel (1723 c.-1792)
Salter, James Fallowfield (d. 1857)
Salter, Thomas Frederick (1762 c.-1826 fl.)
Saltykoff [m.n. Orloff], Anne (1777-1824)
Salvo, Carlo, marchese di (1787-1860)
Sam, Young Dutch (1808-1843)
Sampson, Henry (1629 c.-1700)
Samuel, Emanuel (1760 c.-1818)
Samwell, David (1751-1798)
Sanchez, Juan (1774-1862)
Sand, George (1804-1876)
Sand, Karl Ludwig (1795-1820)
Sandars, Prince (1812 fl.)
Sandby, Paul (1731-1809)
Sandby, William (1717-1799)
Sandeman, Robert (1718-1771)
Sanders, George (1774-1846)
Sanders, Lloyd Charles (1857-1927)
Sanderson [née Judd], Elizabeth (d. 1817)
Sanderson, Robert (1587-1663)
Sanderson, Sir William (1586-1676)
Sandford, Daniel, bishop of Edinburgh (1766-1830)
Sandford [née Poole], Margaret Elizabeth (1901 fl.)
Sandi, Vettor (1703-1784)
Sandiford, Peter (1745-1835)
Sandoval, Prudencio de, bishop of Pampelona (1560 c.-1620)
Sands [m.n. Elliot], Christian (1761-1832)
Sands, Warren Hastings (1791-1874)
Sandys, Arthur Moyes William, second baron Sandys (1792-1860)
Sandys, George (1578-1644)
Sandys [m.n. Hill], Mary, baroness Sandys of Ombersley (d. 1836)
Sannazaro, Jacopo (1458-1530)
Sansovino, Jacopo Tatti (1486 c.-1570)
Santarosa, Santorre Annibale Derossi, conte di, Count of Santarosa (1783-1825)
Santerre, Antoine Joseph (1752-1809)
Sanudo the younger, Marin (1466-1536)
Sappho (612 BC c.-570 BC c.)
Sapte [née Gifford], Lady Caroline (d. 1862)
Saraci, Spiro (1812 fl.)
Sardanapalus (650 BC fl.)
Sargent, John (1750-1831)
Sargent [m.n. Murray], Judith (1751-1820)
Sargus, William (1773 c.-1853)
Sarpi, Paolo (1552-1623)
Sarratt [née Dufour], Camilla (d. 1846)
Sarratt, Jacob Henry (1772 c.-1819)
Sarti, Giuseppe (1729-1802)
Sartoris, Edward John (1814-1888)
Sass, Lieutenant (d. 1824)
Sass, Henry (1787-1844)
Satchell [m.n. Kemble], Elizabeth (1762 c.-1841)
Saumaise, Claude (1588-1653)
Saunders [m.n. Dundas], Lady Anne (d. 1841)
Saunders, Augustus Page (1801-1878)
Saunders [m.n. Fane], Jane, countess of Westmorland (d. 1857)
Saunders, John (1811-1895)
Saunders, Simon (1783-1861)
Saunders, William (1743-1817)
Saunderson [née White], Anne Bassett (d. 1845)
Saunderson, Francis (1754-1827)
Saurin, Jacques (1677-1730)
Saurin [née Ryder], Lady Mary (1800 c.-1900)
Saussure, Horace-Bénédict de (1740-1799)
Savage [née Clarke], Olivia (d. 1843)
Savage, Richard, fourth Earl Rivers (1654 c.-1712)
Savage, Richard (1698-1743)
Savary, Anne Jean Marie René, first duc de Rovigo (1774-1833)
Savery, John (1747 c.-1831)
Savile [m.n. Greville], Sarah Elizabeth, countess of Warwick (1786-1851)
Saville, John (1755 c.-1803)
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-1498)
Savory, Hester (1777-1803)
Sawbridge [m.n. Macaulay], Catherine (1731-1791)
Sawbridge, John (1732-1795)
Saxe, Maurice de (1696-1750)
Saxon, James (1772-1819 fl.)
Saxton, Sir Charles, second baronet (1773-1838)
Say, Jean-Baptiste (1767-1832)
Sayers, Frank (1763-1817)
Scadding, Henry (1813-1901)
Scaliger, Giulio Cesare (1484-1558)
Scaliger, Joseph-Juste (1540-1609)
Scargill, William Pitt (1787-1836)
Scarlett, James, first baron Abinger (1769-1844)
Scarlett, James Yorke (1799-1871)
Scarlett [née Campbell], Louise Henrietta (1772-1829)
Scarlett [m.n. Campbell], Mary Elizabeth, baroness Stratheden of Cupar (1796-1860)
Scarron, Paul (1610-1660)
Schank, John (1740-1823)
Scheele, Carl Wilhelm (1742-1786)
Scheibler, Christoph (1589-1653)
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775-1854)
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von (1759-1805)
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von (1767-1845)
Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von (1772-1829)
Schmelling [m.n. Mara], Gertrud Elisabeth (1749-1833)
Schmitz, Leonhard (1807-1890)
Schneider, Johann Gottlob (1750-1822)
Schoales [née Archer], Clementina (1831 fl.)
Schoales, John (1767 c.-1850)
Schobert, Johann (1735 c.-1767)
Scholefield, James (1789-1853)
Scholl, Frederic (d. 1835)
Schomberg, Alexander Crowcher (1756-1792)
Schomberg, Isaac (1753-1813)
Schomberg, Ralph (1714-1792)
Schoppe, Kaspar (1576-1649)
Schreiber [née Bertie], Lady Charlotte Elizabeth (1812-1895)
Schrevel, Cornelius (1615 c.-1664)
Schroeder-Devrient, Wilhelmine (1804-1860)
Schubart, Henriette (1769-1831)
Schulenburg, Melusine von der, duchess of Kendal (1667-1743)
Schulte vom Brühl, Walther (1858-1921)
Schultheiss [m.n. Torlonia], Anna Maria (1755-1829)
Schulze, Gottlieb (1824 fl.)
Schuster, Joseph (1748-1812)
Schwarzenberg, Karl Philipp, fürst zu (1771-1820)
Schweickhardt [m.n. Bilderdijk], Katharina Wilhelmina (1776-1830)
Schweighäuser, Johann (1742-1830)
Scipio Africanus (236 BC-183 BC)
Scobell, Edward (1785-1860)
Scoresby the younger, William (1789-1857)
Scot, David (1770 c.-1834)
Scott of Amwell, John (1730-1783)
Scott of Buccleuch, Sir Walter (1490 c.-1552)
Scott of Buccleuch, Walter, first Lord Scott of Buccleuch (1565-1611)
Scott of Danesfield, Robert (d. 1808)
Scott of Draycott, Hugh (1777-1852)
Scott of Gala, John (1790-1840)
Scott of Harden, Hugh Hepburne-, sixth baron Polwarth (1758-1841)
Scott of Harden, Walter (1724-1793)
Scott of Raeburn, Walter (d. 1707)
Scott of Raeburn, William (1773-1855)
Scott of Rosebank, Robert (1739-1804)
Scott of Satchells, Walter (1613-1688 fl.)
Scott of Scotstarvit, John (1585-1670)
Scott of Scottshall, Walter (d. 1808)
Scott of Sinton, John Corse (1817 fl.)
Scott of Sinton, Walter (1530 fl.)
Scott-Waring [née Bennett], Harriet (1765-1865)
Scott, Alexander (1819 fl.)
Scott, Alexander (1789 c.-1812)
Scott, Alexander John (1768-1840)
Scott, Anna, duchess of Monmouth and Buccleuch (1651-1732)
Scott [m.n. Baillie], Hon. Anne (d. 1880)
Scott [née Murray], Anne (1611 fl.)
Scott [née Rutherford], Anne (1739 c.-1819)
Scott, Anne (1772-1801)
Scott, Anne (1803-1833)
Scott, Lady Anne Elizabeth Montagu Douglas (1796-1844)
Scott, Anne Rutherford (1802-1829 fl.)
Scott [m.n. Curle], Barbara (1742-1826)
Scott [m.n. Meik], Barbara (1771-1845)
Scott [née Haliburton], Barbara (1706-1775 fl.)
Scott [née Colnaghi], Caroline Antoinette (1786-1874)
Scott [née Douglas], Lady Caroline Lucy (1784-1857)
Scott, Charles (d. 1854)
Scott, Charles (1805-1841)
Scott, Charles Balfour (1782-1838)
Scott, Charles William Henry Montagu-, fourth duke of Buccleuch (1772-1819)
Scott [m.n. Stopford], Charlotte Albina, countess of Courtown (1799-1828)
Scott [née Thynne], Charlotte Anne, duchess of Buccleuch (1811-1895)
Scott, Daniel (1776 c.-1806)
Scott [née Hume Campbell], Diana (1735-1827)
Scott, Sir Edward, second baronet (1793-1852)
Scott [m.n. Home], Elizabeth, countess of Home (d. 1837)
Scott [née McCulloch], Elizabeth (1776-1848)
Scott [née Montagu], Lady Elizabeth, duchess of Buccleuch (1743-1827)
Scott [m.n. Wyndham], Elizabeth Anne (1803-1873)
Scott [m.n. Cumine], Elizabeth Charlotte (1810-1844 fl.)
Scott [m.n. Douglas], Lady Frances (1750-1817)
Scott, Hon. Francis (1806-1884)
Scott, Lord George (1798-1808)
Scott, George (1825 fl.)
Scott, Sir George Gilbert (1811-1878)
Scott [née Bruhl], Harriet, Lady Polwarth (1772-1853)
Scott [née Townshend], Harriet Katherine, duchess of Buccleuch (1773-1814)
Scott, Harry Harmood (d. 1832)
Scott, Henry, third duke of Buccleuch (1746-1812)
Scott, Henry Francis Hepburne-, seventh baron Polwarth (1800-1867)
Scott [m.n. Cust], Isabella Mary (1805 c.-1829)
Scott, James, duke of Monmouth (1649-1685)
Scott, James (1830 fl.)
Scott, James (1727 c.-1794)
Scott [née Jobson], Lady Jane (1801 c.-1877)
Scott [m.n. Harley], Jane Elizabeth, countess of Oxford (1774-1824)
Scott [née Beaton], Janet (d. 1569)
Scott, Janet (d. 1805)
Scott [m.n. Scott], Jean (1737-1828)
Scott [m.n. Huxley], Jesse (1800-1870)
Scott [m.n. Canning], Joan, viscountess Canning (1776-1837)
Scott, John, first earl of Clonmell (1739-1798)
Scott, John, first earl of Eldon (1751-1838)
Scott, Sir John, fifth baronet (1757-1812)
Scott, John (1756-1833)
Scott, Captain John (1823 fl.)
Scott, John (1769-1816)
Scott, John (1781-1832)
Scott, John (1784-1821)
Scott, Lord John (1809-1860)
Scott [née Carpenter], Lady Margaret Charlotte (1770-1826)
Scott [m.n. Ord], Mary (1788 c.-1848)
Scott [m.n. Scott], Mary (1590 fl.)
Scott, Michael (d. 1235 c.)
Scott, Robert (1699-1775)
Scott, Robert (1767-1787)
Scott, Robert (1811-1887)
Scott [m.n. Lockhart], Sophia (1799-1837)
Scott, Thomas (1747-1821)
Scott, Thomas (1731-1823)
Scott, Thomas (1774-1823)
Scott, Walter, third laird of Harden (1550 c.-1629 c.)
Scott, Walter, first laird of Raeburn (1680 fl.)
Scott, Walter (1653-1729)
Scott, Walter (1729-1799)
Scott, Walter, fifth laird of Raeburn (1744 c.-1830)
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet (1771-1832)
Scott, Walter (d. 1802)
Scott, Sir Walter, second baronet (1801-1847)
Scott, Walter (1807-1876)
Scott, Walter Francis Montagu-Douglas-, fifth duke of Buccleuch (1806-1884)
Scott, William, first laird of Harden (d. 1561)
Scott, William, fourth laird of Harden (d. 1655)
Scott, William, first baron Stowell (1745-1836)
Scott, William (1773 c.-1811 fl.)
Scott, William (1800 c.-1869)
Scott, William (1813-1872)
Scott, William Henry Walter Montagu Douglas, sixth duke of Buccleuch (1831-1914)
Scott, Hon. William Hugh (1801-1868)
Scribe, Eugène (1791-1861)
Scripps, William Armiger (1772-1851)
Scroggins, Jack (1786-1829 fl.)
Scroggs, Sir William (1623 c.-1683)
Scrope, George Julius Poulett (1797-1876)
Scrope, William (1772-1852)
Scudéry, Georges de (1601-1667)
Scudéry, Madeleine de (1607-1701)
Scully [née Moore], Catherine (d. 1834)
Scully, Denys (1773-1830)
Seaton, Thomas (1684-1741)
Sebastian I, king of Portugal (1554-1578)
Sebright, Frederica Anne (1846 fl.)
Sebright, Sir John Saunders, seventh baronet (1767-1846)
Secker, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury (1693-1768)
Sedgwick, Adam (1785-1873)
Sedgwick [m.n. Westall], Ann (1789-1862)
Sedgwick, Catherine Maria (1789-1867)
Sedley, Catharine, countess of Dorchester (1657-1717)
Sedley, Sir Charles (1639-1701)
Seeley, Leonard Benton (d. 1847)
Segati, Marianna (1816 fl.)
Segrais, Jean Regnauld de (1624-1701)
Sejanus, Lucius Aelius (20 BC-31)
Selden, John (1584-1654)
Selim III, Sultan (1761-1808)
Selkirk, Alexander (1676-1721)
Sellar [née Dennistoun], Eleanor Mary (1829-1897 fl.)
Sellar, William Young (1825-1890)
Selwyn, George Augustus (1719-1791)
Selwyn, George Augustus, bishop of Lichfield (1809-1878)
Semple, Gabriel (d. 1706)
Semple, James George (1759-1815)
Seneca (4 BC c.-65)
Senefelder, Alois (1771-1834)
Senhouse, Humphrey (1773-1842)
Senhouse, Richard, bishop of Carlisle (d. 1626)
Senior, Nassau William (1790-1864)
Sennacherib (d. 681 BC)
Senyavin, Dmitry (1763-1831)
Sepúlveda, Manuel de Sousa de (1500 c.-1552)
Seranzo, (1821 fl.)
Serle, Cecilia Novello (1812-1890)
Serle, Thomas James (1798-1889)
Serres [née Wilmot], Olivia (1772-1835)
Sertorius, Quintus (126 BC c.-72 BC c.)
Servetus, Michael (1511-1553)
Sestini, Giovanna (1824 fl.)
Seton-Karr, John (d. 1815)
Seton, Daniel (d. 1803)
Settle, Elkanah (1648-1724)
Severn, Joseph (1793-1879)
Seward, Anna (1742-1809)
Seward, Edmund (1771 c.-1795)
Sewel, William (1653-1720)
Sewell, William (1804-1874)
Seymour-Conway, Francis Charles, third marquess of Hertford (1777-1842)
Seymour-Conway [née Fagnani], Lady Maria Emily (1771-1856)
Seymour-Conway, Lord William (1759-1837)
Seymour [née Hamilton], Charlotte, duchess of Somerset (1772-1827)
Seymour [née Cholmondeley], Lady Charlotte Georgiana (d. 1828)
Seymour, Edward Adolphus, eleventh duke of Somerset (1775-1855)
Seymour, Edward Adolphus, twelfth duke of Somerset (1804-1885)
Seymour [née Palk], Elizabeth Malet (1797-1827)
Seymour [née Romilly], Lady Elizabeth Mary (1853 c.-1950)
Seymour [née Thynne], Frances, duchess of Somerset (1699-1754)
Seymour, Frederick Charles William (1797-1856)
Seymour, Lord George (1763-1848)
Seymour, Sir George Hamilton (1797-1880)
Seymour [née Trevor], Lady Gertrude (d. 1883)
Seymour, Lord Henry (1746-1830)
Seymour, Horace Beauchamp (1791-1851)
Seymour, Lord Hugh (1759-1801)
Seymour, Hugh Henry (1790-1821)
Seymour, Jane, queen of England (1509 c.-1537)
Seymour [m.n. Dawson-Damer], Mary Georgiana Emma (d. 1848)
Seymour, Sir Michael, first baronet (1768-1834)
Seymour, Lord Robert (1748-1831)
Seymour, Lord Webb (1777-1819)
Sgricci, Tommaso (1789-1836)
Shackleton [m.n. Leadbeater], Mary (1758-1826)
Shadwell, Sir Lancelot (1779-1850)
Shadwell, Thomas (1640 c.-1692)
Shairp, John Campbell (1819-1885)
Shakespeare [née Hathaway], Anne (1556-1623)
Shakespeare, John (1530 c.-1601)
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Shannon, Richard Quail (1778 c.-1846)
Sharp, Sir Cuthbert (1781-1849)
Sharp, Granville (1735-1813)
Sharp, James, archbishop of St Andrews (1618-1679)
Sharp, John, archbishop of York (1645-1714)
Sharp, Richard (1759-1835)
Sharp, William (1749-1824)
Sharpe, Catherine (1782-1853)
Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick (1781-1851)
Sharpe, Daniel (1806-1856)
Sharpe, Henry (1802-1873)
Sharpe, John (1777-1860)
Sharpe [née Reid], Lucy (1889 fl.)
Sharpe [née Rogers], Maria (1771-1806)
Sharpe [m.n. Wilkins], Mary (1800-1831)
Sharpe, Matilda (1830-1916)
Sharpe, Samuel (1799-1881)
Sharpe, Sutton (1756-1806)
Sharpe the younger, Sutton (1797-1843)
Sharpe, William (1804-1870)
Shaw-Stewart [née Farquhar], Lady Eliza Mary (d. 1852)
Shaw-Stewart, Sir Michael, fifth baronet (1766-1825)
Shaw-Stewart, Sir Michael, sixth baronet (1788-1836)
Shaw, Christian (1685 c.-1737 fl.)
Shaw [m.n. Byron], Lady Elizabeth (d. 1788)
Shaw, George (1751-1813)
Shaw [m.n. Hazlitt], Isabella (1791-1869)
Shaw, Lemuel (1781-1861)
Shaw [m.n. Bell], Lady Marion (1787-1876)
Shearman [m.n. Brownrigg], Anne (1807 fl.)
Shee, Sir George, first baronet (1750 c.-1825)
Shee, Sir Martin Archer (1769-1850)
Shee the younger, Martin Archer (1804-1885 fl.)
Sheepshanks, John (1765-1844)
Sheepshanks, John (1787-1863)
Sheepshanks, Richard (1794-1855)
Sheffield, John, first duke of Buckingham and Normanby (1647-1721)
Sheil, Richard Lalor (1791-1851)
Sheldon, Gilbert, archbishop of Canterbury (1598-1677)
Sheldon, John (1752-1808)
Sheldrake, Timothy (1830 fl.)
Shelley Sydney, Sir John, first baronet (1771-1849)
Shelley, Sir Bysshe, first baronet (1731-1815)
Shelley, Charles Bysshe (1814-1826)
Shelley [née Pilfold], Elizabeth (1763-1846)
Shelley, Elizabeth (1794-1831)
Shelley [née Perry], Elizabeth Jane (1743 c.-1781)
Shelley [née Winckley], Lady Frances (1787-1873)
Shelley [née Westbrook], Harriet (1795-1816)
Shelley [née Gibson], Lady Jane (1820-1899)
Shelley, Sir John, sixth baronet (1772-1852)
Shelley, John (1806-1866)
Shelley, Sir John Villiers, seventh baronet (1808-1867)
Shelley [née Knight], Louisa Elizabeth Anne (d. 1895)
Shelley [née Mitchell], Mary Catherine (1734 c.-1760)
Shelley [née Godwin], Mary Wollstonecraft (1797-1851)
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822)
Shelley, Sir Percy Florence, third baronet (1819-1889)
Shelley, Sir Timothy, second baronet (1753-1844)
Shelley, William (1816-1819)
Shelton, Thomas (1629 fl.)
Shenley, Captain Edward (1822 fl.)
Shenstone, William (1714-1763)
Shepheard [m.n. Conway], Lady Isabella Anne Ingram (1760-1836)
Shepherd [née Nicholson], Frances (d. 1829)
Shepherd, Henry (1783 c.-1858)
Shepherd, John (1764-1836)
Shepherd, Sir Samuel (1760-1840)
Shepherd, William (1768-1847)
Sheppard, Benjamin (1747-1824)
Sheppard, John (1785-1879)
Sherbrooke, Sir John Coape (1764-1830)
Sherer, Moyle (1789-1869)
Sheridan [m.n. Norton], Lady Caroline Elizabeth Sarah (1808-1877)
Sheridan [née Callander], Caroline Henrietta (1779-1851)
Sheridan, Charles Brinsley (1796-1843)
Sheridan, Charles Francis (1750-1806)
Sheridan [née Linley], Elizabeth Ann (1754-1792)
Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)
Sheridan, Francis Cynric (1812 c.-1843)
Sheridan [m.n. Blackwood], Helen Selina, countess of Gifford (1807-1867)
Sheridan [née Ogle], Hester Jane (1775 c.-1827)
Sheridan [m.n. Seymour], Jane Georgiana, duchess of Somerset (1809-1884)
Sheridan [née Bolton], Letitia Christiana (1806 fl.)
Sheridan [m.n. Wyatt], Louisa Henrietta (d. 1841)
Sheridan [née Grant], Marcia Maria (d. 1884)
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751-1816)
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1809-1888)
Sheridan the elder, Thomas (1687-1738)
Sheridan the younger, Thomas (1719-1788)
Sheridan, Thomas (1775-1817)
Sherlock, Thomas, bishop of London (1677-1761)
Sherlock, William (1640-1707)
Sherwood [née Butt], Mary Martha (1775-1851)
Shewell [m.n. West], Elizabeth (1741-1814)
Shewell [m.n. Hunt], Mary (1752 c.-1805)
Shewell, Stephen (d. 1808)
Shield, William (1748 c.-1829)
Shillinglaw, John (d. 1862)
Shipley [m.n. Heber], Amelia (1789-1870)
Shipley [m.n. Jones], Lady Anna Maria (1748-1829)
Shipley, Jonathan, bishop of St Asaph (1713-1788)
Shipley, William Davies (1745-1826)
Shippen, William (1673-1743)
Shipton, Mother (1530 fl.)
Shirley, James (1596-1666)
Shirley, Laurence, fourth Earl Ferrers (1720-1760)
Shirley, Robert, seventh earl Ferrers (1756-1827)
Shirley, Robert Sewallis, viscount Tamworth (1778-1824)
Shirley [m.n. Hastings], Selina, countess of Huntingdon (1707-1791)
Shirley [née Curzon], Sophia, viscountess Tamworth (d. 1849)
Shirreff, Emily Anne Eliza (1814-1897)
Shirreff [m.n. Grey], Maria Georgina (1816-1906)
Shoberl, Frederic (1775-1853)
Shore, Charles John, second baron Teignmouth (1796-1885)
Shore [née Lambert], Jane (d. 1527)
Shore, John, first baron Teignmouth (1751-1834)
Shore, Samuel (1738-1828)
Short, Charles Wilkins (1794-1863)
Shorter, Clement King (1857-1926)
Shortreed, Andrew (1805-1858)
Shortreed, Pringle (1808-1878)
Shortreed, Robert (1762-1829)
Shortreed, Thomas (1796-1826)
Shortreed, William (1804-1846)
Shuter, Edward (1728 c.-1776)
Shuttleworth, Philip Nicholas, bishop of Chichester (1782-1842)
Shuvalov, Ivan Ivanovich (1727-1797)
Sibbald, James (1747-1803)
Sibbald, Sir Robert (1641-1722)
Sibthorp, Humphrey (1641-1722)
Sicard, Roch-Ambroise (1742-1822)
Siddons [née Murray], Harriet (1783-1844)
Siddons, Henry (1774-1815)
Siddons [née Kemble], Sarah (1755-1831)
Sidney, Algernon (1623-1683)
Sidney, Sir Henry (1529-1586)
Sidney [m.n. Herbert], Mary, countess of Pembroke (1561-1621)
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-1586)
Sidney, Philip Charles, first baron De L'Isle and Dudley (1800-1851)
Sidney, Robert, second earl of Leicester (1595-1677)
Sidney [née FitzClarence], Lady Sophia (1796-1837)
Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph (1748-1836)
Sigourney [née Huntley], Lydia (1791-1865)
Silius Italicus (28 c.-103 c.)
Silliman, Benjamin (1779-1864)
Silva, Feliciano de (1491-1554)
Silvestre de Sacy, Antoine Isaac, Baron (1758-1838)
Silvestrini, Fanny (1819 fl.)
Simeon, Charles (1759-1836)
Simeon, Sir John, first baronet (1756-1824)
Simmons [m.n. Bartram], Ann (1818 fl.)
Simmons, Samuel (1640-1687)
Simmons, Samuel Foart (1750-1813)
Simnel, Lambert (1476 c.-1534 fl.)
Simon, Sir John (1816-1904)
Simoncini, Domenico (1822 fl.)
Simond, Louis (1767-1831)
Simonides (556 BC-468 BC)
Simpson [née Lyon], Lady Anne (d. 1821)
Simpson, C. H. (1770 c.-1835)
Simpson, David (1745-1799)
Simpson, John (1710-1786)
Simpson [m.n. De Quincey], Margaret (1796-1837)
Simpson [m.n. Liddell], Lady Maria Susannah (1775-1855)
Sims, James (1741-1820)
Simson [m.n. Moore], Jean (1735-1820)
Sinclair of Longformacus, Sir Robert, first baronet (d. 1678)
Sinclair, Alexander Campbell, thirteenth earl of Caithness (1790-1855)
Sinclair, Catherine (1800-1864)
Sinclair, Sir Charles, thirteenth lord Sinclair (1768-1863)
Sinclair, Euphemia (1770 fl.)
Sinclair, Sir George, second baronet (1790-1868)
Sinclair, James, twelfth earl of Caithness (1766-1823)
Sinclair, Sir John, first baronet (1754-1835)
Sinclair, John (1791-1857)
Sinclair, John (1797-1875)
Sinclair [m.n. Campbell], Matilda (1780 c.-1828)
Singer [m.n. Rowe], Elizabeth (1674-1737)
Singer, Samuel Weller (1783-1858)
Singer, William (1765-1840)
Singleton, Henry (1766-1839)
Singleton, Thomas (1783-1842)
Sirr, Henry Charles (1764 c.-1841)
Sisinis, Chrysanthos (d. 1845)
Sisinis, Georgios (1769-1831)
Sismondi [née Allen], Jessica de (1777-1853)
Sismondi, Léonard Simond de (1773-1842)
Sisseni, Giorgios (d. 1824)
Sitwell [née Hardy], Anne Hurt- (d. 1842)
Sixtus V, Pope (1520-1590)
Skeat, Walter William (1835-1912)
Skeffington [m.n. Skeffington], Harriet, viscountess Massereene (d. 1831)
Skeffington, Sir Lumley St George, second baronet (1771-1850)
Skeffington, Thomas, viscount Ferrard (1772-1843)
Skeffington, Sir William Charles Farrell, first baronet (1742-1815)
Skelton, Philip (1707-1787)
Skene of Rubislaw, James (1775-1864)
Skene, James Henry (1812-1886)
Skene, Jane (1787-1862)
Skepper [m.n. Procter], Ann Benson (1799-1888)
Skerret, Marianne (1793 c.-1887)
Skeys [née Blood], Fanny (d. 1785)
Skeys, Hugh (d. 1810 c.)
Skilitzy, Prince Constantine (1823 fl.)
Skinner [née Routledge], Mary (d. 1855)
Skinner, Samuel (1774-1854)
Skipwith, Sir Grey, eighth baronet (1771-1852)
Skirving, Archibald (1749-1819)
Skirving, William (d. 1796)
Skrymsher [m.n. Meynell], Anne (1737 c.-1814)
Slater, Mr. (1776 fl.)
Slingsby, Sir Henry, first baronet (1602-1658)
Sloane, Sir Hans, baronet (1660-1753)
Sloper [m.n. Warren], Amelia (1775 c.-1843)
Sloper, William Charles (1735 c.-1824)
Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)
Smart, Sir George (1776-1867)
Smart, Theophilus (1779 fl.)
Smedley the elder, Edward (1750 c.-1825)
Smedley the younger, Edward (1788-1836)
Smedley [née French], Elizabeth Calvert (1779-1824 fl.)
Smedley, Henry (1785-1832)
Smellie, William (1740-1795)
Smerdon, Thomas (d. 1788)
Smiles, Samuel (1812-1904)
Smirke, Mary (1779-1853)
Smirke, Robert (1753-1845)
Smirke, Sir Robert (1780-1867)
Smirnove, James (1754-1840)
Smith of Deanston, James (1789-1850)
Smith, Abel (1788-1859)
Smith, Adam (1723-1790)
Smith, Albert Richard (1816-1860)
Smith [née Boldero-Barnard], Lady Anne (1757 c.-1827)
Smith [née Hearn], Lady Caroline (d. 1828)
Smith [née Vernon], Caroline Maria (d. 1833)
Smith [née Pybus], Catharine Amelia (1768-1852)
Smith [m.n. Stanhope], Catherine Lucy, countess Stanhope (d. 1843)
Smith, Cecil (1772-1813)
Smith, Charles Augustin (d. 1869)
Smith, Charles Hamilton (1776-1859)
Smith, Charles Roach (1806-1890)
Smith [née Turner], Charlotte (1749-1806)
Smith, Christopher (1749 c.-1835)
Smith, Colvin (1796-1875)
Smith [née Herbert], Constance Spencer (1785-1829)
Smith, Sir Courtenay (1773-1839)
Smith, Douglas (1804-1829)
Smith, Sir Drummond, first baronet (1740-1816)
Smith, Edmund (1672-1710)
Smith, Edward (1787-1834)
Smith, Egerton (1774-1841)
Smith [m.n. Aders], Elizabeth (1785-1857)
Smith [née Chandler], Elizabeth (1767 c.-1859)
Smith, Elizabeth (1776-1806)
Smith [m.n. Hibbert], Emily (1807-1874)
Smith [m.n. Somerset], Emily Frances, duchess of Beaufort (1800-1889)
Smith [m.n. Scott], Emma (d. 1834)
Smith, Erasmus (1611-1691)
Smith [m.n. Martin], Frances Julia (1776-1854)
Smith, Frederick William (1797-1835)
Smith, George (1789-1846)
Smith, George Barnett (1841-1909)
Smith, George Charles (1782-1863)
Smith, George Murray (1824-1901)
Smith, Goldwin (1823-1910)
Smith, Horace (1779-1849)
Smith, James (1775-1839)
Smith, Sir James Edward (1759-1828)
Smith, John (1837 fl.)
Smith, John (1749-1831)
Smith, John (1767-1842)
Smith, John (1783-1864)
Smith, John Spencer (1769-1845)
Smith, John Spencer (1767-1827)
Smith, Joseph (1805-1844)
Smith [m.n. Steele], Lady Margaret (d. 1800 c.)
Smith [née Olier], Maria (1750 c.-1801)
Smith, Maria (1774-1816)
Smith, Maria (1835 fl.)
Smith, Philip (1813-1893)
Smith [née Reeve], Lady Pleasance (1773-1877)
Smith, Robert, second baron Carrington (1796-1868)
Smith, Robert, first baron Carrington (1752-1838)
Smith, Robert (1739 c.-1827)
Smith, Robert Mackay (1802-1888)
Smith, Robert Percy (1770-1845)
Smith, Robert Vernon (1800-1873)
Smith [m.n. Holland], Lady Saba (1802-1866)
Smith, Samuel (1732 c.-1808)
Smith, Samuel (1765-1841)
Smith [m.n. Le Marchant], Lady Sarah Eliza (d. 1894)
Smith [m.n. Cadell], Sophia Elizabeth (d. 1848)
Smith [née Moilliet], Susanna (1807-1833 fl.)
Smith, Sydney (1771-1845)
Smith, Thomas (1767 c.-1822)
Smith, Thomas Assheton (1776-1858)
Smith, Thomas Southwood (1788-1861)
Smith, William (1756-1835)
Smith, Sir William (1813-1893)
Smith, Sir William Cusack, second baronet (1766-1836)
Smith, William Henry (1808-1872)
Smith, William Richard (1787-1839 fl.)
Smith, Sir William Sidney (1764-1840)
Smith, Windham (1813-1871)
Smitheman, John (1733 c.-1809)
Smitheman, John (d. 1794)
Smollett, John Rouett (1767 c.-1842)
Smollett, Tobias (1721-1771)
Smyly, John (1746-1806)
Smyth, Sir George Henry, sixth baronet (1784-1852)
Smyth [née Alexander], Henrietta Frances (d. 1885)
Smyth, William (1765-1849)
Smyth, William Henry (1788-1865)
Smythe Owen [née Maddocks], Charlotte Maria (1828 fl.)
Smythe Owen, Edward William (1793-1863)
Smythe, David, Lord Methven (1746-1806)
Smythe [m.n. Craven], Georgina (d. 1867)
Smythe [m.n. Fitzherbert], Maria Anne (1756-1837)
Smythe [m.n. Stafford-Jerningham], Marianne (d. 1859)
Smythe, Percy Clinton Sydney, sixth viscount Strangford (1780-1855)
Smythies, Palmer (1691-1776)
Snelgrove, Mr. (1820 fl.)
Snell, John (1629 c.-1679)
Snelling, Thomas (1712-1773)
Sneyd [m.n. Davenport], Charlotte (1756 c.-1829)
Sneyd, Charlotte (1754-1822)
Sneyd, Edward (1711 c.-1795)
Sneyd, Edward (1755-1832)
Sneyd [m.n. Edgeworth], Elizabeth (1753-1797)
Sneyd, Emma (1786 c.-1858)
Sneyd [m.n. Edgeworth], Honora (1751-1780)
Sneyd [née Greaves], Maria (1764-1848)
Sneyd, Mary (1750-1841)
Sneyd, Ralph (1793-1870)
Sneyd, William (d. 1793 c.)
Snow, Joseph (1860 fl.)
Snow [m.n. Baddeley], Sophia (1745 c.-1786)
Soane, George (1789-1860)
Soane, Sir John (1753-1837)
Sobieski, king of Poland, John III (1629-1696)
Socrates (469 BC-399 BC)
Solinus, Julius (d. 250 c.)
Solly, Henry (1813-1903)
Solly, Samuel Reynolds (1781-1866)
Solomon, King (d. 922 BC c.)
Solomon, Samuel (1769-1819)
Solon (640 BC c.-561 BC c.)
Somalian, Father Sukias (1817 fl.)
Somers, John, baron Somers (1651-1716)
Somerset, Lord Charles Henry (1767-1831)
Somerset [née Leveson-Gower], Charlotte Sophia, duchess of Beaufort (1771-1854)
Somerset, Edward, second marquess of Worcester (1601 c.-1667)
Somerset, Lord Edward Henry (1776-1842)
Somerset [m.n. Wyndham], Elizabeth (d. 1827)
Somerset, FitzRoy James Henry, first Baron Raglan (1788-1855)
Somerset, Lady Frances (1775 c.-1841)
Somerset, Henry, fifth duke of Beaufort (1744-1803)
Somerset, Henry, seventh duke of Beaufort (1792-1853)
Somerset, Henry Charles, sixth duke of Beaufort (1766-1835)
Somerset [m.n. Manners], Mary Isabella, duchess of Rutland (1756-1831)
Somervile, William (1675-1742)
Somerville, James, twelfth Lord Somerville (1632-1693)
Somerville, James, fourteenth Lord Somerville (d. 1796)
Somerville, John Southey, fifteenth Lord Somerville (1765-1819)
Somerville, Sir Marcus, fourth baronet (1772 c.-1831)
Somerville [m.n. Bunn], Margaret Agnes (1799-1883)
Somerville [née Fairfax], Mary (1780-1872)
Somerville, Samuel Charters (1776-1823)
Somerville, Thomas (1741-1830)
Somerville, William (1771-1860)
Sontag, Henriette (1806-1854)
Sophia, Princess (1777-1848)
Sophianopulo, Dr. (1824 fl.)
Sophocles (496 BC c.-406 BC c.)
Sorel, Agnès (1422 c.-1450)
Sorel, Albert (1842-1906)
Sorelli, Guido (1841 fl.)
Sotheby, John (1740-1807)
Sotheby [née Isted], Mary (1759-1834)
Sotheby, Thomas (1759-1831)
Sotheby, William (1757-1833)
Sothren [née Reymes], Hannah (d. 1796)
Soulavie, Jean-Louis (1752-1813)
Soulié, Frédéric (1800-1847)
Soult, Napoleon (1802-1857)
Soult, Nicholas (1769-1851)
Sousa de Macedo, António de (1606-1682)
South, Sir James (1785-1867)
South, Robert (1634-1716)
Southcott, Joanna (1750-1814)
Southern, Henry (1799-1853)
Southerne, Thomas (1660-1746)
Southey [m.n. Hill], Bertha (1809-1877)
Southey [née Bowles], Caroline Anne (1786-1854)
Southey, Charles Cuthbert (1819-1888)
Southey [née Fricker], Edith (1774-1837)
Southey [m.n. Warter], Edith May (1804-1871)
Southey, Edward (1788-1847)
Southey, Emma (1808-1809)
Southey, Henry Herbert (1783-1865)
Southey, Herbert Castle (1806-1816)
Southey, Isbael (1812-1826)
Southey, John (1738 c.-1806)
Southey, John Cannon (d. 1760)
Southey, Katherine (1810-1864)
Southey [née Gonne], Louisa (d. 1830)
Southey [née Hill], Margaret (1752-1802)
Southey, Margaret Edith (1802-1803)
Southey, Mary (1750 c.-1836 fl.)
Southey, Robert (1744-1792)
Southey, Robert (1774-1843)
Southey, Thomas (d. 1811)
Southey, Thomas (1777-1838)
Southwell, Edward, 21st Lord de Clifford (1767-1832)
Southwell [m.n. Trafford], Lady Jane (1734 c.-1809)
Southwell, Sigismond Trafford (1762-1827)
Southwell, Captain William (1787 fl.)
Soutzos, Michalvodas (1784-1864)
Souza-Botelho, Adélaïde-Marie-Emilie Filleul, marquise de (1761-1836)
Soyer, Alexis Benoît (1810-1858)
Spalding, John (1609 c.-1669 c.)
Spalding, John (1763-1815)
Spalding [m.n. Mallet], Lady Marianne Dora (d. 1891)
Spalding, William (1809-1859)
Spallanzani, Lazzaro (1729-1799)
Spankie, Robert (1774-1842)
Sparke, Bowyer Edward, bishop of Ely (1759 c.-1836)
Sparks, G. Hugh (1752-1816)
Sparks, Jared (1789-1866)
Sparks [née Mills], Sarah (1754-1837)
Sparrow, Lady Olivia Acheson (1775-1863)
Spartacus (109 BC c.-71 BC c.)
Spearman, Sir Alexander Young, first baronet (1793-1874)
Spedding, James (1808-1881)
Spedding, John (1770-1851)
Speer, Robert (1803 fl.)
Spelman, Edward (1793-1874)
Spence, Elizabeth Isabella (1768-1832)
Spence, George (1787-1850)
Spence, Joseph (1699-1768)
Spence, Thomas (1750-1814)
Spence, William (1782-1860)
Spence, William (1792-1849)
Spencer, Mrs. (1790 fl.)
Spencer Stanhope [m.n. Hudson], Marianne (1786-1862)
Spencer-Churchill, Susan, duchess of Marlborough (1767-1841)
Spencer [née Churchill], Anne, countess of Sunderland (1683-1716)
Spencer, Charles, third duke of Marlborough (1706-1758)
Spencer, Charlotte (d. 1780 c.)
Spencer [m.n. Beauclerk], Lady Diana (1734-1808)
Spencer [née Acklom], Lady Esther (1788-1818)
Spencer, Frederick, fourth earl Spencer (1798-1857)
Spencer, George (1799-1864)
Spencer, George John, second earl Spencer (1758-1834)
Spencer [m.n. Cavendish], Georgiana, duchess of Devonshire (1757-1806)
Spencer [m.n. Ponsonby], Henrietta Frances, countess of Bessborough (1761-1821)
Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903)
Spencer, John, first earl Spencer (1734-1783)
Spencer, John Charles, third earl Spencer (1782-1845)
Spencer [née Bingham], Lady Lavinia, countess Spencer (1762-1831)
Spencer [née Poyntz], Margaret Georgiana, countess Spencer (1737-1814)
Spencer, Richard (1817 fl.)
Spencer, Lord Robert (1747-1831)
Spencer [m.n. Lyttelton], Lady Sarah (1787-1870)
Spencer, William Robert (1770-1834)
Spenser, Edmund (1552 c.-1599)
Spiker, Samuel Heinrich (1786-1858)
Spiliotakis, Anagnostis (1825 fl.)
Spillane, Stephen (d. 1850 c.)
Spinoza, Baruch (1632-1677)
Spooner [m.n. Wilberforce], Barbara (1777-1847)
Sporle, Nathan James (1812-1853)
Spottiswoode, Helen (d. 1870)
Spottiswoode, John, archbishop of St Andrews (1565-1639)
Spottiswoode, John (1780 c.-1866)
Sprat, Thomas, bishop of Rochester (1635-1713)
Sprengel, Kurt Polycarp Joachim (1766-1833)
Spring Rice [m.n. Marshall], Mary Alicia Pery (d. 1875)
Spry, Henry Harpur (1804-1842)
Spry, John Hume (1777 c.-1854)
Spurzheim, Johann Gaspar (1776-1832)
St Jules [m.n. Lamb], Caroline Rosalie Adelaide (1786-1862)
St Lawrence [m.n. Boyle], Lady Catherine (d. 1879)
St Lawrence [m.n. Gainsford], Lady Emily (d. 1868)
St Lawrence [née de Burgh], Emily, countess of Howth (1807-1842)
St Lawrence, Thomas, third earl of Howth (1803-1874)
St. Aubyn, Sir John, fifth baronet (1758-1839)
St. Aubyn, William John (1794-1877)
St. Clair [née Rumbold], Caroline (1786-1848)
St. John Mildmay [née Baring], Lady Anne Eugenia (1805 c.-1839)
St. John Mildmay, Sir Henry St. John Carew, fourth baronet (1787-1848)
St. John Mildmay, Humphrey (1795-1853)
St. John Mildmay, Humphrey Francis (1825-1866)
St. John Mildmay, Letitia (1803-1844)
St. John Mildmay [née Harcourt Vernon], Marianne Frances (1823 c.-1873)
St. John de Crèvecoeur, J. Hector (1735-1813)
St. John-Mildmay [m.n. Bouverie], Anne Judith, countess of Radnor (1779-1869)
St. John-Mildmay [m.n. Methuen], Lady Jane Dorothea (1788-1846)
St. John, George Richard, third viscount Bolingbroke (1761-1824)
St. John, Henry, first viscount Bolingbroke (1678-1751)
St. John, James Augustus (1795-1875)
St. John [née Mildmay], Lady Jane (1765 c.-1857)
St. Leger [née Blakeney], Anne (1762-1809)
St. Leger, Anthony Butler (1758 c.-1821)
St. Leger, Francis Barry Boyle (1799-1829)
St. Marsault [née Power], Mary Anne (1801 c.-1832 fl.)
Staal, Marguerite-Jeanne, baronne de (1684-1750)
Stackhouse, Thomas (1681 c.-1752)
Stackpoole, Hassard (d. 1814)
Stafford, Lady Henrietta Maria (d. 1755)
Staikopoulos, Staikos (1799-1835)
Stamford [m.n. Caldwell], Elizabeth (1755 c.-1831)
Standish, Charles Strickland (1790-1863)
Stanfield, Clarkson (1793-1867)
Stanfield, Philip (d. 1688)
Stanger, James (1796 c.-1866)
Stanhope [m.n. Russell], Anna Maria, duchess of Bedford (1783-1857)
Stanhope [née Forester], Anne Elizabeth Weld, countess of Chesterfield (1802-1885)
Stanhope, Augustus (1794-1831)
Stanhope [née Fitzroy], Caroline, countess of Harrington (1722-1784)
Stanhope [m.n. Vane], Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina, duchess of Cleveland (1819-1901)
Stanhope, Charles, third earl of Harrington (1753-1829)
Stanhope, Charles, third earl Stanhope (1753-1816)
Stanhope, Charles, fourth earl of Harrington (1780-1851)
Stanhope [m.n. Fitzgerald], Charlotte Augusta, duchess of Leinster (d. 1859)
Stanhope [née Butler], Elizabeth, countess of Chesterfield (1640-1665)
Stanhope [née Williams], Elizabeth, countess of Harrington (1810 c.-1898)
Stanhope [née Coke], Lady Elizabeth Wilhelmina (1795-1873)
Stanhope [née Kerrison], Emily Harriet, countess of Stanhope (d. 1873)
Stanhope [née Murray], Lady Frederica Louisa (d. 1823)
Stanhope, George, sixth earl Chesterfield (1805-1866)
Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy (1776-1839)
Stanhope [m.n. Molyneux], Isabella, countess of Sefton (1748-1819)
Stanhope, James Hamilton (1788-1825)
Stanhope [née Fleming], Jane, countess of Harrington (1755-1824)
Stanhope, John Spencer (1787-1873)
Stanhope, Leicester Fitzgerald Charles, fifth earl of Harrington (1784-1862)
Stanhope, Hon. Lincoln Edwin Robert Stanhope (1781-1840)
Stanhope [née Foote], Maria, countess of Harrington (1797-1867)
Stanhope [m.n. Coke], Mary (1664-1704)
Stanhope, Philip, second earl of Chesterfield (1633-1714)
Stanhope, Philip, fifth earl of Chesterfield (1755-1815)
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, fourth earl of Chesterfield (1694-1773)
Stanhope, Philip Henry, fourth earl Stanhope (1781-1855)
Stanhope, Philip Henry, fifth earl Stanhope (1805-1875)
Stanhope, William, second earl of Harrington (1719-1779)
Stanihurst, Richard (1547-1618)
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn (1815-1881)
Stanley [née Leycester], Catherine (1792-1862)
Stanley [née Hornby], Charlotte Margaret, countess of Derby (d. 1817)
Stanley, Edward, first Baron Monteagle (1460 c.-1523)
Stanley, Edward, bishop of Norwich (1779-1849)
Stanley, Edward George Geoffrey Smith, fourteenth earl of Derby (1799-1869)
Stanley, Edward John, second baron Stanley (1802-1869)
Stanley, Edward Smith, twelfth earl of Derby (1752-1834)
Stanley, Edward Smith, thirteenth earl of Derby (1775-1851)
Stanley [m.n. Carpenter], Emma (d. 1842)
Stanley [née Bootle-Wilbraham], Emma Caroline, countess of Derby (1805-1876)
Stanley [née Dillon-Lee], Lady Henrietta Maria (1807-1895)
Stanley, Henry Edward John, third Baron Stanley (1827-1903)
Stanley, James, seventh earl of Derby (1607-1651)
Stanley, John (1825 fl.)
Stanley, Sir John Thomas, sixth baronet (1735-1807)
Stanley, John Thomas, first baron Stanley (1766-1850)
Stanley [m.n. Morritt], Katherine (d. 1815)
Stanley [m.n. Hornby], Lucy (1751 c.-1833)
Stanley [née Owen], Margaret (d. 1816)
Stanley [née Holroyd], Lady Maria Josepha (1771 c.-1863)
Stanley [m.n. Egerton], Mary Margaret, countess of Wilton (1801-1858)
Stansbury [m.n. Kirkland], Caroline Matilda (1801-1864)
Staples [m.n. Smyth], Anna Maria (1824 fl.)
Staples [m.n. Ruxton Fitzherbert], Elizabeth Selina (d. 1863)
Staples [m.n. Pakenham], Lady Louisa Anne (1765 c.-1833)
Staples, Sir Robert, seventh baronet (1740-1816)
Stapleton-Cotton [m.n. Hill], Caroline Frances, marchioness of Downshire (1822 c.-1893)
Stapleton, Augustus Granville (1800 c.-1880)
Stapleton [m.n. Pakenham], Lady Emily (1796 c.-1875)
Stapleton, Sir Miles Thomas, eighth Lord Beaumont (1805-1854)
Stapylton, Sir Robert (1609 c.-1669)
Stark, John (d. 1848 c.)
Stark [née Bannatyne], Mary (1782-1869)
Stark, William (1770-1813)
Starke, Mariana (1762-1838)
Statius, Publius Papinius (45-96 c.)
Staunton, Sir George Thomas, second baronet (1781-1859)
Staunton, Michael (1788-1870)
Staveley, Thomas (1626-1684)
Staël-Holstein, Auguste Louis, baron de (1790-1827)
Staël, Germaine de (1766-1817)
Stearns, Charles Woodward (1818-1887)
Stebbing, Henry (1799-1883)
Steele [m.n. Fetherstonhaugh], Margaret (1820 fl.)
Steele, Sir Richard (1672-1729)
Steele, Sir Richard, first baronet (1701-1785)
Steele, Thomas (1814 fl.)
Steele, Thomas (1788-1848)
Steen, Jan (1625 c.-1679)
Steer, John (d. 1837)
Steere [m.n. Scarlett], Lady Elizabeth (1802 c.-1886)
Steevens, George (1736-1800)
Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom (1757-1831)
Steinsberg, Franz Guolfinger, Ritter von (1757-1833)
Stella, Jacques (1596-1657)
Stendhal (1783-1842)
Stephen, King of England (1092 c.-1154)
Stephen, Sir George (1794-1879)
Stephen, Henry John (1787-1864)
Stephen, James (1758-1832)
Stephen, Sir James (1789-1859)
Stephen, Sir Leslie (1832-1904)
Stephens, Alexander (1757-1821)
Stephens [m.n. Capel-Coningsby], Catherine, countess of Essex (1794-1882)
Stephens [m.n. Crowe], Catherine Ann (1790-1872)
Stephens [m.n. Gough], Lady Frances (d. 1863)
Stephens, John Lloyd (1805-1852)
Stephens, Joseph Rayner (1805-1879)
Stephens, Lancelot Pepys (1766-1834)
Stephenson [m.n. Macleod], Anne (d. 1861)
Stephenson, Benjamin Charles (1766 c.-1839)
Stephenson, George (1781-1848)
Stephenson, Henry Frederick (1790-1858)
Stephenson [née Keppel], Lady Mary (1804-1884)
Stephenson, Robert (1803-1859)
Stepney [née Pollok], Lady Catherine (1778-1845)
Stepney, Sir Thomas, ninth baronet (1760 c.-1825)
Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver (1750-1817)
Sterling, Charles (1834 fl.)
Sterling, Edward (1773-1847)
Sterling, John (1806-1844)
Sterne, Laurence (1713-1768)
Sternhold, Thomas (d. 1549)
Steuart-Seton, Sir Reginald Macdonald, second baronet (1778-1838)
Steuart, Sir Henry, first baronet (1759-1836)
Steuart [m.n. Blackwood], Janet (1779-1849)
Steven, William (1796-1857)
Stevenson, Andrew (1784-1857)
Stevenson [m.n. Roscoe], Elizabeth (1719-1771)
Stevenson [m.n. Gaskell], Elizabeth Cleghorn (1810-1865)
Stevenson [m.n. Weippert], Isabella (1843 fl.)
Stevenson, John (d. 1831)
Stevenson, Sir John Andrew (1761-1833)
Stevenson, John Hall- (1718-1785)
Stevenson, John Horne (1855-1939)
Stevenson [m.n. Taylour], Olivia, marchioness of Headfort (d. 1834)
Stevenson, Robert (1772-1850)
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894)
Stewardson, Thomas (1781-1859)
Stewart, Captain (1820 fl.)
Stewart of Garth, David (1772-1829)
Stewart of Invernahyle, Alexander (1707 c.-1795)
Stewart-Mackenzie, James Alexander (1784-1843)
Stewart [née Hobart], Lady Amelia Anne, viscountess Castlereagh (1772-1829)
Stewart, Andrew (1786 c.-1809 fl.)
Stewart [m.n. Napier], Anna Louisa (d. 1867)
Stewart, Charles, seventh earl of Traquair (1744 c.-1827)
Stewart, Cosmas Henry (1751-1815)
Stewart, Dugald (1753-1828)
Stewart [m.n. Hardinge], Hon. Emily Caroline (d. 1876)
Stewart [m.n. Hardinge], Lady Emily Jane (1789-1865)
Stewart [née Pratt], Lady Frances, marchioness of Londonderry (1751 c.-1833)
Stewart [née Browne], Frances (1794-1872)
Stewart, Frederick William Robert, fourth marquess of Londonderry (1805-1872)
Stewart [née Cranstoun], Helen D'Arcy (1765-1838)
Stewart, Henry, duke of Albany (1546-1567)
Stewart, James, first earl of Moray (1531 c.-1570)
Stewart, James (d. 1858)
Stewart, James Haldane (1778-1854)
Stewart [m.n. Spencer-Churchill], Jane, duchess of Marlborough (1798-1844)
Stewart, John (1816 fl.)
Stewart, John (1747-1822)
Stewart, Lilias (d. 1840)
Stewart [m.n. Ferguson], Lady Margaret (d. 1857)
Stewart [m.n. Herschel], Lady Margaret Brodie (1810-1884)
Stewart, Maria D'Arcy (1793 c.-1846)
Stewart [m.n. Blaze de Bury], Marie Pauline Rose, baroness (1813-1894)
Stewart, Matthew (1784 c.-1851)
Stewart, Patrick, second earl of Orkney (1566 c.-1615)
Stewart [m.n. Jobson], Rachel (1775-1863)
Stewart, Robert, first marquess of Londonderry (1739-1821)
Stewart, Robert, viscount Castlereagh (1769-1822)
Stewart, Thomas Alexander (1786-1847)
Stilicho, Flavius (359 c.-408)
Still, John, bishop of Bath and Wells (1544-1608)
Stillingfleet, Benjamin (1702-1771)
Stillingfleet, Edward, bishop of Worcester (1635-1699)
Stirling of Keir and Cawdor, William (1725-1793)
Stirling [m.n. Bannatyne], Agnes (1763 c.-1848)
Stirling, Alexander Graham (1769-1849)
Stirling, Andrew (1847 fl.)
Stirling [née Hunter], Susan (1799-1877)
Stirling, Sir Walter, first baronet (1758-1832)
Stisted, Henry (1787 c.-1859)
Stitzelberger, Captain (d. 1826)
Stock, John Edmunds (1774-1835)
Stockdale, John (1749 c.-1814)
Stockdale, John Joseph (1777-1847)
Stoddart, Charles (1806-1842 c.)
Stoddart [née Wellwood], Lady Isabella (d. 1846)
Stoddart [m.n. Whitmore], Isabella Maxwell (d. 1885)
Stoddart, John (1742-1803)
Stoddart, Sir John (1773-1856)
Stoddart [m.n. Hazlitt], Sarah (1774-1840)
Stoddart [née Brown], Sarah (d. 1811)
Stofflet, Jean-Nicolas (1751-1796)
Stokes, Charles (1784-1853)
Stolberg, Friedrich Leopold, Graf zu (1750-1819)
Stonaris, Nicholas (1824 fl.)
Stone, Frank (1800-1859)
Stone, John Hurford (1763-1818)
Stone, William (1796 fl.)
Stoney Bowes, Andrew Robinson (1747-1810)
Stopford, Sir Edward (1766-1837)
Stopford, James Thomas, fourth earl of Courtown (1766-1837)
Storace, Ann Selina (1765-1817)
Storks, Henry (1779-1866)
Storrow [née Paris], Sarah (1866 fl.)
Story, Joseph (1779-1845)
Stothard, Alfred Joseph (1793-1864)
Stothard, Charles Alfred (1786-1821)
Stothard, Thomas (1755-1834)
Stott [m.n. Clarke], Ann Isabella (d. 1853)
Stott, Thomas (1755-1829)
Stournaris, Nikolaos (d. 1826)
Stovin, Sir Frederick (1783-1865)
Stow, John (1525 c.-1605)
Stowe [née Beecher], Harriet (1811-1896)
Strabo (64 BC-24 AD fl.)
Strachan, John, bishop of Toronto (1778-1867)
Strachan, Sir Richard John, fourth baronet (1760-1828)
Strachey, Edward (1774-1832)
Strachey, George (1776-1849)
Strachey, John (1738-1818)
Strada, Famiano (1572-1649)
Strahan, Andrew (1750-1831)
Strahan, George (1744-1824)
Strahan, William (1715-1785)
Strang, John (1795-1863)
Strangways, Giles Stephen Holland Fox-, sixth earl of Ilchester (1874-1959)
Strané, Nicholas (1813 fl.)
Stratford [née Hamilton], Elizabeth, countess of Aldborough (d. 1845)
Stratford, William Samuel (1790-1853)
Strauss, David (1808-1874)
Stravolemo, Dr. (1823 fl.)
Street [m.n. Barry], Ann (1733-1801)
Street [m.n. Griffiths], Cecilia (1873 fl.)
Street, Peter (1822 fl.)
Strickland, Agnes (1796-1874)
Strickland, Anne (d. 1829)
Strickland, Sir George, seventh baronet (1782-1874)
Strickland, Gerard Edward (1782-1844)
Stringer, Daniel (1754-1808)
Stroeling, Peter Eduard (1768-1826 c.)
Struensee, Johann Friedrich (1737-1772)
Struthers, John (1776-1853)
Strutt, Edward, first Baron Belper (1801-1880)
Strutt [m.n. Evans], Elizabeth (1758-1836)
Strutt, George Benson (1761 c.-1841)
Strutt, Jedediah (1726-1797)
Strutt, Jedediah (1785-1854)
Strutt, Joseph (1749-1802)
Strutt, Joseph (1775-1833)
Strutt, Joseph (1765-1844)
Strutt, William (1756-1830)
Stuart of Allanbank, Sir James, fifth baronet (1779-1849)
Stuart of Castlemilk, Lady Anne (1818 fl.)
Stuart of Dunearn, James (1775-1849)
Stuart [m.n. Jerdan], Agnes (d. 1820)
Stuart [m.n. Mackintosh], Catherine (1764 c.-1797)
Stuart, Charles, baron Stuart de Rothesay (1779-1845)
Stuart [m.n. Homan], Lady Charlotte (1775 c.-1847)
Stuart [née Bonaparte], Lady Christina Alexandrina Egypta (1798-1847)
Stuart, Daniel (1766-1846)
Stuart, Lord Dudley Coutts (1803-1854)
Stuart [née Yorke], Lady Elizabeth Margaret (1789-1867)
Stuart [née Coutts], Frances, marchioness of Bute (d. 1832)
Stuart, Francis, tenth earl of Moray (1771-1848)
Stuart, Gilbert (1743-1786)
Stuart, Cardinal Henry Benedict (1725-1807)
Stuart, James (1764-1842)
Stuart [m.n. O'Beirne], Jane (1755-1837)
Stuart, Jane (1654 c.-1742)
Stuart [née Leslie], Lady Jane (1776-1829)
Stuart, John, third earl of Bute (1713-1792)
Stuart, John, first marquess of Bute (1744-1814)
Stuart, Sir John (1793-1876)
Stuart, John, twelfth earl of Moray (1797-1867)
Stuart, John Crichton-, second marquess of Bute (1793-1848)
Stuart [née Emmanuel], Louisa, countess of Albany (1752-1824)
Stuart, Lady Louisa (1757-1851)
Stuart [m.n. Tuckey], Margaret (1817 fl.)
Stuart [née Montagu], Mary Wortley, countess of Bute (1718-1794)
Stuart, Moses (1780-1852)
Stuart, Lord Patrick James Herbert Crichton- (1794-1859)
Stuart, Peter (1760 c.-1812 fl.)
Stuart, Robert Walter, eleventh lord Blantyre (1777-1830)
Stuart, Sophia Margaret Juliana (1764-1847)
Stuart, William, archbishop of Armagh (1755-1822)
Stuart, Sir William (1798-1874)
Stubbs, George (1724-1806)
Stucley, Thomas (1520 c.-1578)
Sturch [m.n. Reid], Elizabeth Jesser (1789-1866)
Sturges, John (1736-1807)
Sturt, Charles (1795-1869)
Style, Sir Thomas Charles, eighth baronet (1797-1879)
Stürmer, Bartholomäus, freiherr von (1787-1863)
Suard [née Panckoucke], Amélie (1743-1830)
Suard, Jean Baptiste Antoine (1732-1817)
Suchet, Louis Gabriel, first Duc d'Albufera (1770-1826)
Suckling, Sir John (1609-1641 c.)
Sudre, Jean-François (1787-1862)
Sue, Eugène (1804-1857)
Suetonius (70 c.-130 fl.)
Suett, Richard (1755-1805)
Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw, baron St Leonards (1781-1875)
Suleiman Pasha (1787-1860)
Sulla (138 BC c.-78 BC)
Sullivan, Francis Stoughton (1715 c.-1766)
Sullivan [m.n. Newton], Sarah Williams (1810-1892)
Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, duc de (1560-1641)
Sumner, Charles (1811-1874)
Sumner, Charles Richard, bishop of Winchester (1790-1874)
Sumner, Humphrey (1743-1814)
Sumner, John Bird, archbishop of Canterbury (1780-1862)
Sumner, Robert Carey (1729-1771)
Sumner, William Brightwell (d. 1796)
Supple, Mark (d. 1807)
Surius, Laurentius (1522-1578)
Surr, Thomas Skinner (1770-1847)
Surtees [m.n. Phillpotts], Deborah Maria (d. 1863)
Surtees [m.n. Scott], Elizabeth (1754-1831)
Surtees, Robert (1779-1834)
Surtees, Sir Stephenson Villiers (1803-1868)
Sutherland [m.n. Gower], Elizabeth Leveson-, duchess of Sutherland (1765-1839)
Sutliffe, Robert (1768 c.-1840)
Sutton [née Copley], Lady Anne Manners- (d. 1814)
Sutton, Sir Charles (1775-1828)
Sutton, Charles Manners-, archbishop of Canterbury (1755-1828)
Sutton, Charles Manners-, first viscount Canterbury (1780-1845)
Sutton [née Butler], Lady Jane Manners- (1779-1846)
Sutton, Thomas Manners-, first Baron Manners (1756-1842)
Suvorov, Alexander Vasilyevich (1729-1800)
Swaby, John (1834 fl.)
Swain, Charles (1801-1874)
Swanston, John (1784-1860)
Swanton [m.n. Belloc], Louise (1796-1881)
Swanwick, Joseph (1777-1841)
Swartz, Olof (1760-1818)
Swedenborg, Emanuel (1688-1772)
Sweetman, Samuel (1870 fl.)
Swetchine, Sophie (1782-1857)
Swieten, Gerard, freiherr van (1700-1772)
Swift, Edmund Lewis (1777-1875)
Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)
Swift, Theophilus (1746-1815)
Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909)
Swinburne, Sir John Edward, sixth baronet (1762-1860)
Swinton [m.n. Trotter], Felicity (1817 fl.)
Swinton, George (d. 1854)
Swinton [m.n. Rutherford], Jean (1739 fl.)
Swinton [m.n. Keith], Joanna (d. 1792)
Swinton, Sir John (1350 c.-1402)
Swinton, Sir John (d. 1723)
Swinton, John (1777-1867)
Swinton, Margaret (d. 1780)
Sydenham, Floyer (1710-1787)
Sydenham, Thomas (1624-1689)
Sydenham, Thomas (1780-1816)
Sykes, Arthur Ashley (1684 c.-1756)
Sykes, John (d. 1824)
Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman, third baronet (1771-1823)
Sykes, William Henry (1790-1872)
Sylvester, Charles (1774-1828)
Sylvester, John (1798-1852)
Sym [m.n. Wilson], Margaret (1753-1824)
Sym, Robert (1752-1845)
Syme of Cartmore, David (d. 1880)
Syme [m.n. Brougham], Eleanor (1750-1839)
Syme, John (1755-1831)
Symmons, Charles (1749-1826)
Symmons, John (1780 c.-1842)
Symonds, Henry Delahoy (d. 1816)
Symonds, John (1728-1807)
Széchenyi, Count István (1791-1860)
Sèze, Comte Raymond de (1750-1828)
Sébastiani, comte de la Porta, Horace François Bastien (1771-1851)
Ségur, Alexandre-Joseph-Pierre, vicomte de (1756-1805)
Ségur [née d'Aguesseau], Antoinette Elisabeth Marie de (1756-1828)
Ségur, Louis Philippe, comte de (1753-1830)
Ségur, Octave Henri Gabriel, comte de (1779-1818)
Ségur, Philippe-Paul, comte de (1780-1873)
Sérurier, Jean-Mathieu-Philibert (1742-1819)
Sévigné, Marie de (1626-1696)