No. VIII. | NOVEMBER, 1817. | Vol. II. |
We received, some weeks ago, a letter signed P. professing to be “a Vindication of Mr Leigh Hunt from the Aspersions of Z.,” which, though its author seems erroneously to have supposed that the remarks of Z. were meant to apply to the character of Mr Hunt as unconnected with that of his writings, should have been inserted, but for one circumstance which did not at first strike our attention. Mr P. appears to allude, in a pointed manner, to a certain Gentleman, politically hostile to the principles of the Examiner Newspaper, whom he most groundlessly imagines to be the writer of Z. Should he choose to expunge that part of his letter, we will give it a place in our Number for December.
When we announced, in last Number, a Series of Essays on the Pulpit Eloquence of Scotland, we mentioned that No I. should consist of “a Parallel betwixt Mr Alison and Dr Chalmers;” but before that paper was sent to press, another article came to hand, which, upon consideration, we have judged better fitted to open the Series. The author of “the Parallel,” when he reads what we have substituted, will, we hope, agree with us in thinking so, and excuse us for delaying to a future Number the insertion of his very interesting article.
We regret to say, that the Essay on the Genius of Allan, which, at the author’s request, was announced in the Papers, did not, by some unfortunate accident, arrive till our last sheet had been nearly thrown off. It shall appear in our next Number.
Among several other communications from our most honoured correspondents, there will appear in our next Number, “Observations on the British Lead Mines, and the Processes of melting the Ore; by Thomas Thomson, M.D. Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow, &c. &c.”—and “Experiments illustrating the Effects produced on Animals, by a powerful Vegetable Poison from the Island of Java; by John Gordon, M.D.” We have received the first of a Series of Sermons on the essential Principles of Christianity. These compositions, although of a nature somewhat unusual in a Literary Miscellany, will, we think, be highly acceptable to all our readers; and we need scarcely add, that their appearance in our pages need not form any bar to the author’s intended publication of them in a separate form, and with his name.
We shall be happy to hear again from our Lanarkshire correspondent H., whose communication, although dated in September, did not reach us till last week.
We return A. Z. our thanks for his letter, and shall be happy to be favoured with the reference he mentions; or, if he pleases, with a specimen of what he proposes.
The interesting paper on the Lochgelly Gypsies in our next. Also, Mr G.’s letter respecting the Gypsey Chief, William Marshall. Horæ Juridicæ, No II. on the Deaf Mute, has been received; also the excellent Vindication of Burke. D. L.’s ingenious paper on Drummond of Hawthornden is in types. The continuation of “Strictures on an Article in the Edinburgh Review, relating to West India Affairs,” is unavoidably postponed till next Number.
We have received some account of the late Christopher Watson of Hartford College, Oxford, with Specimens of his unpublished Poems, particularly his Tragedy of Charles I. and his Satires.
We have been favoured with a very great variety of poetical contributions from different parts of the kingdom. We return our thanks to their authors, particularly H.—R. K. G.—R. V.—A. A. W.—B—S—s, and shall, from time to time, avail ourselves of their communications. The verses from Paisley, communicated by W. F. in our next.
We intend very soon, ourselves, to review M. de Peu-de-mot’s admirable little volume, entitled, “Fragments and Fictions.” The obliging offer of T. T. L. must therefore be declined.
“Analytical Essays on the Early English Dramatists, by H. M. No III.” has just been received. Also, the “Letters from Dalkeith.”
We have been promised a set of Essays on the Eloquence of the Scots Bar, No I. Clerk, No II. Cranstoun. Also, Three Letters upon Huggery. Also, a Series of papers on Pedants: No I. The Clerical Pedant—No II. The Legal Pedant—No III. The Military Pedant—No IV. The Quadrille Pedant—No V. The Vertu Pedant—No VI. The Medical Pedant—No VII. The Political Pedant—No VIII. The Metaphysical Pedant — No IX. The Musical Pedant—No X. (and last) the Connection of Pedants.
Very soon, “On the Fools of Scotland. No I. Kyle.”
The Editor has learned with regret, that an Article in the First Edition of last Number, which was intended merely as a jeu d’esprit, has been construed so as to give offence to Individuals justly entitled to respect and regard; he has on that account withdrawn it in the Second Edition, and can only add, that if what has happened could have been anticipated, the Article in question certainly never would have appeared.
⁂ With the December Number will be given eight pages, to supply the deficiency occasioned by the omission of the Article, “Translation from an Ancient Chaldee Manuscript.”