The Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart
Chapter 13: 1826
Hugh Littlejohn Lockhart to Violet Lockhart, [1826]
“My dear Aunt Vi,—You
left me in your letter five shillings, and I am very much obliged to you
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for them. I have still fourpence left. Walter is growing a fine boy, and baby is a
little beauty. I have got a great many new books since you were here last time.
I hope Grandpapa and Grandmama are quite well, and my Aunt Louisa,
also my uncles and cousins. Give my love to them. I am to go to Scotland next
year, and I shall have the pleasure of seeing you.—Your affectionate
Elizabeth Lockhart [née Gibson] (d. 1834)
The daughter of Rev. John Gibson, minister of St. Cuthbert’s in Edinburgh; in 1793 she
became of the second wife of John Lockhart (1761-1842).
John Lockhart (1761-1842)
The son of William Lockhart of Birkhill; he was minister of Cambusnethan (1786) and the
College Church, Glasgow (1796). He was the father of John Gibson Lockhart.
John Hugh Lockhart (1821-1831)
The first child of John Gibson Lockhart and his wife Sophia, for whom Sir Walter Scott
Tales of a Grandfather (1828-1831).
Violet Lockhart (1801-1849)
The second daughter of the Rev. John Lockhart and younger sister of John Gibson Lockhart;
she died unmarried.
Walter Scott Lockhart (1826-1853)
The younger son of John Gibson Lockhart and his wife Sophia; a military officer, he
inherited Abbotsford in 1847.
The Representative. (1826). A failed daily paper backed by John Murray issued from 25 January to 29 July 1826.