“My dear Milman,—I fully expected to have had slips of your Ægyptiaca by this time—but am disappointed one post more. The Indian poetry will, I am sure (and I hope soon), form the subject of a not less delightful paper.
“I have just read to Murray what you say about Christianity and Dr. Lardner. He is confined with something in
his foot—he denies gout—and is in great pain; but asked me to say
that he is most ready to engage for Christianity, no matter how many
volumes—that he will moreover pledge himself to accept as many books as
you like to write for the ‘Family
Library,’ as long as that work goes on, and to pay for them at the
highest rate which any such work can offer—in short, that he hopes you
will not lend your aid to Dr. Lardner, as Scott and Southey have both done through sheer misapprehension, and