The Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart
Chapter 18: 1837-43
John Gibson Lockhart to Henry Hart Milman, 5 July 1842
“Sussex Place, July 5, 1842.
“My dear Milman,—I am
very sure I need not say how often, and how much, I have been thinking of
Mrs. Milman and you of
late—how well I re-![]()
member your kindness to me in my
great affliction of 1837—how willingly I would have tried to see you now
had I been able, or sure that a visit would be otherwise than disturbing. I now
hear you are out of town, but I hope you can give me a line (when acknowledging
the enclosed) to say how you both are.—Ever yours affectionately,
John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854)
Editor of the
Quarterly Review (1825-1853); son-in-law of Walter
Scott and author of the
Life of Scott 5 vols (1838).
Henry Hart Milman (1791-1868)
Educated at Eton and Brasenose College, Oxford, he was a poet, historian and dean of St
Paul's (1849) who wrote for the
Quarterly Review.