“Dear Charlotte,—I
know that Walter wrote to you since I
saw him first, but I think you will like to have my report also. I certainly
have been much and agreeably disappointed. He walks ill, but ascribes this to
the remains of the weakness caused by the illness at Spa, and it has so rapidly
diminished during the last ten or fourteen days,
“William and I dined at Versailles with him yesterday, and we have met either there or here every day; to-morrow he takes for packing, and on Thursday will dine with us here, and start for Chalons afterwards. His plan of travel is written out by Hay, and seems to involve little fatigue—all railway or boating or sailing, except, I think, some nine hours of diligence. I hope, therefore, that the journey may be accomplished without damage, and if so, it must have advantages—two great ones anyhow—removal to a better climate, and emancipation from alarms of a certain sort, from which I find he never was free in Belgium more than in France. Hay’s address is 33 Via Gregoriana, Rome, and, I daresay, he will have provided a lodging not far from that for your brother.—Yours affectionately,