The Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart
Chapter 22: 1850-53
John Gibson Lockhart to Charlotte Lockhart Hope, 4 October 1850
“Sussex Place, October 4, 1850, Friday.
“Dear Cha,—I return
the note about dogs,1 for which I hope success. I know
nothing of the channel through which information had reached Mr. B.
Smith. No word from Germany, and of course no news is ill
news—very bad indeed they seem to me. I have exhausted my reasonings and
appeals of every sort—and despair. While this
1 Probably Dandie Dinmonts for the Queen. |
state of miserable uncertainty
continues I can have no heart for moving. The only resource I find is to try to
be busy about something else.
“The Christies
are here again, and I dined there yesterday—only themselves. Murchison called—he had been at I know
not how many great lords’ houses, and on mountain-tops without end, in
Scotland and the North of England, and was going to join the
——s in Hants—I suppose at Lady Featherstonehaugh’s—the usual
winter quarter. He gave a funny account of Lord J.
Russell at the Black Mount. There was such a day for the harts
as does not come once in thirty years—a still day after a storm, when
they separate into twos or threes, and don’t herd as usual.
Johnny was alone to use the rifle—he had been
dressed, by Mrs. William Russell’s directions, in
perfect style, and was mounted and attended suitably. The ranger took him,
without almost any fatigue, within twenty-five yards of fourteen fine harts in
succession, and the result was no harm to one. The old ranger told
Sir Roderick, ‘What could make the Queen choose sae wauf a bit body? If ye
could tie up a stag by the head and let him come and fire away for a
forenoon, maybe he might hit at last.’ Next day
——1 himself killed
a fine animal, and reports great sulks in the Premier, who would not try again.
But he seems to have done better afterwards at some other place.
—— has, however,
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a grievance. It seems he wrote to propose himself for
Drumlanrig, and got no answer. I could only suggest accident, &c., &c.,
but suppose he had no such acquaintance as to warrant an offer, and that the
good Duke was nettled for once. —— in dudgeon
deep meanwhile. Oh, to think of a bearded man exposing himself to such
chances!—Ever yours,
“P.S.—Brougham brings this good anecdote. Normanby, who worshipped Lamartine in his power, has cut him
latterly; but called a week ago, and found Monsieur
Lamartine seated at his writing-table, with a grand portrait
of himself over the fire en face.
Lord Normanby said something about the glorious
physiognomy. Lamartine paused and took snuff, and then
said, ‘Oui, cest Byron, plus l’homme
Henry Peter Brougham, first baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868)
Educated at Edinburgh University, he was a founder of the
Review in which he chastised Byron's
Hours of Idleness; he
defended Queen Caroline in her trial for adultery (1820), established the London University
(1828), and was appointed lord chancellor (1830).
Jonathan Henry Christie (1793-1876)
Educated at Marischal College, Baliol College, Oxford, and Lincoln's Inn; after slaying
John Scott in the famous duel at Chalk Farm he was acquitted of murder and afterwards
practiced law as a conveyancer in London. He was the lifelong friend of John Gibson
Lockhart and an acquaintance of John Keats.
Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869)
French poet, politician, and historian; he published
méditations poétiques (1820) and
Histoire des Girondins
John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854)
Editor of the
Quarterly Review (1825-1853); son-in-law of Walter
Scott and author of the
Life of Scott 5 vols (1838).
Constantine Henry Phipps, first marquess of Normanby (1797-1863)
The son of Henry Phipps, first earl of Mulgrave; educated at Harrow and Trinity College,
Cambridge, he was a Whig MP, governor of Jamaica (1832-34), lord privy seal (1834),
lord-lieutenant of Ireland (1835), and ambassador at Paris (1846-52).
John Russell, first earl Russell (1792-1878)
English statesman, son of John Russell sixth duke of Bedford (1766-1839); he was author
Essay on the English Constitution (1821) and
Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe (1824) and was Prime Minister (1865-66).