The Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart
Chapter 23: 1853-54
John Gibson Lockhart to Charlotte Lockhart Hope, 2 December 1853
“Rome, December 2, 1853.
“My dear Charlotte,—Since I had your last comfortable letter I
indited a reply to one of Kate’s, and thought she
would probably send it on, but it now seems long since I heard from or about
you, and I must not be lazy any longer. Give me good news of yourself, your
man, and Mary Monica. I am able ![]()
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to report very well, on the whole, as to myself. The
weather is still, with rare exceptions, beautiful—cold unless in the
sun—but the sun usually powerful most of the day, the sky as bright as
ever June saw in England, and the whole aspect of field and tree as fine as
possible. It is a principal charm of Italy, and especially Rome, that every
garden and park, large or small, abounds in the most luxuriant and picturesque
of evergreens—ilexes in avenues—stone-pines in groves—myrtle
hedges by the mile—lemon ditto (the divinest fragrance!). What with
riding under Hay’s orders, and
driving with Mrs. Sartoris, I am
becoming an adept in the Campagna beauties for seven or ten miles round, and
she proves an inexhaustible fund of entertainment in
her talk meantime, about anything but poetry and picturesques, her course of
life having been one not imagined by me, and by her portrayed with a
marvellous, though not at all harsh or uncharitable frankness. In fact, she is
a delightful person—worth five hundred Fanny
Kembles, even in talent, which is not her forte. You will have inferred considerable improvement in strength:
it is certainly so, and the surest sign is the appetite, which has now
recovered itself, I may say, to one’s utmost wish. I eat good breakfast
and fair dinner, and though the hands and feet are still cold as before, I may
hope that symptom also will yield by-and-by.
“Our life is gay—we dine out four or five times
a week—once always with Duke of
Northumberland— ![]()
and may, if
we please, go to dinner every night—some lady or other having assumed a
particular one weekly. The Palazzo Doria is the only great Roman house opened
yet, and we were at the assembly t’other night, when I saw some splendid
beauties, and more red stockings than I perhaps ever shall again. The rooms
most magnificent, and the Shrewsbury princess very courteous. Every day comes a
new batch of London beau monde. As I
write I have your short but agreeable epistle of Nov. 21. Why do you not
continue your report about poor Lord
Robertson? I had a line from him the day after the attack, but
only a line, and am certainly not a little anxious, though I think if there had
been any considerable alarm you could hardly have written without alluding to
the subject. Last Sunday I heard Cardinal
Wiseman preach in English at S. Andrea de’ Frati, and
capably he performed—a good contrast to the donkeys of our Anglican
Chapel. I think I saw Manning’s
skull spot in the dark church, and also a gleam of spectacles very like
Mr. Allies’s, but no symptom
as yet of the Carstairs noblesse. Pius IX. is
lodged again at the Vatican, which he should never have left, as it is
excellently fortified. At the —— —— (?) there might be
six or eight French officers, but they seemed all generals—certainly not
one youngish man. The French ambassador is the only diplomat that opens his
house at all—whence sad complaints of our ladies.
Thomas William Allies (1813-1903)
Educated at Eton and Wadham College, Oxford where he was a fellow and a Tractarian; in
1850 he left his church living and converted to Roman Catholicism.
Frances Butler [née Kemble] (1809-1893)
English actress and writer, daughter of Charles Kemble and Maria Theresa Kemble; on a
tour to America in 1834 she was unhappily married to Pierce Butler (1807-1867).
Robert William Hay (1786-1861)
After education at Christ Church, Oxford, he was private secretary to Viscount Melville,
first lord of the Admiralty (1812) and permanent under-secretary of state for the colonies
Adelaide Kemble (1815-1879)
English soprano who studied music with John Braham; the daughter of Charles Kemble and
sister of Fanny Kemble, she retired following her marriage to Edward John Sartoris in
John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854)
Editor of the
Quarterly Review (1825-1853); son-in-law of Walter
Scott and author of the
Life of Scott 5 vols (1838).
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892)
Educated at Harrow and Balliol College, Oxford (where he was tutored by Herman Merviale),
he converted to Catholicism under the influence of John Henry Newman (1851), becoming
archbishop of Westminster in 1865.
Mary Monica Maxwell-Scott [née Hope-Scott] (1852-1920)
Of Abbotsford, author, the daughter of James Robert Hope-Scott and granddaughter of Sir
Walter Scott; in 1874 she married the Hon. Joseph Constable-Maxwell.
Pope Pius IX. (1792-1878)
The Pope during the Victorian era, 1846-1878.
Patrick Robertson [Peter] (1794-1855)
Scottish judge, poet, wit, and friend of John Wilson; familiarly known as “Peter,” in
1848 he was elected lord rector of Marischal College.