The Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart
Chapter 3: 1813-15
John Gibson Lockhart to Jonathan Christie, [December? 1814]
“You and the Welshman are my only true and faithful correspondents,”
he tells Mr. Christie, “and I
don’t know how I should do without you, and your letters, of both of you,
come to me at certain times with great effect of comfort. They keep me up in my
connection with the world, which in many respects would be but in a perishing
condition, where I am.
“I have not yet read through
Wordsworth’s poem, from lack of opportunity only, you
may be sure. I had one evening, however, the opportunity of reading several
passages in it, with all of which I was most highly delighted. He strikes me as
having more about him of that sort of sober, mild, sunset kind of gentleness,
which is so dear to me from the recollections of Euripides, and the tender parts of the Odyssey, than any English poet ever
possessed, save Shakespeare, the
possessor of all.
“But then you underrate Lord
Byron, I think. ‘Lara’ I look upon as a wonderful production. It is like
Michael Angelo completing the
unfinished ![]()
rock half hewn into a giant, or like
Roubillac opening the lips of
Sir Isaac Newton’s statue,
having originally represented them closed.
“Who but Byron
would have dared to call such a spirit from the dead as Conrad, or who that could have dared, could have
made him speak things so worthy of himself? Upon my honour, I think it shows
more depth of insight into human nature to invent such a terrible band of
ideas, all so fitted to this gloomy sort of being, than ever poet surpassed. I
delight in all the great poets of our day, and am willing to put Wordsworth and Byron at
the top.1 But I have not yet read ‘Roderic.’
“I rejoice to hear that your ‘Thirlestane Leslie’ thrives.”
This was a work begun by Christie: it was to contain “the remains of the late
Thirlestane Leslie, Esq., consisting of poems and letters, with a
biographical memoir.” Leslie
was to be “a person of the imaginative cast, with strong logical
powers and a dash of poetry, who afterwards went religious and died very
young.” Mr. Christie asked Lockhart to give him any useful hints about
the hero’s “unregenerate days”; he did not care to trust the
future malleus hæreticorum, and
of the profane Edinburgh Review,
with the pieties of Thirlestane Leslie.
“I hope the child may escape the illnesses common
72 | LIFE OF J. G. LOCKHART. | |
to his time of life, and yet be one of the Phœbo digna locuti. Have you really
brought it to any tangible size and shape? If you have, I would strongly impel
you to go on, and finish and publish him with all speed. You may put a few
hundreds into your pocket, and you may get a name which will push you on in
life. I see plainly there is no other way of getting into notice. In this age
one must be an author, and why may not you hit upon a lucky stroke as well as
another? I think the shape you talk of is likely to take very well. Williams has a good many friends among the
London booksellers. I would advise you to write to him before you fix anything.
Murray is a most gentlemanly fellow,
and most liberal.
“I don’t think the novel I have in hand will at
all jumble with yours.1 I mean it chiefly as a
receptacle of an immense quantity of anecdotes and observations I have made
concerning the state of the Scotch, chiefly their clergy and elders. It is to
me wonderful how the Scotch character has been neglected. I suppose the Kirk
stood low in Smollett’s early
days, and he had imbibed a disgust
1 Lockhart wrote to Constable, the publisher, from Milnburn (Dec. 29,
1814), saying that he had been “amusing himself with writing a
novel,” the scene being in Scotland. Important classes of
Scotch society, he thought, had been “left
untouched.” His hero was one John
Todd, a “True Blue,” in London during the
visit of the Emperor of Russia.
The “Romance of the Thistle” was
the name he thought of. The tale would, apparently, have been something
like Galt’s “Ayrshire
Legatees.” The novel was to be anonymous. See “Archibald
Constable,” iii. 151-152. |
for it. He has given us, you see, only a
few little sketches, nothing full or rich, like his seamen. Now I think there
is just as great a fund of originality and humour in the Scotch character,
modified as it is, in the various ranks of life, as in the English or Spanish,
or any of those of which so much has been made. I think I shall have two
volumes to show you when we meet, which I doubt will not be till spring. Indeed
I have made up my mind to study the Scots Law here with all my might, whatever
may be hereafter. I am deep in the early history of England and of this country
at present. I find great use in my German, and am making myself acquainted with
our Saxon remains. Indeed, I begin to think the antiquities of the Middle Ages
are the most rational study a man could devote himself to, were he an idle
person; as it is, an acquaintance with these things is indispensable to a
Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)
English poet and critic, son of Thomas Arnold of Rugby; he published
Culture and Anarchy (1869).
Jonathan Henry Christie (1793-1876)
Educated at Marischal College, Baliol College, Oxford, and Lincoln's Inn; after slaying
John Scott in the famous duel at Chalk Farm he was acquitted of murder and afterwards
practiced law as a conveyancer in London. He was the lifelong friend of John Gibson
Lockhart and an acquaintance of John Keats.
Archibald Constable (1774-1827)
Edinburgh bookseller who published the
Edinburgh Review and works
of Sir Walter Scott; he went bankrupt in 1826.
Euripides (480 BC c.-406 BC)
Greek tragic poet; author of
Alcestis, the
Bacchae, and other
John Galt (1779-1839)
Scottish novelist who met Byron during the first journey to Greece and was afterwards his
biographer; author of
Annals of the Parish (1821).
John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854)
Editor of the
Quarterly Review (1825-1853); son-in-law of Walter
Scott and author of the
Life of Scott 5 vols (1838).
John Murray II (1778-1843)
The second John Murray began the
Quarterly Review in 1809 and
published works by Scott, Byron, Austen, Crabbe, and other literary notables.
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
English scientist and president of the Royal Society; author of
Philosophae naturalis principia mathematica (1687).
Louis François Roubiliac (1705 c.-1762)
Lyon-born sculpture who settled in England before 1735; his portrait-busts were much
admired, among them that of Alexander Pope.
Tobias Smollett (1721-1771)
Scottish physician and man of letters; author of the novels
Random (1747) and
Humphry Clinker (1771).
John Williams (1792-1858)
Classical scholar educated at Balliol College, Oxford; he was a classmate of John Gibson
Lockhart and friend of Sir Walter Scott, whose son he tutored, and rector of the Edinburgh
Academy (1824-27, 1829-47).
William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
With Coleridge, author of
Lyrical Ballads (1798), Wordsworth
survived his early unpopularity to succeed Robert Southey as poet laureate in 1843.