“My dear Christie,—I
would have answered your kind and amusing epistle more in proper
1 May it be lucky! The Senatus Academicus salutes the gowned and the gownless. Being informed by the Most High and Puissant Prince, the Marquis of Clydesdale and Douglas, that their Imperial Highnesses, the Archdukes John and Louis of Austria, intend to-day to honour us with a visit, we are pleased to issue the following rules, by which all are to govern themselves, and whosoever fails to observe them shall be most severely punished afterwards: 1. Their Imperial Highnesses will take a cold collation, in the first Hall, with the Principals and Professors (in their gowns), and some gentlemen of the city and district, about noon, at the expense of the Faculty. 2. Students who have beards must shave them, and wash, as on Sundays. 3. All students must put on clean shirts, as when the Duke of Montrose was here. 4. Students of Theology must be combed, and wear black breeches and coats, and decent gowns, like ministers. 5. All must be in a state to be seen by the Archdukes and the honourable persons with them, and must decently and quietly form two lines between the first and the common Hall when the procession is walking. The juniors must not laugh, or make faces, when they see the foreigners. 6. In the common Hall, Professor Jardine, who was formerly in France, will speak in French to them, for Professor Richardson is dead. 7. One of the Professors of Physics will pronounce an English oration, and Principal Taylor will pray in Latin; and then dismiss yourselves without making a noise. |
AN EDICT | 101 |
“‘1. Eorum Imperiales Altitudines Archiduces J. et L. de Austria, capient frigidam collationem in aula priore cum Principali et Professoribus (in togis suis), et generosis quibusdam hominibus ex urbe et vicinitate circa horam meridianam impensis Facultatis.
“‘2. Studentes qui barbas habent tondeant eas et lavant sese ut in die dominico.
“‘3. Studentes omnes nitida indusia induant secuti quum Dux Montis-Rosarum erat hie.
“‘4. Studentes Theologies omnes pectantur et nigras braccas et vestes induant et pallia decentia quasi Ministri.
“‘5. Omnes in statu sint videri per Archiduces et persones honorabiles qui cum iis sunt—et decenter et cum quiete et ordine duas lineas faciant inter aulam Priorem et aulam communem cum Processio ambulat, et juniores ne rideant nee faciant facies cum Peregrinos vident.
“‘6. In aula communi Professor Jardine qui olim in Gallia fuit Francisce illis locutus erit nam Professor Richardson est mortuus.
“‘7. Aliquis ex Physicis sermonem
anglicam pro-
“When Jardine’s French speech was over, John observed to Louis, ‘Ah! que c’est une vile langue cet ecossais——’
“By way of qualifying myself for forming a sane
judgment on a subject more than once discussed between us, I have lately read
over all Wordsworth—prose and verse. The ‘Doe’ is certainly wretched, but not
quite so bad as ‘The Force of
Prayer.’ The ‘Excursion’ I enjoyed
deeply—particularly the character of the Solitary, and the description of the Churchyard and its
inhabitants. One of these sketches pleased me more than anything of this
day’s poetry I have ever read, unless it be O’Connor’s Child and Michael; it was that of the
young man ‘all hopes Cherished for him who suffered to
depart—Like blighted buds; or clouds that mimicked land—Before
the sailor’s eye; or Diamond drops—That sparkling decked the
morning grass, or aught—That was attractive,
and had ceased to be.’ The whole picture is exquisite. The Examiner has well
characterised Wordsworth as a poet—who, had he
written but half of what he has, would have deserved to be immortal. He
certainly has more
LEIGH HUNT | 103 |
“As you don’t read the Examiner, I may as well transcribe one of Leigh Hunt’s last sonnets—
“‘Were I to name out of the times gone by
The poets dearest to me, I should say,
Pulci for spirits and a fine
free way;
Chaucer for manners and close
silent eye,
Milton for classic taste and
harp strung high,
Spenser for luxury and sweet
silvan play,
Horace for chatting with from day to
Shakespeare for all, but most
But which take with me, could I but take one?
Shakespeare, as long as I was unoppressed
With the world’s weight making sad thoughts intenser.
But did I wish out of the common sun
To lay a wounded heart in leafy rest,
And dream of things far off and
“Was there ever such a letter as this for quotations? Expect one of a different stamp forthwith. Meantime a good New Year to you, my friend, and farewell,
“Compliments to Nicoll.
“P.S.—Riddel has just told me he heard from you lately, and that you are spending the vacation in Balliol. What means this? Is Connor with you? Write to me, and as soon as the bursar is in College transmit me the ready.1