My dear Novello,—As I am not sure that you
were at Mrs. Shelley’s last night, I
write this to let you know that a violent cold, which I am afraid of tampering with
any longer, has kept me at home the two last evenings, and will do the same on
this. I defied it for some nights, but found myself
“Hunt, you are very
kind, but—” Novello, so are you;
and therefore I do not expect to be put off with words. Besides, did I not have a
long conversation the other evening with Mary? And did she not promise me, like a good wife as she was, not
to listen to a word you had to say? I mean, against putting yourself in the best
possible position for recovering your health. Or rather, did she not say, with good
wifely tears in her eyes, that she would let you do all you pleased, which of
course ties up your hands—only she hoped you would think as I did, if it was
really as much for your good as I supposed—which of course ties them up more?
And does not all that she has said, and all that I have said, and all that I mean
to say, (which is quite convincing, I assure you, in case you are not convinced
already, as you ought to be,) prove to you that you must leave that dirty
Shacklewell, that wet Shacklewell, that flat, floundering and foggy Shacklewell,
that distant, out-of-the-way, dreary, unfriendly, unheard-of, melancholy, moping,
unsocial, unmusical, unmeeting, uneveningy, un-Hunt-helping,
unimproper, un-Gliddony, un-Kentish-towny,
un-Hampsteady, un-Hadlowincial, far, foolish, faint, fantastical, sloppy, hoppy,
moppy, brickfieldy, bothery, mothery, misty, muddling, meagre, megrim,
Muggletonian, dim, dosy, booty, cold-arboury, plashy, mashy, squashy,
Old-Street-Roady, Balls-Pondy, Hoxtony, hurtful, horrid, lowering, lax, languid,
musty, sepulchral, shameful,
P.S.—I know not what Holmes thinks of Shacklewell; but he can hardly have an opinion in favour of it after this Rabelais argument. Clarke is bound to side with all friends at a distance.