Recollections of Writers
Leigh Hunt to Charles Cowden Clarke, 2 November 1814
Surrey Jail, November 2nd, 1814.
My dear Sir,—I hope you have not been accusing
your friends Ollier and Robertson of forgetting you—or, at least,
thinking so—for all the fault is at my own door. The truth is, that when I
received your request relative to the songs of
Mozart, I had resolved to answer it myself,
and did not say a word on the subject to either one or the other; so that I am
afraid I have been hindering two good things—your own enjoyment of the songs,
and an opportunity on the part of Messrs. O. and R. of showing you that they were
readier correspondents than myself. After all, perhaps a little of the fault is
attributable to yourself, for how can you expect a man rolling in hebdomadal
luxuries—pears, apples, and pig—should think of anything? By the way,
now I am speaking of luxuries, let me thank you for your very acceptable present of
apples to my brother John. If you had
ransacked the garden of the Hesperides, you could not have made him, I am sure, a
more welcome one. I believe his notion of the highest point of the sensual in
eating is an apple, hard, juicy, and fresh. . . . . The printers have got about
half through with my Mask. You will
be pleased to hear that I have been better for some days than ever I have felt
during my imprisonment—and in spite too of rains and east winds.
John Hunt (1775-1848)
English printer and publisher, the elder brother of Leigh Hunt; he was the publisher of
The Examiner and
The Liberal, in
connection with which he was several times prosecuted for libel.
Charles Ollier (1788-1859)
London bookseller and novelist who in partnership with his brother James published Keats,
Shelley, Lamb, and Hazlitt; after the firm went bankrupt in 1823 he worked for the
publisher Henry Colburn. He was a sub-editor at the
New Monthly
Henry Robertson (1849 fl.)
Treasurer of Covent Garden; he was an amateur singer and a personal friend of Leigh Hunt,
Charles Lamb, and Vincent Novello.