Passages of a Working Life during Half a Century
Chapter VIII
IN the Session of 1854, a Committee of the House of Commons was
sitting to examine witnesses upon that question of the abolition of the Newspaper Stamp,
which had occupied the attention of the Legislature twenty years before. After the Meeting
of Parliament in 1855, a very general opinion prevailed that the then Penny-stamp would be
entirely abolished, except for the purpose of transmitting a newspaper by post. The
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Cornewall
Lewis, through his private Secretary, Sir
Alexander Duff Gordon, requested me to inform him what was the greatest
circulation of each number of the Penny Magazine
at any time. In giving this information I referred him to a little book which Mr. Murray had just published for me—“The Old Printer and the Modern
Press,”—in which I had taken a rapid view of the circulation and character of
penny periodicals at the beginning of 1854. I had stated that of four of these a million
sheets were then sold weekly. In my letter, I thought it right to convey fully my opinion
upon the question of the abolition of the Stamp, and in support of that opinion I mentioned
that Dr. Arnold was strongly impressed with the
notion that a Newspaper was the best vehicle for communicating knowledge to the people; the
events of the day, he maintained, were a definite
Ch. VIII.] | THE THIRD EPOCH. | 143 |
subject to which
instruction could be attached in the best possible manner. An extract from the letter thus
written by me may fitly introduce the general subject of the extension of the Newspaper
Press during the last eight or nine years, upon which I propose to treat in this chapter.
“The change in the character of the Penny Periodicals during the last five or
six years, from the lowest ribaldry and positive indecency to a certain propriety—and
of which frivolity is the chief blemish—is an assurance to me that the cheapening of
Newspapers by the removal of the Stamp will not let in that flood of sedition and
blasphemy which some appear to dread. The character of the mass of readers is improved.
In my little book I have opposed the removal of the Stamp, chiefly on the ground that a
quantity of local papers would start up, that would be devoted to mere parish politics,
and sectarian squabbles, instead of being national in their objects; and that would
huddle together the worst of criminal trials and police cases, without attempting to
suggest any sound principles of politics, or furnish any useful information. To provide
a corrective to this, I have devised the plan detailed in the circular, which I left
with you. I sent out an intelligent traveller into the Midland districts last week,
confidentially to explain this plan to active printers in towns that had no local
paper; and his report shows that the principle will be eagerly adopted.”
The plan which I had devised was founded upon my old newspaper experience,
during which, for several years, three-fourths of the local Paper of Berkshire and
Buckinghamshire were printed at the
“Express” Office at Windsor, and one-fourth at a branch
office at Aylesbury. In connection with a highly respectable printing firm, I commenced the
publication of the “Town and Country
Newspaper” immediately upon the repeal of the Stamp-duty in 1855. There
were many elements of success in this plan, but it was defeated by the complex and
expensive organization necessary to supply small adventurers into the new world of
journalism with the very few impressions each required at first to meet his local demand.
Nor was my belief that this sort of publication might be made the vehicle for combining,
not only a well digested body of news, but sound practical information upon many subjects
of public interest, destined to be realized. The readers in very small towns, in which the
one printer was generally the first to make the experiment which I proposed, did not very
anxiously desire to see the newspaper made an instrument of education, or for the
advancement of objects of public improvement. The undertaking was not remunerative, and I
had no desire to press upon my partners the continuance of a scheme that did not pay as
quickly as was expected. The plan became very extensively adopted after the establishment
of penny local Journals had created a demand, and they were found to supply a public want.
Four hundred such provincial Papers are said to be now partly printed in London; but I am
informed by a friend, who is perfectly well-acquainted with the curious facts connected
with the present state of local and other Newspapers, that the plan of printing one side of
a weekly sheet in London is now going out of use. There is another mode adopted, of making
the same information, and the same labour of Ch. VIII.] | THE THIRD EPOCH. | 145 |
setting up the types,
available for many papers, which is a striking example of the effect of new combinations of
industrial art and science, for the diminution of expense of production. There is an
enterprising proprietor of a local newspaper in one of our large manufacturing towns, who
has a stereotyping office in London, and supplies small journals throughout the country
with stereotyped matter at a low rate per column, of which he will send any number of
columns up to twenty-four. The plan is so simple and so convenient that his customers are
very numerous, and he is considered to be making a much better profit out of his stereotype
plates, than by his wellcirculated Journal. This system is one of the many instances, with
which we are becoming more and more familiar, of co-operation for Production. Perhaps a
more striking example is furnished in the economical management of some daily papers in
England and Scotland, published out of London, of which number there are now nearly forty.
Several of the proprietors of these large local journals have associated for the
establishment of an office in London, with a literary staff, compositors, and
stereotype-founders. There are five or more papers which participate in this arrangement.
Each paper belonging to this league uses the stereotypes according to its especial wants
and convenience, sometimes all that is dispatched; more frequently a selection is made. I
have before me a Provincial Daily Paper, of October 20th, 1864,—a large well printed sheet,
price 1d. My friend has marked for my information the matter which has been thus
transmitted to this journal, as to others, by express trains, generally leaving London at 5
p.m., and reaching places two hundred miles 146 | PASSAGES OF A WORKING LIFE: | [Ch. VIII. |
distant by 11 p.m. The
matter which I thus find in this paper comprises eight folio columns, and necessarily
contains the very latest news and comment. What a power do the Managers of this
journalistic Confederacy possess for the direction of public opinion, and how real a matter
of congratulation it is that the time is past when the influence of the Newspaper Press was
too frequently inimical to quiet and good government! Dr.
Arnold wrote to the Archbishop of
Dublin in 1833, “I think that a newspaper alone can help to cure
the evil which newspapers have done and are doing.”
In considering the feasibility of carrying forward upon a large scale, the
plan of printing the general portion of a newspaper in London, to be completed by the
publisher in a country town, I was careful to inform myself of the exact number of Local
Journals in every county. The materials were to be collected from a very useful
publication, “The Newspaper Press
Directory,” by C. Mitchell, which
had then been established nine or ten years. It is continued annually at the present time;
and a comparison merely of the quantity of printed matter in the volume for 1855, and that
for 1864, will at once point to the vast increase in Journalism. I find amongst my papers a
voluminous abstract of the state of the Local Newspaper Press, which I drew out six months
before the abolition of the Stamp. In the forty English counties there were 120 cities and
towns, omitting London, in which Newspapers were then published. But in these there were
261 papers, the more important places having, in many instances, more than one such organ
of intelligence. To my abstract I appended the number of inhabi-
Ch. VIII.] | THE THIRD EPOCH. | 147 |
of each town. The result of my examination was, that there were 350 populous towns without
any Local Paper, viz.— 99 Towns with population above | | 2000— under 3000. |
106 „ „ „
| | 3000— „ 5000. |
63 „ „ „
| | 5000— „ 7000. |
82 „ „ „
| | 7000 and upwards. |
These were statistical facts of deep significance.
The amount of the change which has been produced in eight years by the
abolition of the Newspaper Stamp and the Advertisement Duty—in some degree also by the
repeal of the tax upon paper—is sufficiently indicated by the following figures:—There were
published in England, at the commencement of the present year, 919 journals. Of these 240
belonged to London; and these included 13 daily morning papers, 7 evening, and 220
published during the week and at intervals. But these London Journals, not daily, comprise
the purely literary and scientific papers—the legal and medical, and more numerous than
all, the religious journals. Further, since I made my abstract of Local Papers, there have
started into flourishing existence no less than 32 district journals of the Metropolis and
its suburbs. Taking these 240 metropolitan and suburban papers from the total 919 published
in England, I find that there are now 679 Country Newspapers,
instead of the 261 which I found existing in 1855. I may infer, therefore, without going
into a minute examination of the matter, that the 350 populous places which, at that time,
had no newspaper of their own, are now not left without a vehicle for the publication of
their local affairs, whether important or frivolous, whether affecting a nation or a
parish. To finish this
summary, I may add that Wales has 37
journals; Scotland 140; Ireland 140; the British Isles 14; making up for the United Kingdom
a total of 1250. Of the aggregate circulation of these Journals, it is impossible to arrive
at any accurate estimate. At the beginning of the century, the annual circulation of
newspapers in England and Wales was 15 millions. In 1853, as was shown by the Stamp-Office
returns, the annual circulation of England and Wales was 72 millions, and of Scotland and
Ireland, each 8 millions. Even the circulation in 1853 was an astounding fact, and I then
wrote, “Visit, if you can, the interior of that marvellous human machine the
General Post Office, on a Friday evening from half-past five to six o’clock. Look
with awe upon the tons of newspapers that are crowding in to be distributed through the
habitable globe. Think silently how potent a power is this for good or for evil. You
turn to one of the boxes of the letter-sorters, and your guide will tell you,
‘this work occupies not half the time it formerly did, for everybody writes
better.’” Some of the elder country newspapers and some that have
started into life since the repeal of the Stamp, have a circulation that is to be numbered
by thousands. But if we only assign a sale of 1000 each to the 679 country papers in
England, we have a total annual circulation of 235 millions. The Scotch and Irish Journals
will probably swell the aggregate annual circulation of the United Kingdom to 250 millions.
Taking the entire population at 30 millions, this estimate would give eight newspapers in
the course of the year to every person: and assuming that every newspaper has six readers,
there is no present want in these Kingdoms of the literary Ch. VIII.] | THE THIRD EPOCH. | 149 |
means of
keeping the entire mass of the people informed upon every current event and topic. But
there may be other wants to be met besides those which are supplied by the vast increase of
journalism before the newspaper can be within the reach of the whole of the adult
population. There are thousands growing into men and women who, during the last decade,
when newspapers have been rising up for an almost universal use, have acquired the ability
to read. The numbers of those wholly uninstructed must be very few in populous districts
compared with the days when the newspaper was the most highly taxed article of necessity or
luxury. Now that it has become one of the cheapest of inventions for the supply of a
general want, it may be well to inquire into the causes which interfere with an universal
An ingenious and instructive “Newspaper Map of the United
Kingdom,” accompanies Mitchell’s
Newspaper Press Directory. It is suggestive of several important facts in our
social condition, which we are apt to pass over in looking at its multifarious details. The
several districts of the kingdom are indicated by different colours, not only as
manufacturing, mining, and agricultural, but by other colours, where two or more of these
large classes of occupation are combined. When we glance at the Agricultural Counties,
twenty-three in number, extending from Somersetshire to Lincolnshire, and bounded by the
inland Manufacturing and Agricultural Counties, five in number, we feel something like
wonder that amongst these agricultural communities there should appear so great a number of
towns having one or more newspapers. It is no matter of surprise that
the Manufacturing and Mining Counties, with their enormous populations, should be dotted
with a circular mark, indicating the publication of one paper, or with a square mark,
indicating more than one. Nor are we surprised that where there is a mixed population, in
which farms, and factories, and underground operations, supply the funds for the
maintenance of labour, the newspapers should be as numerous as in the seats of the Woollen
and Cotton Manufacture, and in the great ports associated with them. A minuter
investigation into this map will show how the purely Agricultural Districts so abound with
Local Newspapers. The places in which they are published are, with scarcely an exception,
situated on the lines of railway. The Railway and the Local Newspaper seem to have sprung
up together into an extension which, even ten years ago, it would have required some effort
of the imagination to consider possible. How is it, then, that the agricultural labouring
population must be held as very imperfectly supplied with the same means of information as
the residents in towns? Look at this Newspaper Map, and observe what large blank spaces lie
between every thread of the great network of railways. In the North Riding of Yorkshire,
which is almost purely agricultural, these blanks are as remarkable as those of Wales when
we get away from the Mining Districts, or Scotland, when we have passed from the seats of
manufactures and commerce into the mountainous districts. In the blank spaces thus
indicated, where dwell the great food-producing population, in small villages and hamlets,
the newspaper never comes except by the post. The extension, of late years, of the
operations of the Post-office, has rendered the Ch. VIII.] | THE THIRD EPOCH. | 151 |
number of those
partially excluded from communication with the outer world, much less than it was long
after the introduction of Penny Postage. But, with the extension of the Post, the delivery
of newspapers by special messengers from the towns has almost ceased. Bearing in mind the
cost of communication, whether by direct delivery or by a postage stamp, we need not be
surprised that the newspaper, London or provincial, is not often to be found in the
labourer’s cottage.
The belief that newspapers would be necessarily instruments of evil has
passed away. That any local journal of the present day, however unmarked by literary
ability, could fail to be an instrument for rousing the labourer’s mind out of its
sluggishness I cannot readily understand. Books, however strenuous and in some degree
successful may have been the exertions of book-hawking associations, have scarcely yet
sufficiently interested the cottager to induce him to become a purchaser. Village
Lending-Libraries are, I fear, not very numerous. The various modes of awakening the
reasoning or imaginative powers have hardly satisfied the hopes of the benevolent, that a
time was coming when the instruction of the village school would have some durable
influence in after life. As a mere matter of national profit, to say nothing of higher
motives, the practical education of the agricultural labourer ought not to terminate with
the school form. The country has less demand than ever for the mere digger and delver. The
whole system of agricultural operations is being changed by that great power of steam,
which a hundred years ago revolutionised our manufacturing processes. The cry on every side
will be for skilled
labourers. It is not so much that we shall want
chemists and mechanicians amongst the wearers of the smock-frock, but that we want young
men with minds apt to learn, and fit to superintend. The taste for reading books has yet to
be formed amongst this class. The desire for knowing what is going on in the world through
the newspaper is natural and almost instinctive. The ordinary details of intelligence are
now associated with something more than the “common things” which a nobleman,
whose loss we have so recently deplored, was desirous to have taught. We can imagine no
more useful task for the Clergyman, the Squire, or the intelligent Farmer than that of
giving a weekly lecture upon the Newspaper. I mentioned, ten years ago, in my book on the
Modern Press, that a witness of
well-known intelligence told the Committee on Newspaper Stamps that in his village he tried
the experiment of reading “The Times”
to an evening class of adult labourers, and that he could not read twenty lines without
feeling that there were twenty words in it which none of his auditors understood. He
wanted, therefore, cheap newspapers, that would be so written as not to puzzle the hearers
or readers by such words as “operations,” “Channel,” or
“fleet.” Surely this dense ignorance must now have passed away, and it is not
necessary to make an attempt to reach the minds of the least instructed class by having
newspapers “like school primers, containing words of one or two
syllables.” The difficulty is not to understand words but to comprehend
unfamiliar things. The Newspaper awakens curiosity, but some intelligent friend will always
be needed by the uneducated gradually to lead them forward to the knowledge which Ch. VIII.] | THE THIRD EPOCH. | 153 |
alone can make the hard things of every-day intelligence
comparatively plain; and who would, now and then, talk good-humouredly, and even jocosely,
about the prejudices, whether of classes or individuals, that the newspaper frequently
presents in its reports of the sayings and doings of public men. The Weekly Lecture would
perhaps be an easier matter to accomplish than to set up a “Gazette of the
Village;” which, like the “Gazette” of Paul
Louis Courier, should be neither scientific nor literary, and would call
things and people by their right names. In the “Town and Country Newspaper,” I wrote a short series
of articles, which I thus introduced as “Grandfather Smith’s
“In the centre of a little village about fourteen miles
from London, but which village is as secluded as a Highland glen, there is a pretty
old-fashioned house known to all the neighbours as ‘Grandfather Smith’s Cottage.’ Grandfather Smith is what is called ‘a character’—that is, he
has opinions of his own; and having a small competency and few superfluous wants, he is not
very careful to fashion his opinions so as to please the squire or any other rural
authority. After a good deal of opposition from these authorities, and much indifference on
the part of farmers and labourers, he has succeeded in establishing a system which is an
educational experiment. He once kept a day-school; but all his scholars deserted him, some
twenty years ago, for the National School, and so the school-room became a lumber-room.
This spring, however, the old gentleman has been stirred into unwonted activity by the war;
and so he cleared out the ink-bespattered desks, arranged the worm-eaten forms, and invited
all the village to come to him once a week to hear the newspaper read. He did this in the
belief that his humbler neighbours had no inclination to read the newspaper themselves; but
in this he was soon undeceived. He found that the daily newspaper, although a little stale
sometimes, penetrated to his solitudes; and that the cheap weekly newspaper was growing
into request. Grandfather Smith therefore bethought
himself to give a Weekly Lecture on the Newspaper. The notion might
savour a little of presumption; but he was indifferent to that sort of opinion which
refuses to believe that any work of a
public nature can be
undertaken from a sense of duty. So, duly at seven o’clock, is Grandfather Smith’s ancient school-room rilled by old
and young; and, what has excited considerable surprise, the curate and his wife, as well as
the minister of the small Wesleyan chapel across the common, have occasionally been amongst
his hearers.”
In advocating the general circulation of Newspapers, and in recommending a
very obvious method of adding something to their usefulness in districts where the hard
workers have little aptitude for digesting what they read, I can scarcely be suspected of
setting Journalism above other instruments of knowledge. In 1851, I took part in the
proceedings of the Northampton Mechanics’ Institute, at which Earl Fitzwilliam was the Chairman. Lord Wodehouse was one of the most effective speakers, as were my old
fellow-labourer Dr. Conolly, Mr. Layard, and Mr. George
Cruikshank. At that time Mr. Cobden
had recently propounded the eccentric advice to the young men of Manchester, not to trouble
themselves much with the perusal of books, but to read the newspaper. I said to the
Northampton young men that, much as I respected the newspaper, as the great instrument of
civilisation, I believed that if their reading were confined to newspapers, excellent as
was that reading in general, various as was the information they gave, and infinite as were
their resources to convey knowledge, men’s minds would be narrowed and debased by
being so limited. I believed, moreover, if that had been the general tone of the mind of
this country, and the reading of newspapers had superseded the reading of all other
literature, the public would never have attained a right knowledge of what a newspaper
should be, and that newspapers themselves would
Ch. VIII.] | THE THIRD EPOCH. | 155 |
never have become
what they are. The newspaper and the book ought to go hand in hand.
The staple of a Newspaper is news. I have shown what labour and what cost
were necessary in 1812 for a Local Journal to obtain even such scanty intelligence as slow
and imperfect communication enabled me to present to the readers of the Windsor newspaper. I have also indicated far more serious
difficulties of fighting with space and time, which the London Daily Papers had then to
encounter.* The Peace came. The character of intelligence was far less interesting. The
London Journals then bestowed more care upon the reports of domestic affairs, especially
those which indicated the current of public opinion, when almost every community was
agitating for Reform. But the Morning Papers were often late, especially when there was a
field day in Parliament; and when there was any great meeting at Birmingham, or Liverpool,
or Manchester, to demand a special report, it was rarely published till the second day
after the meeting had been held. Marvels, however, were occasionally accomplished by
“The Times,” and other Morning
Papers, which set people asking where all this neck-and-neck race for intelligence would
conduct us. The age of railroads came, and then, indeed, a vast step was gained in the
publication in London of provincial news. There were occasions in which a tolerably full
report of a debate at Manchester in the Free Trade Hall, was published in London before the
dial hand had again made its circuit of twelve hours. But these were rare examples of a
most costly and complex organization.
* “Passages.” Vol. I. p. 130. |
A great change was impending. In “A Guide to the Electric Telegraph” by C. M. Archer, published in 1852, it is stated that the
application of the Electric Telegraph to the purposes of the Press is due to the author of
that handbook. He says, it was in May 1845, when there existed only one Telegraph in this
country,—that between Nine Elms and Portsmouth,—that in the “Morning Chronicle,” with which he was connected,
appeared the first practical application in England of the Telegraph to the purpose of
reporting public meetings. Mr. Archer states that on the occasion of
the great anti-corn-law banquet to Mr. Cobden, the
“extraordinary quantity” of two columns and a half of the
proceedings, which did not terminate until midnight at Manchester, was completely printed
in “The Times” as reported by telegraph, and was at
Manchester the next day by one in the afternoon. The “extraordinary
quantity” of matter reported by the London Journals at distant places has now
become one of the most ordinary incidents in the conduct of the Metropolitan Press. During
the summer of 1864 Lord Palmerston’s Speeches at
Tiverton, Hereford, and Bradford, and Mr.
Gladstone’s Speeches in Lancashire were reported through the
Telegraphic wires at as great a length as if the reporters had transmitted the words in the
old ordinary way. On several occasions the length of these reports, as they appeared in the
Morning Papers, exceeded seven columns. So instantaneous is the collateral dispatch to
provincial towns that it is possible for a statesman to speak at Glasgow in the evening,
and to find on his breakfast table next morning, in the Local Paper, the comments of the
London Editors on his Speech. It is not the practice Ch. VIII.] | THE THIRD EPOCH. | 157 |
now for every
leading newspaper to have its own telegraphic reporter, for if that were the case, the
ordinary business traffic would be seriously impeded. If each of the Morning Papers
required a report of the same proceedings, and some of the leading Provincial Papers also
wanted special reports, the wires would be blocked. Thus it is that the Telegraph Companies
have organized an “Intelligence Department.” Few, perhaps, have any notion of
the nature and extent of this wonderful organization. Its national importance can scarcely
be over-rated.
The Electric Telegraph has become the news-bearer of the world. It has
swept away many antiquated ideas; it has substituted facts in the place of conjectures; it
has destroyed the ancient sovereignty of one of the most potent rulers of public opinion.
The great dramatic poet, who lived before the days when this potentate swayed the world
through newspapers, thus makes her speak, full of tongues:
“Open your ears: For which, of you will stop
The vent of hearing when loud Rumour speaks?
I, from the orient to the drooping west,
Making the wind my post-horse, still unfold
The acts commenced on this ball of earth:
Upon my tongues continual slanders ride;
The which in every language I pronounce,
Stuffing the ears of men with false reports.
I speak of peace, while covert enmity,
Under the smile of safety, wounds the world:
And who but Rumour, who but only I,
Make fearful musters, and prepar’d defence,
Whilst the big year, swoln with some other griefs.
Is thought with child by the stern tyrant war.
And no such matter? Rumour is a pipe
Blown by surmises, jealousies, conjectures;
And of so easy and so plain a stop
158 |
[Ch. VIII. |
That the blunt monster with uncounted heads,
The still discordant wavering multitude,
Can play upon it.”
“From the orient to the drooping west” a
“post-horse” infinitely more fleet than the wind, brings us facts,
sometimes indeed mixed up with “false reports,” which may deceive for a
few hours “the blunt monster with uncounted heads,” but which are very quickly
scattered by the same agency which brought them. These facts may be meagre, may require to
be verified and corrected by the more comprehensive narratives of that ubiquitous
eyewitness “Our own Correspondent,” and may be explained and illustrated
by the lucid commentaries of such papers as the “Times,” never at any period equalled in breadth of view and felicity of
exposition. But these rapid communications very rarely indeed are founded upon
“surmises, jealousies, conjectures,” except where misjudging
politicians choose to prostitute the power which ought to be essentially the vehicle of
truth. Happily such do not exist, and cannot exist, in our own country.
I have a friend,—once amongst the most useful and trustworthy of my
fellow-labourers,—who is the presiding mind of the Intelligence Department of one of the
two Telegraph Companies. It is not that he has any concern with the actual working of the
great machinery which daily and hourly transmits throughout our three kingdoms foreign and
colonial news; summaries of debates in Parliament; returns of markets of every kind;
shipping news; racing news;”*
* Sporting News, as I am informed, constitutes a great item
with the Telegraph Companies. There are about 180 subscribers, chiefly publicans;
and the subscription from each is 20l. a year. |
Ch. VIII.] | THE THIRD EPOCH. | 159 |
states of the weather at the different ports; and last, but not
least important, those despatches from almost every quarter of the world, which constantly
meet the eye of the newspaper reader as “Reuters Telegrams.” My friend is not
responsible for carrying through the marvellous operation of transmitting by the electric
wire a Queen’s Speech of 965 words, in thirty-one minutes,—an advance of speed which
we can scarcely deem less than marvellous compared with the record in the “Daily News” of 1847, that the Queen’s
Speech of that November was telegraphed at the rate of fifty-five letters in a minute, the
whole 730 words being disposed of in two hours. The rate of speed has thus been quintupled
in seventeen years. Nor is my friend responsible for the summaries of Parliamentary Debates
which now constitute such an important feature in the seventy-one Daily Papers in the
United Kingdom. The two Telegraph Companies—the Magnetic and the Electric—have each an
Instrument-room at the Houses of Parliament, but only one report of the debates is
prepared, which is transmitted by both Companies. The regular occupation of my friend, as
intelligence-reporter, is sufficiently onerous to demand the most unremitting assiduity,
the most watchful observation, the clearest judgment. He has ceased to be connected with
what we call the literary world, but his duties, in many respects, require the exercise of
higher qualities than those which ordinarily direct the pen of a merely ready writer. Let
me present an imperfect outline of the routine of his daily life. The intelligence-reporter
has an office and a bedroom in a house which adjoins and communicates with the Central
Office of the Electric Telegraph. 160 | PASSAGES OF A WORKING LIFE: | [Ch. VIII. |
Winter and summer he is at his
desk at 6 a.m., at which hour, to a minute, he receives a copy of the “Daily News;” at 6-20 a copy of the “Times;” and about 6-45 the rest of the Morning Papers. A
messenger waits to take slips from him into the Instrument-room, and about 6-10 the
transmission begins. It is sometimes finished at 7-15; but an effort is always made to have
everything completed before 8. This is the “morning express,” which varies from
fourteen hundred words to fewer than four hundred. I have before me the second Edition of
the “Liverpool Daily Post,” dated
October 13th, 9 a.m. The Telegraphic portion occupies about 150 lines of very close
printing, and consists of five separate articles; namely, two from Reuters Telegram, one
headed “Mr. W. E. Gladstone in
Lancashire,” stating that the London Papers contain reports by telegraph of his
speeches at Bolton and Liverpool the day before, and that most of them devote a leading
article to the Lancashire visit. Of the leading articles of the “Times,” the “Daily Telegraph,” the “Daily
News,” and the “Star”
we have then an abstract, which occupies more than a fourth of the whole despatch. Upon the
Danish question there is an abstract of the “Times’” Paris Correspondent’s letter I am informed that the
commercial part of this morning express is supplied direct by a City reporter, for the
Telegraph Offices. The slightest consideration of the tact and promptitude required to deal
in an hour, and sometimes less, with the complicated mass of the novel intelligence
presented in the Morning Papers, and to interpret their lengthy opinions in brief
sentences, so as to give a trustworthy notion of the leading points, must show that the
intelligence- Ch. VIII.] | THE THIRD EPOCH. | 161 |
reporter works under a very grave responsibility.
This morning express is sent direct to all the largest towns; from these central places the
news is repeated to smaller towns in their respective districts.
The morning work is scarcely over before another stream of business
messages is set flowing. In addition to the news from the early Daily Papers, a variety of
intelligence is transmitted at irregular hours—two reports from the Stock Exchange, with
copious quotations; two reports of the Colonial and Foreign Produce Markets; reports of
Corn-markets, Tallow-markets, Cattle-markets, Wool-sales. All intelligence of value to men
of business is posted immediately at the Exchanges of Liverpool and the other great towns.
Reuters Telegrams arrive at all hours, both of the day and night, and are instantly
transmitted, if of great interest. Thus passes his ever-watchful forenoon for the
Intelligence-reporter. But then the London Evening Papers come pouring in, and an
“evening express” has to be prepared. The Gazettes of Tuesday and Friday
furnish a variety of minute details, the accurate transmission of which as to figures and
names is of the first importance. The electric dispatch of many of these matters of
business does not of course require the presiding judgment of the Intelligence-reporter,
but he can never stir from his post, for throughout the day there may be queries from
different stations to answer.
To wait upon the mental operations which set the telegraph in motion,
there are in the Instrument-gallery of the Electric Company no fewer than eighty or ninety
young women employed during the day. But there are many youths who here, like the
compositors of a daily paper, are compelled to per-
petual night-work.
The untiring Reuter appears at all hours, as he does at the Newspaper Offices, with
manifolded copies of his telegram, which has come through every sea beneath which there is
the electric wire. The time may not be far distant when another cable, three thousand miles
long, may not be irrecoverably sunk in the rocky bed of the Atlantic. But the present want
of this direct communication is in some degree remedied by extraordinary vigilance and
exertion. At midnight the New York Mail Steamer may have been intercepted by the small
steamer belonging to the Telegraph Company, and the news being transmitted to every station
in the United Kingdom, it is circulated almost universally before nine o’clock in the
morning. The telegraph wires being carried to Cape Clear, the farthest western point of the
Irish coast, this feat is accomplished. But the enthusiastic believers in what is to be
effected by the telegraph, say that the United Kingdom is too small a country for the
display of its feats. Hopes founded not upon vague generalities, but upon the most
scientific calculations, point to the speedy realisation of plans that seem almost too vast
to be admitted into the mind without a very strong alloy of incredulity. Man is achieving a
victory over time and space of which the imperfect beginning called forth our wonder, but
we scarcely know how to contemplate the possible end without something like awe.
Charles Maybury Archer (1862 fl.)
Of Haverstock Hill, Middlesex, paper-manufacturer and miscellaneous writer; he wrote for
Morning Chronicle.
Thomas Arnold (1795-1842)
Of Corpus Christi College, Oxford; he was headmaster of Rugby School (1827-42) and father
of the poet Matthew Arnold.
Richard Cobden (1804-1865)
English statesman and champion of free trade; he was MP for Stockport (1841-47), West
Riding of Yorkshire (1847-57), and Rochdale (1859).
John Conolly (1794-1866)
English physician who studied in Edinburgh and was physician to the Hanwell Lunatic
Paul-Louis Courier (1772-1825)
French Hellenist and political pamphleteer; he published
Gazette de
village (1823).
George Cruikshank (1792-1878)
English caricaturist who illustrated the satirical periodical
Scourge (1811-16) and later Dickens's
Sketches by Boz
Sir George Cornewall Lewis, second baronet (1806-1863)
The son of the first baronet (d. 1855); educated at Eton, Christ Church, Oxford, and the
Middle Temple, he was a barrister, author, editor of the
Review (1850), chancellor of the exchequer (1855-58), and home secretary and war
secretary (1859-63).
Charles Mitchell (1807-1859)
English publisher who founded the
Newspaper Press Directory in
1846 and was one of the instigators of
Punch; he was an associate of
Charles Dickens and Mark Lemon.
John Murray III (1808-1892)
The son of the Anak of publishers; he successfully carried on the family publishing
Henry John Temple, third viscount Palmerston (1784-1865)
After education at Harrow and Edinburgh University he was MP for Newport (1807-11) and
Cambridge University (1811-31), foreign minister (1830-41), and prime minister (1855-58,
Richard Whately, archbishop of Dublin (1787-1863)
The nephew of the Shakespeare critic Thomas Whately (d. 1772); he was educated at Oriel
College, Oxford where he was professor of political economy (1829-31) and was archbishop of
Dublin (1831-63). A prolific writer, he offered a rationalist defense of
John Wodehouse, first earl of Kimberley (1826-1902)
Educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, he was a Liberal politician who succeeded his
grandfather as Baron Wodehouse in 1846 and was created earl of Kimberley in 1866.
The Daily News. (1846-1870). A daily Radical newspaper founded by Charles Dickens and afterwards edited by John
The Daily Post. (1855-). Continued at the
Liverpool Daily Post.
Morning Chronicle. (1769-1862). James Perry was proprietor of this London daily newspaper from 1789-1821; among its many
notable poetical contributors were Coleridge, Southey, Lamb, Rogers, and Campbell.
The Penny Magazine. 16 vols (1832-1846). Edited by Charles Knight for the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
The Star. (1788-1831). Founded by Peter Stuart, and successively edited by Andrew Macdonald, Alexander Tilloch,
John Mayne, and Rowland Nash. Incorporated into the
Albion and
The Times. (1785-). Founded by John Walter, The Times was edited by Thomas Barnes from 1817 to 1841. In the
romantic era it published much less literary material than its rival dailies, the
Morning Chronicle and the