Works of Charles and Mary Lamb. VI-VII. Letters
Charles Lamb to Thomas Manning, 26 February 1808
[Dated at end: 26 February, 1808.]
DEAR Missionary,—Your letters from the farthest ends
of the world have arrived safe. Mary is
very thankful for your remembrance of her, and with the less suspicion of
mercenariness, as the silk, the symbolum materiale of
your friendship, has not yet appeared. I think Horace says somewhere, nox
longa. I would not impute negligence or unhandsome
delays to a person whom you have honoured with your confidence; but I have not
heard of the silk, or of Mr. Knox, save by your letter.
Maybe he expects the first advances! or it may be that he has not succeeded in
getting the article on shore, for it is among the res prohibitæ et non nisi smuggle-ationis viâ fruendæ.
But so it is, in the friendships between wicked men, the very expressions of
their good-will cannot but be sinful. Splendida
vitia at best. Stay, while I remember it—Mrs. Holcroft was safely delivered of a girl
some day in last week. Mother and child doing well. Mr. Holcroft has been attack’d with severe rheumatism.
They have moved to Clipstone Street. I suppose you know my farce was damned. The noise still rings in my
ears. Was you ever in the pillory?—being damned is something like that.
Godwin keeps a shop in Skinner
Street, Snow Hill, he is turned children’s bookseller, and sells penny,
twopenny, threepenny, and fourpenny books. Sometimes he gets an order for the
dearer sort of Books. (Mind, all that I tell you in this letter is true.) A
treaty of marriage is on foot between William
382 | LETTERS OF C. AND M. LAMB | Feb. |
and Miss
Stoddart. Something about settlements only retards it. She has
somewhere about £80 a year, to be £120 when her mother dies. He has no
settlement except what he can claim from the Parish. Pauper est Cinna, sed
amat. The thing is therefore in abeyance. But there is love
o’ both sides. Little Fenwick (you
don’t see the connexion of ideas here, how the devil should you?) is in
the rules of the Fleet. Cruel creditors! operation of iniquitous laws! is Magna
Charta then a mockery? Why, in general (here I suppose you to ask a question)
my spirits are pretty good, but I have my depressions, black as a smith’s
beard, Vulcanic, Stygian. At such times I have recourse to a pipe, which is
like not being at home to a dun; he comes again with tenfold bitterness the
next day.—(Mind, I am not in debt, I only borrow a similitude from others; it
shows imagination.) I have done two books since the failure of my farce; they
will both be out this summer. The one is a juvenile book—“The Adventures of
Ulysses,” intended to be an introduction to the reading of Telemachus! It is done out
of the Odyssey, not from the
Greek: I would not mislead you; nor yet from Pope’s Odyssey, but from an older translation of one Chapman. The “Shakespear Tales” suggested the doing
it. Godwin is in both those cases my bookseller. The other
is done for Longman, and is “Specimens of English Dramatic Poets
contemporary with Shakespear.” Specimens are becoming
fashionable. We have—“Specimens of Ancient English Poets,” “Specimens of Modern English
Poets,” “Specimens of Ancient English Prose Writers,” without end.
They used to be called “Beauties.” You have seen “Beauties of
Shakespear?” so have many people that never saw any beauties in
Longman is to print it, and be at all the expense and
risk; and I am to share the profits after all deductions; i.e. a year or two hence I must pocket what they please to tell me is
due to me. But the book is such as I am glad there should be. It is done out of
old plays at the Museum and out of Dodsley’s collection, &c. It is to have notes. So I go
creeping on since I was lamed with that cursed fall from off the top of
Drury-Lane Theatre into the pit, something more than a year ago. However, I
have been free of the house ever since, and the house was pretty free with me
upon that occasion. Damn ’em, how they hissed! It was not a hiss neither,
but a sort of a frantic yell, like a congregation of mad geese, with roaring
something like bears, mows and mops like apes, sometimes snakes, that
hiss’d me into madness. Twas like St.
Anthony’s temptations. Mercy on us, that God should give
his favourite children, men, mouths to speak with, to discourse rationally, to
promise smoothly, to flatter agreeably, to encourage warmly, to counsel wisely:
to sing with, to drink with, and to kiss ![]()
with: and that they should turn them into
mouths of adders, bears, wolves, hyenas, and whistle like tempests, and emit
breath through them like distillations of aspic poison, to asperse and vilify
the innocent labours of their fellow-creatures who are desirous to please them!
God be pleased to make the breath stink and the teeth rot out of them all
therefore! Make them a reproach, and all that pass by them to loll out their
tongue at them! Blind mouths! as Milton somewhere calls them. Do you like Braham’s singing? The little Jew has
bewitched me. I follow him like as the boys followed Tom the
Piper. He cured me of melancholy, as David
cured Saul; but I don’t throw stones at him, as
Saul did at David in payment. I
was insensible to music till he gave me a new sense. O, that you could go to
the new opera of “Kais” to-night! ’Tis all about Eastern manners; it would
just suit you. It describes the wild Arabs, wandering Egyptians, lying
dervishes, and all that sort of people, to a hair. You needn’t ha’
gone so far to see what you see, if you saw it as I do every night at
Drury-lane Theatre. Braham’s singing, when it is
impassioned, is finer than Mrs.
Siddons’s or Mr.
Kemble’s acting; and when it is not impassioned, it is as
good as hearing a person of fine sense talking. The brave little Jew! Old
Sergeant Hill is dead. Mrs. Rickman is in the family way. It is
thought that Hazlitt will have children, if he marries
Miss Stoddart. I made a pun the other day, and palmed
it upon Holcroft, who grinned like a Cheshire cat. (Why do
cats grin in Cheshire?—Because it was once a county palatine, and the cats
cannot help laughing whenever they think of it, though I see no great joke in
it.) I said that Holcroft said, being asked who were the
best dramatic writers of the day, “Hook And I.” Mr. Hook is author of several pieces,
&c. You know what hooks and eyes are, don’t you? They are what little
boys do up their breeches with. Your letter had many things in it hard to be
understood: the puns were ready and Swift-like; but don’t you begin to be melancholy in the
midst of Eastern customs! “The mind does not easily conform to foreign
usages, even in trifles: it requires something that it has been familiar
with.” That begins one of Dr.
Hawkesworth’s papers in the “Adventurer,” and is, I think, as sensible
a remark as ever fell from the Doctor’s mouth.1
White is at Christ’s Hospital, a
wit of the first magnitude, but had rather be thought a gentleman, like
Congreve. You know
Congreve’s repulse which he gave to Voltaire, when he came to visit him as a literary man, that he wished to be considered only in
the light of a private gentleman. I think the impertinent Frenchman was
properly answered. I should just serve any member of the French institute in
the same manner, that wished to be introduced to me. Bonaparte has
1 [See Appendix II., page 970.] |
384 | LETTERS OF C. AND M. LAMB | Feb. |
voted 5,000 livres to Davy, the great young English chemist; but it has not arrived.
Coleridge has delivered two lectures
at the Royal Institution; two more were attended, but he did not come. It is
thought he has gone sick upon them. He a’n’t well, that’s
certain. Wordsworth is coming to see
him. He sits up in a two pair of stairs room at the “Courier” Office, and receives visitors on his
close stool. How is Mr. Ball? He has sent
for a prospectus of the London Library.
Does any one read at Canton? Lord
Moira is President of the Westminster Library. I suppose you
might have interest with Sir Joseph
Banks to get to be president of any similar institution that
should be set up at Canton. I think public reading-rooms the best mode of
educating young men. Solitary reading is apt to give the headache. Besides, who
knows that you do read? There are ten thousand institutions similar to the
Royal Institution, which have sprung up from it. There is the London
Institution, the Southwark Institution, the Russell Square Rooms Institution,
&c.—College quasi Con-lege, a place where people
read together. Wordsworth, the great
poet, is coining to town; he is to have apartments in the Mansion House. He
says he does not see much difficulty in writing like Shakspeare, if he had a mind to try it. It is
clear then nothing is wanting but the mind. Even Coleridge a little checked at this hardihood of assertion.
Jones of Trinity, I suppose you know
he is dead. Dyer came to me the other
evening at 11 o’clock, when there was a large room full of company, which
I usually get together on a Wednesday evening (all great men have public days),
to propose to me to have my face done by a Miss
Beetham (or Betham), a miniature painter, some relation to
Mrs. Beetham the Profilist or Pattern Mangle woman
opposite to St. Dunstan’s, to put before my book of Extracts. I declined it.
Well, my dear Manning, talking cannot be infinite; I have said all I have to say;
the rest is but remembrances, which we shall bear in our heads of you, while we
have heads. Here is a packet of trifles nothing worth; but it is a trifling
part of the world where I live; emptiness abounds. But, in fulness of
affection, we remain yours,
Samuel Ball (1781 c.-1874)
Educated with Charles Lamb at Christ's Hospital, he was an authority on Chinese Tea
employed by the East India Company. He was a member of the Athenaeum Club.
Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820)
English naturalist; he accompanied Cook in his voyage around the world, 1768-1771 and was
president of the Royal Society (1778-1820).
Mary Matilda Betham (1777-1852)
English poet and miniature painter and friend of Southey, Coleridge and the Lambs. She
was the elder sister of the antiquary Sir William Betham.
John Braham (1777 c.-1856)
English tenor who began his career at the Covent Garden and Drury Lane theaters; he
assisted Isaac Nathan in setting Byron's
Hebrew Melodies.
George Chapman (1560-1634)
English poet and playwright remembered for his translations of Homer's
Iliad (1612) and
Odyssey (1614-1615).
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)
English poet and philosopher who projected
Lyrical Ballads (1798)
with William Wordsworth; author of
Biographia Literaria (1817),
On the Constitution of the Church and State (1829) and other
William Congreve (1670-1729)
English comic dramatist; author of, among others,
The Double
Dealer (1694),
Love for Love (1695), and
The Way of the World (1700).
Sir Humphry Davy, baronet (1778-1829)
English chemist and physicist, inventor of the safety lamp; in Bristol he knew Cottle,
Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey; he was president of the Royal Society (1820).
George Dyer (1755-1841)
English poet, antiquary, and friend of Charles Lamb; author of
and Critical Essays (1802),
Poetics: or a Series of Poems and
Disquisitions on Poetry, 2 vols (1812),
History of the
University and Colleges of Cambridge, 2 vols (1814) and other works.
John Fenwick (d. 1823)
Radical author, improvident newspaper editor, and close friend of William Godwin. His
The Indian: A Farce (1800) was produced at Drury Lane.
William Godwin (1756-1836)
English novelist and political philosopher; author of
An Inquiry
concerning the Principles of Political Justice (1793) and
Williams (1794); in 1797 he married Mary Wollstonecraft.
John Hawkesworth (1720-1773)
English poet and essayist who published in the
Adventurer and
attracted condemnation for the licentiousness of the collection of travels he edited in
Sarah Hazlitt [née Stoddart] (1774-1840)
The daughter of John Stoddart (1742-1803), lieutenant in the Royal Navy; she married
William Hazlitt in 1808 and was divorced in 1822.
William Hazlitt (1778-1830)
English essayist and literary critic; author of
Characters of
Shakespeare's Plays (1817),
Lectures on the English Poets
(1818), and
The Spirit of the Age (1825).
George Hill [Serjeant Labyrinth] (1716 c.-1808)
Eccentric English attorney educated at Clare College, Cambridge, in 1733 and the Middle
Temple; he was created king's serjeant in 1772.
Thomas Holcroft (1745-1809)
English playwright and novelist; a friend of William Godwin indicted for treason in 1794;
author of
The Road to Ruin (1792). His
Memoirs (1816) were completed by William Hazlitt.
Theodore Edward Hook (1788-1841)
English novelist, wit, and friend of the Prince of Wales; he edited the
John Bull (1820) and appears as the Lucian Gay of Disraeli's
Conigsby and as Mr. Wagg in
Vanity Fair.
Horace (65 BC-8 BC)
Roman lyric poet; author of
Epistles, Satires, and the
Ars Poetica.
Thomas Jones (1756-1807)
Byron's tutor at Cambridge was a noted reformer (William Frend was among his pupils); he
A Sermon on Duelling (1792).
John Philip Kemble (1757-1823)
English actor renowned for his Shakespearean roles; he was manager of Drury Lane
(1783-1802) and Covent Garden (1803-1808).
Louisa Kenney [née Mercier] (1780 c.-1853)
The daughter of the French writer Louis-Sébastien Mercier and former (fourth) wife of
Thomas Holcroft; in 1812 she married the Irish playwright James Kenney.
Mary Anne Lamb (1764-1847)
Sister of Charles Lamb with whom she wrote Tales from Shakespeare (1807). She lived with
her brother, having killed their mother in a temporary fit of insanity.
Thomas Norton Longman (1771-1842)
A leading London publisher whose authors included Southey, Wordsworth, Scott, and
Thomas Manning (1772-1840)
Educated at Caius College, Cambridge, he traveled in China and Tibet, and was a life-long
friend of Charles Lamb.
John Milton (1608-1674)
English poet and controversialist; author of
Comus (1634),
Lycidas (1638),
Areopagitica (1644),
Paradise Lost (1667), and other works.
Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821)
Military leader, First Consul (1799), and Emperor of the French (1804), after his
abdication he was exiled to Elba (1814); after his defeat at Waterloo he was exiled to St.
Helena (1815).
Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
English poet and satirist; author of
The Rape of the Lock (1714)
The Dunciad (1728).
Susannah Rickman [née Postlethwaite] (1771-1836)
Originally of Harting, Sussex, in 1805 she married the statistician John Rickman. Her
eldest daughter was Anne Lefroy, who left a family memoir.
Sarah Siddons [née Kemble] (1755-1831)
English tragic actress, sister of John Philip Kemble, famous roles as Desdemona, Lady
Macbeth, and Ophelia. She retired from the stage in 1812.
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)
Dean of St Patrick's, Scriblerian satirist, and author of
Battle of the
Books with
Tale of a Tub (1704),
Letters (1724),
Gulliver's Travels (1726), and
A Modest Proposal (1729).
Voltaire (1694-1778)
French historian and man of letters; author of, among many other works,
The Age of Louis XIV (1751) and
Candide (1759).
James White (1775-1820)
Educated at Christ's Hospital, where he was for many years a clerk in the treasurer's
office. He founded an advertising agency which operated in Fleet Street.
William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
With Coleridge, author of
Lyrical Ballads (1798), Wordsworth
survived his early unpopularity to succeed Robert Southey as poet laureate in 1843.
The Adventurer. (1752-1754). The
Adventurer, edited by John Hawkesworth was collected in two
volumes. Contributors included Samuel Johnson and Joseph Warton.
The Courier. (1792-1842). A London evening newspaper; the original proprietor was James Perry; Daniel Stuart, Peter
Street, and William Mudford were editors; among the contributors were Samuel Taylor
Coleridge and John Galt.