Works of Charles and Mary Lamb. VI-VII. Letters
Charles Lamb to Thomas Manning, 28 March 1809
DEAR Manning,—I sent you a long letter by the ships which sailed the
beginning of last month, accompanied with books, &c. Since I last wrote,
Holcroft is dead. He died on
Thursday last.1
1 [See Appendix II., page 970. |
396 | LETTERS OF C. AND M. LAMB | March |
So there is one of your friends whom you will
never see again! Perhaps the next fleet may bring you a letter from Martin Burney, to say that he writes by desire
of Miss Lamb, who is not well enough to
write herself, to inform you that her brother died on Thursday last, 14th June,
&c. But I hope not. I should be sorry to give occasion to open a
correspondence between Martin and you. This letter must be
short, for I have driven it off to the very moment of doing up the packets; and
besides, that which I refer to above is a very long one; and if you have
received my books, you will have enough to do to read them. While I think on
it, let me tell you we are moved. Don’t come any more to Mitre Court
Buildings. We are at 34, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, and shall be
here till about the end of May: then we remove to No. 4, Inner Temple Lane,
where I mean to live and die; for I have such horror of moving, that I would
not take a benefice from the King, if I was not indulged with non-residence.
What a dislocation of comfort is comprised in that word moving! Such a heap of
little nasty things, after you think all is got into the cart: old
dredging-boxes, worn-out brushes, gallipots, vials, things that it is
impossible the most necessitous person can ever want, but which the women, who
preside on these occasions, will not leave behind if it was to save your soul;
they’d keep the cart ten minutes to stow in dirty pipes and broken
matches, to show their economy. Then you can find nothing you want for many
days after you get into your new lodgings. You must comb your hair with your
fingers, wash your hands without soap, go about in dirty gaiters. Was I
Diogenes, I would not move out of a
kilderkin into a hogshead, though the first had had nothing but small beer in
it, and the second reeked claret. Our place of final destination,—I don’t
mean the grave, but No. 2 [4] Inner Temple Lane,—looks out upon a gloomy
churchyard-like court, called Hare Court, with three trees and a pump in it. Do
you know it? I was born near it, and used to drink at that pump when I was a
Rechabite of six years old. If you see newspapers you will read about Mrs. Clarke. The sensation in London about
this nonsensical business is marvellous. I remember nothing in my life like it.
Thousands of ballads, caricatures, lives, of Mrs. Clarke,
in every blind alley. Yet in the midst of this stir, a sublime abstracted
dancing-master, who attends a family we know in Kensington, being asked a
question about the progress of the examination in the House, inquired who
Mrs. Clarke was? He had heard nothing of it. He had
evaded this omnipresence by utter insignificancy! The Duke should make that man his confidential valet. I proposed
locking him up, barring him the use of his fiddle and red pumps, until he had
minutely perused and committed to memory the whole body of ![]()
the examinations, which employed the House of
Commons a fortnight, to teach him to be more attentive to what concerns the
public. I think I told you of Godwin’s little book, and of Coleridge’s prospectus, in my last; if I did not, remind
me of it, and I will send you them, or an account of them, next fleet. I have
no conveniency of doing it by this. Mrs.
—— grows every day in disfavour with God and man. I will be
buried with this inscription over me:—“Here lies C. L., the Woman-hater”—I mean that hated
one woman: for the rest, God bless them, and
when he makes any more, make ’em prettier. How do you like the
Mandarinesses? Are you on some little footing with any of them? This is
Wednesday. On Wednesdays is my levee. The Captain, Martin, Phillips, (not the Sheriff,) Rickman, and
some more, are constant attendants, besides stray visitors. We play at whist,
eat cold meat and hot potatoes, and any gentleman that chooses smokes. Why do
you never drop in? You’ll come some day, won’t you?
James Burney (1750-1821)
The brother of Fanny Burney; he sailed with Captain Cook and wrote about his voyages, and
in later life was a friend of Charles Lamb and other literary people.
Martin Charles Burney (1788-1852)
The son of Admiral James Burney and nephew of Fanny Burney; he was a lawyer on the
western circuit, and a friend of Leigh Hunt, the Lambs, and Hazlitts.
Mary Anne Clarke (1776 c.-1852)
Having married a Joseph Clarke, she was mistress to the Duke of York (1803-06) and
involved with selling government offices, as came to light in an 1809 House of Commons
investigation. She spent her later years living in Paris.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)
English poet and philosopher who projected
Lyrical Ballads (1798)
with William Wordsworth; author of
Biographia Literaria (1817),
On the Constitution of the Church and State (1829) and other
Diogenes (412 BC c.-323 BC)
Athenian cynic philosopher who demonstrated his preference for simplicity by living in a
Frederick Augustus, Duke of York (1763-1827)
He was commander-in-chief of the Army, 1798-1809, until his removal on account of the
scandal involving his mistress Mary Anne Clarke.
Mary Jane Godwin [née Vial] (1768-1841)
The second wife of William Godwin, whom she married in 1801 after a previous relationship
in which was born her daughter Claire Clairmont (1798-1879). With her husband she was a
London bookseller.
William Godwin (1756-1836)
English novelist and political philosopher; author of
An Inquiry
concerning the Principles of Political Justice (1793) and
Williams (1794); in 1797 he married Mary Wollstonecraft.
Thomas Holcroft (1745-1809)
English playwright and novelist; a friend of William Godwin indicted for treason in 1794;
author of
The Road to Ruin (1792). His
Memoirs (1816) were completed by William Hazlitt.
Charles Lamb [Elia] (1775-1834)
English essayist and boyhood friend of Coleridge at Christ's Hospital; author of
Essays of Elia published in the
Magazine (collected 1823, 1833) and other works.
Mary Anne Lamb (1764-1847)
Sister of Charles Lamb with whom she wrote Tales from Shakespeare (1807). She lived with
her brother, having killed their mother in a temporary fit of insanity.
Thomas Manning (1772-1840)
Educated at Caius College, Cambridge, he traveled in China and Tibet, and was a life-long
friend of Charles Lamb.
Edward Phillips (1771-1844)
He was clerk to John Rickman whom he succeeded as secretary to the speaker of the House
of Commons (1814-33); he was also a friend of Charles Lamb.
Sir Richard Phillips (1767-1840)
London bookseller, vegetarian, and political reformer; he published
Monthly Magazine, originally edited by John Aikin (1747-1822). John Wolcot was a
friend and neighbor.
John Rickman (1771-1840)
Educated at Magdalen Hall and Lincoln College, Oxford, he was statistician and clerk to
the House of Commons and an early friend of Charles Lamb and Robert Southey.