DEAR W. your
experience about tailors seems to be in point blank opposition to Burton, as much as the
author of the Excursion
does toto cœlo differ in his notion of a country life from
the picture which W. H. has exhibited of
the same. But with a little explanation you and B. may be
reconciled. It is evident that he confined his observations to the genuine
native London tailor. What freaks Tailor-nature may take in the country is not
for him to give account of. And certainly some of the freaks recorded do give
an idea of the persons in question being beside themselves, rather than in
harmony with the common
450 | LETTERS OF C. AND M. LAMB | Dec. |
The “’scapes” of the great god Pan who appeared among your mountains some dozen years since, and his narrow chance of being submerged by the swains, afforded me much pleasure. I can conceive the water nymphs pulling for him. He would have been another Hylas. W. Hylas. In a mad letter which Capel Loft wrote to M. M. Phillips (now Sr. Richd.) I remember his noticing a metaphysical article by Pan, signed H. and adding “I take your correspondent to be the same with Hylas.” Hylas has [? had] put forth a pastoral just before. How near the unfounded conjecture of the certainly inspired Loft (unfounded as we thought it) was to being realized! I can conceive him being “good to all that wander in that perilous flood.” One J. Scott (I know no more) is editr. of Champn.
Where is Coleridge?
That Review you speak of, I am only sorry it did not appear last month.
The circumstances of haste and peculiar bad spirits under which it was written,
would have excused its slightness and inadequacy, the full load of which I
shall suffer from its lying by so long as it will seem to have done from its
postponement. I write with great difficulty and can scarce command my own
resolution to sit at writing an hour together. I am a poor creature, but I am
leaving off Gin. I hope you will see good will in the thing. I had a difficulty
to perform not to make it all Panegyrick; I have attempted to personate a mere
stranger to you; perhaps with too much strangeness. But you must bear that in
mind when you read it, and not think that I am in mind distant from you or your
Poem, but that both are close to me among the nearest of persons and things. I
do but act the stranger in the Review. Then, I was puzzled about extracts and
determined upon
1814 | THE REVIEW FINISHED | 451 |