DEAR Southey,—I am pleased with your friendly remembrances of my little
things. I do not know whether I have done a silly thing or a wise one; but it
is of no great consequence. I run no risk, and care for no censures. My bread
and cheese is stable as the foundations of Leadenhall Street, and if it hold
out as long as the “foundations of our empire in the East,”
I shall do pretty well. You and W. W.
should have had your presentation copies more ceremoniously sent; but I had no
copies when I was leaving town for my holidays, and rather than delay,
commissioned my bookseller to send them thus nakedly. By not hearing from
W. W. or you, I began to be afraid Murray had not sent them. I do not see
S. T. C. so often as I could wish.
He never comes to me; and though his host and hostess are very friendly, it
puts me out of my way to go see one person at another person’s house. It
was the same when he resided at Morgan’s. Not but they also were more than civil; but
after all one feels so welcome at one’s own house. Have you seen poor
Miss Betham’s “Vignettes”? Some of
them, the second particularly, “To Lucy,” are sweet and
1818 | PLANS FOR HIGHGATE | 517 |