Works of Charles and Mary Lamb. VI-VII. Letters
Charles Lamb to John Bates Dibdin, [30 June 1826]
Friday, some day in June, 1826. [p.m.
June 30, 1826.]
first impulse upon opening your letter was pleasure at seeing your old neat
hand, nine parts gentlemanly, with a modest dash of the clerical: my second a
Thought, natural enough this hot weather, Am I to answer all this? why
’tis as long as those to the Ephesians and Galatians put together—I have
counted the words for curiosity. But then Paul has nothing like the fun which is ebullient all over
yours. I don’t remember a good thing (good like yours) from the 1st Romans to the last of the Hebrews. I remember but
one Pun in all the Evangely, and that was made by his and our master: Thou art
Peter (that is Doctor Rock) and upon this rock will I
build &c.; which sanctifies Punning with me against all gainsayers. I never
knew an enemy to puns, who was not an ill-natured man. Your fair critic in the
coach reminds me of a Scotchman who assured me that he did not see much in
Shakspeare. I replied, I dare say
not. He felt the equivoke, lookd awkward, and reddish, but soon returnd to the
attack, by saying that he thought Burns
was as good as Shakspeare: I said that I had no doubt he
was—to a Scotchman. We exchangd no more words that day.—Your account of the
fierce faces in the Hanging, with the presumed interlocution of the Eagle and
the Tyger, amused us greatly. You cannot be so very bad, while you can pick
mirth off from rotten walls. But let me hear you have escaped out of your oven.
May the Form of the Fourth Person who clapt invisible wet blankets about the
shoulders of Shadrach
Meshach and Abednego, be with you in
the fiery Trial. But get out of the frying pan. Your business, I take it, is
bathing, not baking.
Let me hear that you have clamber’d up to
Lover’s Seat; it is as fine in that neighbourhood as Juan Fernandez, as
lonely too, when the Fishing boats are not out; I have sat for hours, staring
upon a shipless sea. The salt sea is never so grand as when it is left to ![]()
708 | LETTERS OF C. AND M. LAMB | June |
itself. One cock-boat spoils it. A sea-mew or
two improves it. And go to the little church, which is a very protestant
Loretto, and seems dropt by some angel for the use of a hermit, who was at once
parishioner and a whole parish. It is not too big. Go in the night, bring it
away in your portmanteau, and I will plant it in my garden. It must have been
erected in the very infancy of British Christianity, for the two or three first
converts; yet hath it all the appertenances of a church of the first magnitude,
its pulpit, its pews, its baptismal font; a cathedral in a nutshell. Seven
people would crowd it like a Caledonian Chapel. The minister that divides the
word there, must give lumping pennyworths. It is built to the text of two or
three assembled in my name. It reminds me of the grain of mustard seed. If the
glebe land is proportionate, it may yield two potatoes. Tythes out of it could
be no more split than a hair. Its First fruits must be its Last, for
’twould never produce a couple. It is truly the strait and narrow way,
and few there be (of London visitants) that find it. The still small voice is
surely to be found there, if any where. A sounding board is merely there for
ceremony. It is secure from earthquakes, not more from sanctity than size, for
’twould feel a mountain thrown upon it no more than a taper-worm would.
Go and see, but not without your spectacles. By the way, there’s a
capital farm house two thirds of the way to the Lover’s Seat, with
incomparable plum cake, ginger beer, etc. Mary bids me warn you not to read the Anatomy of Melancholy in your present low
way. You’ll fancy yourself a pipkin, or a headless bear, as Burton speaks of. You’ll be lost in a
maze of remedies for a labyrinth of diseasements, a plethora of cures. Read
Fletcher; above all the Spanish Curate, the Thief or Little
Nightwalker, the Wit Without
Money, and the Lover’s Pilgrimage. Laugh and come home fat. Neither do we
think Sir T. Browne quite the thing for
you just at present. Fletcher is as light as Soda water.
Browne and Burton are too strong
potions for an Invalid. And don’t thumb or dirt the books. Take care of
the bindings. Lay a leaf of silver paper under ’em, as you read them. And
don’t smoke tobacco over ’em, the leaves will fall in and burn or
dirty their namesakes. If you find any dusty atoms of the Indian Weed crumbled
up in the Beaumt
and Fletcher, they are mine. But then, you know, so is
the Folio also. A pipe and a comedy of Fletcher’s
the last thing of a night is the best recipe for light dreams and to scatter
away Nightmares. Probatum est. But do as you like about the
former. Only cut the Baker’s. You will come home else all crust; Rankings
must chip you before you can appear in his counting house. And my dear
Peter Fin Junr., do contrive to see the
sea at least once before you return. You’ll be ask’d about it in
the Old Jewry. It will appear singular not to ![]()
have seen it. And rub up your Muse, the
family Muse, and send us a rhyme or so. Don’t waste your wit upon that
damn’d Dry Salter. I never knew but one Dry Salter, who could relish
those mellow effusions, and he broke. You knew Tommy
Hill, the wettest of dry salters. Dry Salters, what a word for
this thirsty weather! I must drink after it. Here’s to thee, my dear
Dibdin, and to our having you again
snug and well at Colebrooke. But our nearest hopes are to hear again from you
shortly. An epistle only a quarter as agreeable as your last, would be a treat.
Yours most truly
C. Lamb.
Timothy B. Dibdin, Esq.,
No. 9, Blucher Row,
Priory, Hastings.
Francis Beaumont (1585-1616)
English playwright, often in collaboration with John Fletcher; author of
The Knight of the Burning Pestle (1607).
Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682)
English physician and essayist; he was the author of
medici (1642) and
Pseudodoxia epidemica (1646).
Robert Burns (1759-1796)
Scottish poet and song collector; author of
Poems, chiefly in the
Scottish Dialect (1786).
Robert Burton (1577-1640)
English clergyman and satirist; author of
The Anatomy of
Melancholy (1621).
John Bates Dibdin (1798-1828)
The son of Charles Isaac Mungo Dibdin; he worked as a clerk in a mercantile concern,
edited the
European Magazine for a time, and corresponded with
Charles Lamb.
John Fletcher (1579-1625)
English playwright, author of
The Faithful Shepherdess (1610) and
of some fifteen plays in collaboration with Francis Beaumont.
Thomas Hill (1760-1840)
English book-collector who entertained members of Leigh Hunt's circle at his cottage at
Sydenham in Kent. He was a proprietor of the
Monthly Mirror and
later a writer for the
Morning Chronicle. Charles Lamb described him
as “the wettest of dry salters.”
Mary Anne Lamb (1764-1847)
Sister of Charles Lamb with whom she wrote Tales from Shakespeare (1807). She lived with
her brother, having killed their mother in a temporary fit of insanity.
St Paul (5 c.-67 c.)
Apostle to the Gentiles.
Robert Burton (1577-1640)
The Anatomy of Melancholy, what it is. With all the Kindes, Causes, Symptomes,
Prognostickes, and severall Cures of it. In three maine Partitions with their severall
Sections, Members, and Subsections. Philosophically, medicinally, historically, opened and
cut up. (Oxford: Henry Cripps, 1621). A work much admired by melancholiacs Johnson, Sterne, Coleridge, Byron, and Lamb.