“Your letter ‘refreshed’ me in this region
of dullness and stupidity, more than perhaps you will suppose. Your dialogue
between Brandenburgh House and Carlton House (in the Times), has excited attention
here, though party feeling may qualify the term with some. You write in such
good spirits, that I conclude you have leisure. If so, I should be
inexpressibly happy
“Mr. Greathead’s house at Guy’s Cliff, when you come down, will be worthy your notice. I am not sufficiently versed in architecture to characterize the ornaments and decorations he is adding.
“I think of going to the continent next May. Permit me to thank you for the compliment with respect to my undertaking some literary occupation for the attainment of honest fame. It is my sincere wish to do so, but how to begin, and what to exercise my feeble efforts upon is as much as ever a puzzle. Perhaps in more leisure moments you may assist me to a subject. I sometimes think of collecting, as many materials of the political state and general feeling of the modern French and their king as I can, also of the state of the Italians and Spaniards, and then institute comparisons between them and ourselves, so as to mark the gradations of their advancement and decline, politically, and individually.
“But, my dear Sir, you must be tired of reading my
crude suggestions to myself. However, believe me to be
P.S. Mrs. F. desires to be remembered to you.