“In consequence of what you say, print the verses. I hardly know what title they should have.
Perhaps, after all, the one I have given will
“I am almost at my last pound, for that poor, blustering creature has sent me not a farthing of my arrears, but I have enclosed two pounds which I shall be singularly obliged to you to see given to the object for whom they are meant, for the person who has written to me about her distress is a man unknown to me, so that I do not choose to trust him. The unfortunate creature to whom I crave your kindness to take these two sovereigns, is a Mrs. G——, at No. 5, —— Street. I never had one feeling of interest in that hapless woman, but a perception of something in her nature and character ill-fitted for the wretched life which she leads, from which I have made many endeavours to snatch her, and shall not cease to make them. But I shall be obliged to her to tell me if the child which she has with her be the same about whom I interested M——, in hopes that he might get her into a place at the Opera House.”