I return infinite thanks for the excellent telescope which you have had the kindness to send me, and assure you that I shall ever bear in mind the attention I have received from you. I hope that some favourable occasion may occur when I may be called upon to attend to your honoured commands, and request you freely to dispose of me in anything in which I can be of service in these parts. I have delayed some days before answering your esteemed letter of the 22nd of this month, in respect of receiving from Massa the information you desired, which is as follows:
The same day, the 18th July, when the sea cast on shore the body
of Signore Shelley; there was thrown up on
the shores of Massa, another corpse which could not be recognised, from its having
been eaten about the head by fish. It had on a cotton waistcoat, and white and blue
striped trowsers; a cambric shirt;—and was without shoes. This body was burnt
on the shore, and the ashes interred in the sand. At Montignoso the sea threw up a
This is the news I have been able to obtain, with reference to the misfortune which has happened, and to my own knowledge. If I should meet with any further information, I shall consider it my duty to communicate it forthwith.