Dear Hodgson,—I have been waiting for the letter, which was to be sent by you immediately, and must again jog your memory on the subject. I have heard from Hobhouse, who has at last sent more copy to Cawthorn for his ‘Travels.’ I franked an enormous cover for you yesterday, seemingly to convey at least twelve cantos on any given subject. I fear the aspect of it was too epic for the post. From this and other coincidences I augur a publication on your part, but what or when, or how much, you must disclose immediately.
I don’t know what to say about coming down to Cambridge
at present, but live in hopes. I am so completely superannuated there, and
besides feel it something brazen in me to wear my magisterial habit, after all
my buffooneries, that I hardly think I shall venture again. And being now an
Do write and send this letter that hath been so long in your custody. It is of importance that M. should be certain I never received it, if it be his. Are you drowned that I have never heard from you, or are you fallen into a fit of perplexity? Cawthorn has declined, and the MS. is returned to him. This is all at present from yours in the faith,