Memoir of Francis Hodgson
Augusta Leigh to Francis Hodgson, 15 December 1814
Six Mile Bottom: December 15.
My dear Mr.
Hodgson,—You could not have gratified me more than by giving
me an opportunity of writing on my favourite subject to one so truly worthy of
it as you are; indeed I have repeatedly wished of late that I could communicate
with you, and should have ventured to do so by letter had I known your address.
Most thankful do I feel that I have so much to say that will delight you. I
have every reason to think that my beloved B. is very happy and comfortable. I hear constantly from him
and his Rib. They are now at Seaham, and not inclined to
return to Halnaby,1 because
all the world were preparing to visit them there, and at S. they are free from
this torment, no trifling
1 Sir Ralph
Milbanke’s other place in Durham, where they
passed the first month of their married life. |
one in B.’s estimation, as you know. From my own
observations on their epistles, and knowledge of B.’s disposition and
ways, I really hope most confidently that all will turn
out very happily. It appears to me that Lady
B. sets about making him happy quite
in the right way. It is true I judge at a distance, and we generally hope as we wish; but I assure you
I don’t conclude hastily on this subject, and will own to you, what I
would not scarcely to any other person, that I had many fears and much anxiety founded
upon many causes and circumstances of which I cannot write. Thank God! that they do not appear likely to be realised. In
short, there seems to me to be but one drawback to all
our felicity, and that, alas! is the disposal of dear Newstead, which
I am afraid is irrevocably decreed. I received the fatal communication from
Lady B. ten days ago, and will own to you that it was
not only grief, but disappointment; for I had flattered myself such a sacrifice
would not be made. From my representations she had said and urged all she could
in favour of keeping it. Mr. Hobhouse
the same, and I believe (but I can’t exactly
explain to you particularly how and about it) that he was deputed to make inquiries and researches, and I know that he
wrote to B. suggesting the propriety and ex-![]()
pediency of at least delaying the sale. This most excellent advice created so much
disturbance in B.’s mind, that Lady B. wrote me word
‘He had such a fit of vexation he could not appear at dinner, or leave
his room.’ Claughton has since
that conceded the £5,000 in dispute, and I fear this would finally end all
difficulties. B.’s spirits had improved at the prospect of a release from
the embarrassments which interfered so much with his comfort, and I suppose I ought to be satisfied with this. But for the life of me, dear Mr. H., I cannot, never shall while I
breathe, I’m thoroughly convinced, feel reconciled to the loss of that
sacred, revered Abbey. The affliction it causes me is severely aggravated by
the conviction that it might by a little patience,
forbearance, and temporary prudence have been unnecessary, and that my darling
brother will some day lament this step, and perhaps others besides him. I am
determined to think it lost, though the thought makes me more melancholy than,
perhaps, the loss of an inanimate object ought to do; and I have determined
henceforward to hold my peace to others, for if it is really gone lamentations
can do no good. At the same time, I cannot always check a sort of inward
foreboding that it will not go. To be sure, this is ![]()
perfectly irrational, but so it is, and I can only say
that I don’t encourage such superstitions. Anybody but you would be quite
tired of my bewailings on this sad subject, but I’m sure you feel on it
as much like me as anyone can who is not a Byron, and
therefore I will not apologise. May the future bring peace and comfort to my
dearest B.! that is always one of my first wishes; and I’m convinced it
is my duty to endeavour to be resigned to the loss of
this dear Abbey from our family, as well as all other griefs which are sent by
Him who knows what is good for us. It is said that
Lord P.’s
1 sanity is likely to be established, which I’m
glad of for the sake of his poor wife;
but I can’t help wishing my brother’s concerns out of her father’s hands for very powerful
I do not know what are B.’s plans. Lady B.
says nothing can be decided upon till their affairs are in some degree
arranged. They have been anxious to procure a temporary habitation in my
neighbourhood, which would be convenient to him and delightful to me, if his
presence is required in Town upon this sad Newstead business. But I’m
sorry to say I cannot hear of any likely to suit
them; and our house is
so very small, I could scarcely contrive to take them
in. Lady B. is extremely kind to me, for which I am most
grateful, and to my dearest B., for I am well aware how much I am indebted to
his partiality and affection for her good opinion. I will not give up the hope
of seeing them in their way to Town, whenever they do go, as for a few nights
they would, perhaps, tolerate the innumerable inconveniences attending the best
arrangement I could make for them. Before I quit the B. subject, I must ask you
a question which has just occurred to me. Did you ever hear that Landed Property, the gift of the
Crown, could not be sold? I have, but can scarcely believe it, because
I should think Mr. Claughton would be
aware of such a thing in the case of N. A thousand thanks for your kind
inquiries. My babes are all quite well; Medora more beautiful than ever. Col. L. is at present suffering from a very bad cough, which
I’m sorry to add he has had a great deal too long. He desires his best
compliments and regards to you.
Now, dear Mr. H., I have, I fear, almost tired you, at least
I should fear it on any other subject. I wish you had
told me a great deal more of you and yours; pray do this whenever your pen has not ![]()
better employment, for I am truly interested in your happiness. Have you any
pupils, or any more, for I think you had one when last I
heard from you? I hope your solitude will cease to be
solitary sooner than you imagine. Excuse this
tedious long letter, and
Believe me,
Ever very truly yours,
A. L.
P.S.—Lady B.
writes me word she never saw her father and mother so happy: that she
believes the latter would go to the bottom of the sea herself to find fish
for B.’s dinner, that he (B.) owns
at last that he is very happy and comfortable at Seaham, though he had pre-determined to be very miserable. In some of her
letters she mentions his health not being very good, though he seldom
complains, but say’s both that and his spirits have been improved by
some daily walks she had prevailed on him to take; and attributes much of
his languor in ye morning and feverish feels at
night to his long fasts, succeeded by too hearty meals for any weak and empty stomach to
bear at one time, waking by night and sleeping by day. I flatter myself her influence will prevail over these bad
habits. They had been playing the fool one evening, ‘old and ![]()
young.’ B.
dressed in Lady M.’s
long-haired wig (snatched from her head for the
purpose), his dressing-gown on, turned wrong-side out; Lady B. in his
travelling-cap and long cloak, with whiskers and mustachios. What a long
Thomas Claughton (1774 c.-1842)
Educated at Rugby, he was a Warrington solicitor and MP for Newton, Lancashire (1818-25)
who agreed to purchase Newstead Abbey in 1812 and then paid the forfeit. He was the father
of Thomas Legh Claughton (1808-1892), bishop of St Albans.
John Hanson (1755-1841)
Byron's solicitor and business agent.
Mary Anne Hanson (d. 1867)
Daughter of Byron's solicitor, John Hanson, the second wife of John Charles Wallop
(1767-1853), third earl of Portsmouth; the marriage, 7 March 1814, was annulled in 1828
after a long legal contest. Her obituary in GM gives her name as “Harriet Bridges.”
John Cam Hobhouse, baron Broughton (1786-1869)
Founder of the Cambridge Whig Club; traveled with Byron in the orient, radical MP for
Westminster (1820); Byron's executor; after a long career in politics published
Some Account of a Long Life (1865) later augmented as
Recollections of a Long Life, 6 vols (1909-1911).
Francis Hodgson (1781-1852)
Provost of Eton College, translator of Juvenal (1807) and close friend of Byron. He wrote
for the
Monthly and
Critical Reviews, and was
author of (among other volumes of poetry)
Childe Harold's Monitor; or
Lines occasioned by the last Canto of Childe Harold (1818).
George Leigh (1771-1850)
Officer in the 10th Light Dragoons, gambler, and boon companion of the Prince of Wales;
he married Augusta Byron in 1807.
Medora Leigh (1814-1849)
The daughter of Augusta Leigh, possibly fathered by Lord Byron; in 1829 she eloped to
France with Henry Trevanion, the husband of her sister Georgiana; she died there of
John Charles Wallop, third earl of Portsmouth (1767-1853)
The son of the second earl (d. 1812); he succeeded to the peerage in 1797; married 1)
Grace Norton (1799) and 2) Mary Anne Hanson (1814); in 1823 he was declared to be of
unsound mind and his second marriage was annulled in 1828.