Memoir of Francis Hodgson
Frances Arkwright to Francis Hodgson, [9 September 1841]
My dear Mr.
Hodgson,—Our tour was most charming, so charming that I can
give you no idea of it. Much and often did I wish for you, who would have been
so worthy of all that nature and art poured out to overflowing. I was more
pleased with France than I expected. It is certainly a fine country, though its
natural beauties are not interesting; but there are some things in the South
well worth seeing. The Pont du Gard is most magnificent, and Nismes, with its
beautiful amphitheatre and many other interesting remains. Arles, too, and
Avignon, which has a peculiar charm of its own, though there is not much to see
in the town; but the situation is beautiful. We went from ![]()
Chalons to Lyons by the Saône (the scenery is extremely pretty), then from
Lyons to Avignon by the Rhône. I cannot say how beautiful the Rhône
is; it far, far surpasses the Rhine, which is greatly over-rated. On leaving
France we went from Nice to Genoa by the Cornice—lovely; imagine going close to the Mediterranean for 200 miles, on a
ledge so overhanging it that you might drop a stone into it, and never leaving
it but to wend for a short distance among rocks of variegated marble, and
through groves of olives, palms, oleanders, oranges, giving out their sweetness
to the sea-breeze: then the Mediterranean—there is nothing on this earth
so lovely. Our sea is a fine, bluff fellow, and I love him dearly. But, my dear
Mr. Hodgson, you can have no idea of the exquisite
beauty and variety of colours of the Mediterranean. How I wished for you at
Genoa, and Florence, and Venice, and in all the intermediate travelling. Venice
is enchantment! and you must go directly, for they have almost finished a
railroad through the sea from the main-land. In another year it will be done,
and Venice no longer Venice. From Venice we went through great part of the
Tyrol, with which I was delighted. The country and the people are most
loveable, most attaching. Then ![]()
we went to Milan, and over the Simplon into Switzerland, with which I was
disappointed. We came home by the Rhine to Brussels. This is a slight sketch of
our tour, and here is how I love it. First of all Italy,
really the garden of the world, its lakes, its mountains, its plains, all
exquisite. Its works of art, palaces, pictures, statues, churches, all miracles
of splendour. I had no conception of the treasures they contain; but alas! that
so much treasure should have been expended to perpetuate error. I was
disappointed in the Venus! She is beautiful in form, but
her head is insignificant, and altogether she did not interest me. Of all the
statues at Florence I most admired the Knife- grinder; that is wonderfully
fine: and a figure of architecture which makes part of a group on the monument
of Michael Angelo in the Church of Santa
To pictures, with shame I confess it, I am quite
insensible, except in three or four instances. The finest picture in the world
is at Venice, and that I saw without the least emotion. The gallery at Bologna,
too, I cared nothing about; in short, I have not that sense.
Italy, beautiful, beautiful Italy, I place first of all;
then the Tyrol; then Switzerland, beautiful but ![]()
stern and
hard—we should have seen it before we went to Italy and the
Tyrol—then Germany; then France. Of the mountain-passes I place first the
Stelvio, for wonder; the Ampezzo for beauty, oh, how beautiful! then the
Fintermünz—all in the Tyrol; then the Simplon. Lakes—first,
Maggiore, then Como, then Geneva. I saw no other
Swiss lake; but we saw Chamouni, very fine.
I almost forgot to tell you that the book I send you is
from the Island of San Lazaro at Venice, and was printed at the monastery
there, which was a favourite spot of Lord
Byron’s, and where he was instructed in the Armenian
language by Father Paschal Ancher. I was
sorry not to see him, but he was away for his health. Another brother showed us
all over the convent and gardens, full of oleanders, large trees. The
printing-offices are very large, and they appear to be very busy; the type, as
you will see, is remarkably good. I know you will accept this poor offering as
a sort of memento of Lord Byron, and as rather a curious
Have you read Horace
Twiss’s ‘Life of Lord Eldon?’ I think you would like it. It appears to
me well written, interesting, and very amusing; and he has given private
anecdotes and letters of ![]()
Lord Eldon, without compromising his
dignity in the least. We are going to Chatsworth on the 20th for a few days, to
meet Lady Granville. I shall call at
Stoney, from there, of course. With kind love to Mrs. Hodgson and the children,
I am ever,
Most affectionately yours,
F. C. A.
Father Pasquale Aucher (1774-1827)
Of the Mekhitarist Convent in Venice; he tutored Byron in Armenian and collaborated with
him on an Armenian grammar (1817).
Francis Hodgson (1781-1852)
Provost of Eton College, translator of Juvenal (1807) and close friend of Byron. He wrote
for the
Monthly and
Critical Reviews, and was
author of (among other volumes of poetry)
Childe Harold's Monitor; or
Lines occasioned by the last Canto of Childe Harold (1818).
John Scott, first earl of Eldon (1751-1838)
Lord chancellor (1801-27); he was legal counsel to the Prince of Wales and an active
opponent of the Reform Bill.
Horace Twiss (1787-1849)
Lawyer, poet, and biographer; he was MP for Wootton Basset (1820-30) and Newport
(1830-31) and author of
St Stephens Chapel: a Satirical Poem