I have to thank you for your two
very kind letters, both received at the same time, and one long after its date.
I am not unaware of the precarious state of my health, nor am, nor have been,
deceived on that subject. But it is proper that I should remain in Greece; and
it were better to die doing something than nothing. My presence here has been
supposed so far useful as to have prevented confusion from becoming worse
confounded, at least for the present. Should I become, or be deemed useless or
superfluous, I am ready to retire; but in the interim I am not to consider
personal consequences; the rest is in the hands of Providence,—as indeed
are all things. I shall, however, observe your instructions, and indeed did so,
as far as regards abstinence, for some time past. Besides the tracts, &c.,
which you have sent for distribution, one of the English artificers (hight
Brownbill, a tinman) left to my
charge a number of Greek Testaments, which I will endeavour to distribute
properly. The Greeks complain that the translation is not correct, nor in good Romaic: Bambas
348 | APPENDIX |
I have been interrupted by a visit from P. Mavrocordato and others since I began this letter, and must close it hastily, for the boat is announced as ready to sail. Your future convert, Hato, or Hatagée, appears to me lively, and intelligent, and promising, and possesses an interesting countenance. With regard to her disposition I can say little, but Millingen, who has the mother (who is a middle-aged woman of good character) in his house as a domestic (although their family was in good worldly circumstances previous to the revolution), speaks well of both, and he is to be relied on. As far as I know, I have only seen the child a few times with her mother, and what I have seen is favourable, or I should not take so much interest in her behalf. If she turns out well, my idea would be to send her to my daughter in England
* That this was not the case, see Dr. Meyer’s Letter. |
APPENDIX | 349 |
Of public matters here I have little to add to what you will already have heard. We are going on as well as we can, and with the hope and the endeavour to do better. Believe me,