I have to acknowledge your very kind and flattering letter, and am truly glad that you and Mrs. K. have not been so tired of my company as I feared. The few days which I passed with you in your beautiful island, are amongst the whitest in my existence; and as such I shall recollect them,—not without the hope of our meeting again, some time, and somewhere.
I have given directions to Messrs.
Kornologni (or Corialegno) to furnish the Moreote refugees with every
necessary for their decent subsistence at my expense—
APPENDIX | 389 |
I hope that Mrs. K. has not suffered from her travels, . . . . she is the most intrepid craigs-woman (as the Scotch call it) I have met with. Count P. Gamba, and the rest of the party, beg their best thanks and respects both to her and to you; and uniting in every good wish, I ever am.
P.S. I do not include the Moreote family’s debt in the subscription. I intend to pay that on a separate account; but I forget the amount.