“I have this moment received
orders to proceed to Newry without delay, and embark immediately with a
detachment of the 91st, for Jamaica. This has come suddenly and unexpectedly;
but I trust we can yield, and with sincerity say, ‘Blessed be the name of
the Lord;’ however opposed his dispensations may be to our desires,
APPENDIX | 435 |
“I was busy with my book, and read a part of it. This order will again interrupt it; when it will be finished I know not, but I shall direct my whole attention to it, lest any event happen to myself in the climate whither Providence sends me.
“I shall think of you when we are far distant. Make mention of me in your prayers—we require each other’s remembrance at the Throne of Grace, for the trials of life are numerous and various; all is well, however, to those who love the Lord Jesus. May God bless my dear friend, and make your future life useful and honourable.