Conversations on Religion, with Lord Byron
Pietro Gamba to James Kennedy, 24 February 1824
Missolunghi, Feb. 24th, 1824.
Dear Sir,
My liberation was truly romantic; the greatest proof
which we can have of it is, that none of you in Cephalonia will believe the
story of my friend Spiro Valsamachi. But
whatever may be your incredulity, it is altogether true, because the whole was
narrated to me by the Dey himself. But I do not wish to yield the whole merit
to Signore Spiro; but peace to these fooleries.
We have expected the articles from* Professor Bamba, but hitherto in vain; I wish,
however, to ascribe this to. the want of opportunities. Make every effort to
stimulate him. We shall now publish a new gazette in English and
Italian—in short, in every language in which the articles shall be
despatched to us. It will be entitled the “Greek Telegraph.” The object of the gazette
will be to give a faithful narration of the affairs of Greece to those nations
of Europe which take an interest in them. I hope you will contribute some
articles. You must forward them to “Signore
Meyer, Director of the Greek Chronicle.” My lord employs
all his influence to inspire the Greeks with more Christian and humane
sentiments even towards their enemies.
* Professor
Bamba acceded to this request, and he continued to write
till the Ionian government prohibited all such correspondence, whether
literary, moral, or religious. |
He obtained, the other day, two Turkish slaves, and set
them at liberty, and he will immediately do the same to twenty-four women and
children, who have been here in misery and slavery ever since the first
breaking out of the revolution. A little
girl about eight years of age, and who wished not to return
among the Turks, remained behind. She is of a fine form of person, and exhibits
the best inclinations of mind. It would truly be a betraying of her at her age,
in which the national prejudices and superstitions cannot have taken deep root,
to leave her a prey to the brutal customs of the Turks. The intention of my
lord is to send her to Italy, or to England, to his sister, for her education,
that a brighter prospect of life may be opened for her, than could have been
the case in her own barbarous and insensate country. He would wish her,
however, to repose for a few months in the islands, in order that she may learn
a little Italian, and also wait for the summer, before sending her onwards. If
you remain in the island, he would wish to send her to you and your lady for a
couple of months, it being well understood that the expense for her maintenance
and education be placed to the account of my lord. I wish you to give me a
speedy answer. Recommend me to the remembrance of our common friends, and
believe me to be always
Pietro Gamba (1801-1827)
The brother of Teresa Guiccioli and member of Carbonieri. He followed Byron to Greece and
left a memoir of his experiences.
Hatagèe (1824 fl.)
A Turkish girl of about nine years of age who Byron rescued while in Missolonghi and
proposed sending to Dr. James Kennedy for adoption; in the event, she was restored to her
father, Hussein Aga, a secretary to Yusuf Pasha.
James Kennedy (1793 c.-1827)
Scottish physician in the British forces; his experiences with Byron in Cephalonia were
published as
Conversations on Religion with Lord Byron
Johann-Jacob Meyer (1798-1826)
Swiss republican who edited
Hellenica Chronica; he died during the
siege of Missolonghi.
Telegrafo Greco. (1824). An Italian newspaper published at Missolonghi; it was edited by Pietro Gamba.