‘I received your letter a few days ago, and thank you for your politeness and candour. It cannot be supposed that I imagined that I was about to do any thing prejudicial to the character or fame of Lord Byron, when, in my letter to Mr. Kinnaird, whom I addressed by mistake as an executor, I stated that my reasons for resolving to publish an account of the Conversations with his lordship on religion were, that I believe such an account would be interesting in itself; would tend to remove much of that obloquy which many Christians attach to his lordship; and would not be injurious nor offensive to any one, whilst it might possibly be useful to many.
‘My objects are still the same; but as you are entitled from your long friendship with his lordship, as well as from your office, to inquire into every thing that may affect his character, I shall more fully explain the nature of my intended publication, by which means you can judge whether my design be praiseworthy or not, and whether you can approve or condemn it. I shall certainly hesitate before I publish any thing derived from a private or confidential intercourse with Lord Byron, at least such an intercourse as implied no right to publish what took place, which can in any way appear to you or his friends calculated to injure his reputation.
‘A few days after his lordship’s arrival in
Cephalonia, I became acquainted with him in consequence of his having expressed
a desire to be present at a meeting of some of my acquaintances, who wished to
hear me explain, in a logical and demonstrative manner, the evidences and
doctrines of Christianity. He attended the first meeting, but was not present
at several others which were held, partly because he was busy in the country,
and partly because he was not expressly invited. He took, however, an interest
in the discussions carried on, and
‘I intend, in the first division of the work, to give an
account of the conversations with my friends; and as I was the principal
speaker, this part will contain my arguments in favour of religion, while the
objections and difficulties that were started, will be stated and examined,
without ascribing this to this, or that to that individual. As all these
friends are alive, delicacy requires that I should be general and brief in all
that relates to them, not from an idea that any shame will accrue to them for
wishing to hear and understand religion, but from deference to the repugnance
which every one has to appearing before the public unnecessarily. The second
division will attempt to convey a view of the chief external evidences, but,
above all, of the internal evidences of Christianity, drawn entirely from the
Scriptures themselves, and divested of all theological theories and
technicalities, in the most simple and per-
‘Of the delicacy and difficulty of my undertaking I am aware; yet, if written a with spirit of truth and integrity, it may, though imperfect in its execution, be useful to many. I shall leave this question to be decided by my friends. There will be less difficulty in touching on Lord Byron’s views of religion than you imagine, because I shall not form a creed for him, which I fear he had not taken time to do for himself, but I shall simply relate facts which, when contrasted with many of his writings, render his character more amiable; and I shall consult both delicacy and justice in excluding most of his opinions and anecdotes relating to living individuals both public and private.
‘The chief difficulty which presents itself to me is,
whether I am justified in availing myself of these conversations with so
celebrated a man, in order to give additional interest to a work, the object of
which I profess to be utility. If my doing so would injure his character or
fame in the slightest degree, there could not be a moment’s hesitation in
deciding on the baseness of the measure. But as far as I can judge, a true
statement of what occurred will place his
‘I shall submit this difficulty to my friends in
England, and be guided by their opinion; and should they judge that the reasons
for using his lordship’s name are fair, I shall
‘I have two or three letters only in my possession from his lordship, which relate to a young Turkish girl whom he intended to place ultimately with his daughter, but whom, for a while, he wished to be with me. I intended to publish them as a proof of his romantic generosity and benevolence; but if you have the least objection, they shall be suppressed.
‘I am satisfied with the fairness of the motives which
influence me; but as I may
‘The rather tedious explanation which I have now given will, I hope, appear to you satisfactory, and I have only to add, that you will oblige me if you will have the goodness to give me your opinion on the subject as soon as you can, making, at the same time, such objections or suggestions as you consider necessary.