“I received your kind letter a week or two ago. The little interlude of the bantling at Rokeby reminds me of a lady whose mother happened to produce her upon very short notice, between the hands of a game at whist, and who, from a joke of the celebrated David Hume, who was one of the players, lived long distinguished by the name of The Parenthesis. My wife had once nearly made a similar blunder in very awkward circumstances. We were invited to dine at Melville Castle (to which we were then near neighbours), with the Chief Baron* and his lady, its temporary inhabitants,—when behold, the Obadiah whom I despatched two hours before dinner from our cottage to summon the Dr Slop of Edinburgh, halting at Melville Lodge to rest his wearied horse,
* The late Right Honourable Robert Dundas, Chief Baron of the Scotch Court of Exchequer. |
“And now, I have a grand project to tell you of.
Nothing less than a fourth romance, in verse; the theme, during the English
civil wars of Charles I., and the scene,
your own domain of Rokeby. I want to build my cottage a little better than my
limited finances will permit out of my ordinary income; and although it is very
true that an author should not hazard his reputation, yet, as Bob Acres says, I really think Reputation should
take some care of the gentleman in return. Now, I have all your scenery deeply
imprinted in my memory, and moreover, be it known to you, I intend to refresh
its traces this ensuing summer, and to go as far as the borders of Lancashire,
and the caves of Yorkshire, and so perhaps on to Derbyshire. I have sketched a
story which pleases me, and I am only anxious to keep my theme quiet, for its
being piddled upon by some of your Ready-to-catch
literati, as John Bunyan calls them,
would be a serious misfortune to me. I am not without hope of seducing you to
be my guide a little way on my tour. Is there not some book (sense or nonsense,
I care not) on the beauties of Teesdale I mean a descriptive work? If you can
point it out or lend it me, you will do me a great favour, and no less if you
can tell me any traditions of the period. By which party was Barnard Castle
occupied? It strikes me that it should be held for the Parliament. Pray, help
me in this, by truth, or fiction, or tradition,—I care not which, if it be
picturesque. What the deuce is the name of that wild glen, where we had
ROKEBY—1811. | 381 |
“The Quarterly is beyond my praise, and as much beyond me as I was beyond that of my poor old nurse who died the other day. Sir John Sinclair has gotten the golden fleece at last. Dogberry would not desire a richer reward for having been written down an ass. L.6000 a-year!† Good faith, the whole reviews in Britain should rail at me, with my free consent, better cheap by at least a cypher. There is no chance, with all my engagements, to be at London this spring. My little boy Walter is ill with the measles, and I expect the rest to catch the disorder, which appears,* thank God, very mild. Mrs Scott joins in kindest compliments to Mrs Morritt, many merry Christmases to you and believe me, truly yours,