Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
J. B. S. Morritt of Rokeby to Walter Scott, 28 December 1811
“Rokeby, 28th December, 1811.
“I begin at the top of my paper, because your
request must be complied with, and I foresee that a letter on the antiquities
of Teesdale will not be a short one. Your project delights me much, and I
willingly contribute my mite to its completion. Yet, highly as I approve of the
scene where you lay the events of your romance, I have, I think, some
observations to make as to the period you have chosen for it. Of this, however,
you will be a better judge after I have detailed my antiquarian researches.
Now, as to Barnard Castle, it was built in Henry
I.’s time, by Barnard, son of
Guy Baliol, who landed with the Conqueror. It remained
with the Baliols till their attainder by Edward I. The tomb of Alan of Galloway was here in Leland’s time; and he gives the inscription.
Alan, if you remember, married Margaret of
Huntingdon, David’s
daughter, and was father, by her, of Devorgild, who married John
Baliol, and from whom her son, John
Baliol, claimed the crown of Scotland. Edward
I. granted the castle and liberties to Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick; it descended (with that title) to
the Nevills, and by Ann Nevill to
Richard Duke of Gloucester, afterwards King Richard III. It does not appear to whom
Henry VII. or his son re-granted it, but
it fell soon into the hands of the Nevills, Earls of Westmoreland, by whom it
was ![]()
forfeited in the rising
of the North. It was granted by James I. to
the citizens of London, from whom Sir Henry
Vane received it by purchase. It does not seem to have ever been
used as a place of strength after the rising of the North; and when the Vanes
bought it of the citizens, it was probably in a dismantled state. It was,
however, a possession of the Vanes before the Civil Wars, and, therefore, with
a safe conscience you may swear it stood for the Parliament. The lady for whose
ghost you enquire at Rokeby, has been so buried in uncertainty, you may make
what you like of her. The most interesting fiction makes her the heiress of the
Rokebys, murdered in the woods of the Greta by a greedy collateral who
inherited the estate. She reached the house before she expired, and her blood
was extant in my younger days at Mortham tower. Others say it was a
Lady Rokeby, the wife of the owner, who was shot in
the walks by robbers; but she certainly became a ghost, and, under the very
poetic nom de guerre of
Mortham Dobby, she appeared dressed as a fine lady,
with a piece of white silk trailing behind her—without a head, indeed (though
no tradition states how she lost so material a member), but with many of its
advantages for she had long hair on her shoulders and eyes, nose, and mouth, in
her breast. The parson once, by talking Latin to her, confined her under the
bridge that crosses the Greta at my dairy, but the arch being destroyed by
floods in 1771, became incapable of containing a ghost any longer, and she was
seen after that time by some of the older parishioners. I often heard of her in
my early youth, from a sibyl who lived in the park to the age of 105, but since
her death I believe the history has become obsolete.
“The Rokebys were at all times
loyal, at least from Henry IV. downward. They
lived early at Mortham ![]()
tower, which was, I believe, a
better building than the tower of Rokeby, for here also was one where my house
now stands. I fancy they got Mortham by marriage.* Colonel
Rokeby, the last possessor of the old blood, was ruined in the
Civil Wars by his loyalty and unthriftiness, and the estates were bought by the
Robinsons, one of whom the long
Sir Thomas Robinson, so well-known and
well-quizzed in the time of our grandfathers, after laying out most of the
estate on this place, sold the place and the estate together to my father in
1769. Oliver Cromwell paid a visit to
Barnard Castle in his way from Scotland, October, 1648. He does not seem to
have been in the castle, but lodged in the town, whence I conclude the castle
was then uninhabitable. Now I would submit to you, whether, considering the
course of events, it would not be expedient to lay the time of your romance as
early as the War of the Roses. For, 1st. As you seem to hint that there will be
a ghost or two in it, like the King of Bohemia’s
giants, they will be ‘more out of the way.’ 2d. Barnard Castle, at
the time I propose, belonged to Nevills and
Plantagenets, of whom something advantageous
(according to your cavalier views) may be brought forward; whereas, a short
time before the Civil Wars of the Parliament, the Vanes
became possessors, and still remain so; of whom, if any Tory bard should be
able to say any thing obliging, it will certainly be ‘insigne, recens, adhuc indicium ore
alio,’ and do honour to his powers of imagination. 3d. The
knights of Rokeby itself were of high rank and fair domain at the earlier * The heiress of Mortham married
Rokeby in the reign of Edward II.; and his own castle at Rokeby having been
destroyed by the Scotch after the battle of Bannockburn, he built one
on his wife’s estate—the same of which considerable remains still
exist—on the northern bank of the Greta. |
| LETTER FROM MR MORR1TT—DEC. 1811. | 385 |
period, and were
ruining themselves ignobly at the other. 4th. Civil war for civil war; the
first had two poetical sides, and the last only one; for the roundheads, though
I always thought them politically right, were sad materials for poetry; even
Milton cannot make much of them. I
think no time suits so well with a romance, of which the scene lies in this
country, as the Wars of the two Roses—unless you sing the rising of the North;
and then you will abuse Queen Elizabeth,
and be censured as an abettor of Popery. How you would be involved in political
controversy—with all our Whigs, who are anti-Stuarts; and all our Tories, who
are anti-Papistical! I therefore see no alternative but boldly to venture back
to the days of the holy King Harry; for, God
knows, it is difficult to say any thing civil of us since that period. Consider
only, did not Cromwell himself pray that the Lord would
deliver him from Sir Harry Vane? and what
will you do with him? still more, if you take into the account the improvements
in and about the castle to which yourself was witness when we visited it
“There is a book of a few pages, describing the
rides through and about Teesdale; I have it not, but if I can get it I will
send it. It is very bare of information, but gives names. If you can get the
third volume of Hutchinson’s History of Durham, it would give you some
useful bits of information, though very ill written. The glen where we
clambered up to Cat-castle is itself called Deepdale. I fear we have few
traditions that have survived the change of farms, and property of all sorts,
* Mr Morritt
alludes to the mutilation of a curious vaulted roof of extreme
antiquity, in the great tower of Barnard Castle, occasioned by its
conversion into a manufactory of patent shot;—an improvement at which
the Poet had expressed some indignation. |
which has long taken place in this neighbourhood. But we
have some poetical names remaining, of which we none of us know the antiquity,
or at least the origin. Thus, in the scamper we took from Deepdale and
Cat-castle, we rode next, if you remember, to Cotherstone, an ancient village
of the Fitzhughs on the Tees, whence I showed you a rock
rising over the crown of the wood, still called Pendragon Castle. The river
that joins the Tees at Cotherstone is yclept the Balder, I fancy in honour of
the son of Odin; for the farm contiguous to it retains the name of
Woden’s Croft. The parish in which it stands is Romaldkirk, the church of
St Romald the hermit, and was once a hermitage itself in Teesdale forest. The
parish next to Rokeby, on the Tees below my house, is Wycliff, where the old
reformer was born, and the day-star
of the Reformation first rose on England. The family of Rokeby, who were the
proprietors of this place, were valiant and knightly. They seem to have had
good possessions at the Conquest (see Doomsday Book); in Henry III.’s reign they were Sheriffs of Yorkshire. In
Edward II.’s reign, Froissart informs us, that, when the Scotch
army decamped in the night so ingeniously from Weardale that nobody knew the
direction of their march, a hue and cry was raised after, them, and a reward of
a hundred merks annual value in land was offered by the crown for whoever could
discover them, and that de Rokeby—I think Sir
Ralph—was the fortunate knight who ascertained their quarters on
the moors near Hexham. In the time of Henry
IV., the High-Sheriff of Yorkshire, who overthrew Northumberland and drove him to Scotland after
the battle at Shrewsbury, was also a Rokeby. Tradition says that this sheriff
was before this an adherent of the Percys, and was the
identical knight who dissuaded Hotspur
from the enterprise, on whose letter the angry warrior comments so ![]()
freely in Shakspeare. They are indeed, I think,
mentioned as adherents of the Percys in Chevy Chace, and
fought under their banner; I hope, therefore, that they broke that connexion
from pure patriotism, and not for filthy lucre. Such are all the annals that
occur to me at present. If you will come here we can summon a synod of the
oldest women in the country, and you shall cross-examine them as much as you
please. There are many romantic spots, and old names rather than remains of
peels, and towers, once called castles, which belonged to
Scroops, Fitzhughs, and
Nevills, with which you should be intimate before you
finish your poem, and also the abbots and monks of Egglestone, who were old and
venerable people, if you carry your story back into Romish times; and you will
allow that the beauty of the situation deserves it, if you recollect the view
from and near the bridge between me and Barnard Castle. Coningsburgh Castle, a
noble building as you say, stands between Doncaster and Rotherham. I think it
belongs to Lord Fitzwilliam, but am not
sure. You may easily find the account of it in Grose, or any of the other antiquarians. The building is a
noble circular tower, buttressed all round, and with walls of immoderate
thickness. It is of a very early era, but I do not know its date,
“I have almost filled my letter with antiquarianism;
but will not conclude without repeating how much your intention has charmed us.
The scenery of our rivers deserves to become classic ground, and I hope the
scheme will induce you to visit and revisit it often. I will contrive to ride
with you to Wenslydale and the Caves at least, and the border of Lancashire,
&c. if I can; and to facilitate that trip, I hope you will bring Mrs Scott here, that our dames may not be
impatient of our absence. ‘I know each dale, and every alley
green,’ between ![]()
Rokeby and the Lakes and
Caves, and have no scruple in recommending my own guidance, under which you
will be far more likely to make discoveries than by yourself; for the people
have many of them no knowledge of their own country. Should I, in consequence
of your celebrity, be obliged to leave Rokeby from the influx of cockney
romancers, artists, illustrators, and sentimental tourists, I shall retreat to
Ashestiel, or to your new cottage, and thus visit on you the sins of your
writings. At all events, however, I shall raise the rent of my inn at Greta
bridge on the first notice of your book, as I hear the people at Callander have
made a fortune by you. Pray give our kindest and best regards to Mrs
Scott, and believe me ever, dear Scott, yours very truly,
Alan, lord of Galloway (d. 1234)
Scottish magnate who controlled lands in England and was buried in Dundrennan
Dervorguilla de Balliol (d. 1290)
The daughter of Alan, lord of Galloway (d. 1234); in 1233 she married John de Balliol (d.
1268), lord of Barnard Castle.
John de Balliol (d. 1268)
English magnate; the founder of Balliol College, he sided with Henry III in the Barons'
War, 1258-65.
John de Balliol, King of Scotland (1248 c.-1314)
The youngest son of John de Balliol (d. 1268); he was king of Scotland (1292-1296) until
compelled to abdicate by Edward I.
Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658)
English general and statesman; fought with the parliamentary forces at the battles of
Edgehill (1642) and Marston Moor (1644); led expedition to Ireland (1649) and was named
Lord Protector (1653).
Jean Froissart (1337 c.-1404 c.)
French courtier and poet; author of
Chronicles (1373-1400).
Francis Grose (1731-1791)
English antiquary, Fellow of the Royal Society, author of
of England and Wales (1772-1787),
Classical Dictionary of the
Vulgar Tongue (1785), and
Antiquities of Scotland
Henry IV, king of England (1366-1413)
Son of John of Gaunt; after usurping the throne from Richard II he was king of England
William Hutchinson (1732-1814)
Of Durham, antiquary, playwright, and topographer; he published county histories of
Durham and Cumberland.
John Leland (1503 c.-1552)
English poet and antiquary; his
Collectanea were published by
Thomas Hearne in 1716.
John Milton (1608-1674)
English poet and controversialist; author of
Comus (1634),
Lycidas (1638),
Areopagitica (1644),
Paradise Lost (1667), and other works.
Richard III, king of England (1452-1485)
He assumed the throne after the murder of Edward V. in 1483 and ruled until he was killed
at the battle of Bosworth in 1485.
Sir Thomas Robinson, first baronet (1702 c.-1777)
English architect, architect, connoisseur, MP, governor of Barbados, and friend of Lord
Chesterfield. He sold the family estate at Rokeby in 1769.
Sir Henry Vane (1589-1655)
English courtier, MP, and diplomat who joined with the Parliamentary leaders in
John Wycliffe (d. 1384)
English religious reformer; condemned as a heretic, he was responsible for the first
translation of the Bible into English.