“I am uncertain if I ought to profit by the apology which is afforded me, by a very obliging communication from our acquaintance, John Murray of Fleet Street, to give your Lordship the present trouble. But my intrusion concerns a large debt of gratitude due to your Lordship, and a much less important, one of explanation, which I think I owe to myself, as I dislike standing low in the opinion of any person whose talents rank so highly in my own, as your Lordship’s most deservedly do.
“The first count, as our technical language expresses it, relates to the high pleasure I have received from the Pilgrimage of Childe Harold, and from its precursors; the former, with all its classical associations, some of which are lost on so poor a scholar as I am, possesses the additional charm of vivid and animated description, mingled with original sentiment;—
* Life and Works of Lord Byron, vol. ii. p. 155. |
Esurit, intactam Paridi nisi vendit Agaven. |
“As for my attachment to literature, I sacrificed
for the pleasure of pursuing it very fair chances of opulence and professional
honours, at a time of life when I fully knew their value, and I am not ashamed
to say, that in deriving advantages in compensation from the partial
“Leaving this foolish matter where it lies, I have to request your Lordship’s acceptance of my best thanks for the flattering communication which you took the trouble to make Mr Murray on my behalf, and which could not fail to give me the gratification, which I am sure you intended. I dare say our worthy bibliopolist overcoloured his report of your Lordship’s conversation with the Prince Regent, but I owe my thanks to him nevertheless, for the excuse he has given me for intruding these pages on your Lordship. Wishing you health, spirit, and perseverance, to continue your pilgrimage through the interesting countries which you have still to pass with Childe Harold, I have the honour to be, my Lord, your Lordship’s obedient servant,
“P.S. Will your Lordship permit me a verbal
criticism on Childe Harold,
were it only to show I have read his Pilgrimage with attention?
‘Nuestra Dama de la Pena’
means, I suspect, not our Lady of Crime or