On the 18th of November, Scott enclosed to Mr
Ellis “the rough scroll” (that now transcribed) of
his letter to Mr Gifford; “this
being,” he says, “one of the very few epistles of which
I thought it will be as well to retain a copy.” He then proceeds
as follows: “Supposing you to have read said scroll, you must know
further, that it has been received in a most favourable manner by Mr
Gifford, who approves of its contents in all respects, and that
Mr Canning has looked it over, and
promised such aid as is therein required. I therefore wish you to be apprised
fully of what could hardly be made the subject of writing, unless in all the
confidence of friendship. Let me touch a string of much delicacy—the political
character of the Review. It
appears to me that this should be of a liberal and enlarged nature, resting
upon principles—indulgent and conciliatory as far as possible upon mere party
questions—but stern in detecting and exposing all attempts to sap our
constitutional fabric. Religion is another slippery station; here also I would
endeavour to be as impartial as the subject will admit of. This character of
impartiality, as well as the maintenance of a high reputation in literature, is
of as great consequence to such of our friends as are in the Ministry, as our
more direct efforts in their favour; for these will only be successful in
proportion to the influence we shall acquire by an extensive circulation; to
procure which, the former qualities will be essen-
“As our start is of such immense consequence, don’t you think Mr Canning, though unquestionably our Atlas, might for a day find a Hercules on whom to devolve the burthen of the globe, while he writes us a review? I know what an audacious request this is; but suppose he should, as great statesmen sometimes do, take a political fit of the gout, and absent himself from a large ministerial dinner, which might give it him in good earnest,—dine at three on a chicken and pint of wine,—and lay the foundation at least of one good article? Let us but once get afloat, and our labour is not worth talking of; but, till then, all hands must work hard.
“Is it necessary to say that I agree entirely with
you in the mode of treating even delinquents? The truth is, there is policy, as
well as morality, in keeping our swords clear as well as sharp, and not
forgetting the gentlemen in the critics. The public appetite is soon gorged
with any particular style. The common Reviews, before the appearance of the
Edinburgh, had become
extremely mawkish; and, unless when prompted by the malice of the bookseller or
reviewer, gave a dawdling, maudlin sort of applause to every thing that reached
even mediocrity. The Edinburgh folks squeezed into their sauce plenty of acid,
and were popular from novelty as well as from merit. The minor Reviews and
other periodical publications, have outrèd the matter still farther, and given us all
abuse, and no talent. But by the time the language of vituperative criticism
becomes general (which is now pretty nearly the case) it affects the tympanum
of the public ear no more than rogue or rascal
LETTER TO ELLIS—NOV. 1808. | 215 |
“For heaven’s sake do not fail to hold a
meeting as soon as you can. Gifford will
be admirable at service, but will require, or I mistake him much, both a spur
and a bridle—a spur on account of habits of literary indolence induced by weak
health—and a bridle because, having renounced in some degree general society,
he cannot be supposed to have the habitual and instinctive feeling ena-