Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Walter Scott to George Ellis, 13 December 1808
To Ellis, for
example, he says, on the 13th December, 1808 “Now let me call your
earnest attention to another literary undertaking, which is, in fact, a
subsidiary branch of the same grand plan. I transmit the prospectus of an Edinburgh Annual Register. I have
many reasons for favouring this work as much as I possibly can. In the first
place, there is nothing even barely tolerable of this nature, though so
obviously necessary to future history. Secondly, Constable was on the point of arranging one on the footing of
the Edinburgh Review, and
subsidiary thereunto, a plan which has been totally disconcerted by our
occupying the vantage-ground. Thirdly, this work will be very well managed. The
two Mackenzies,* William
Erskine, cum plurimis
aliis, are engaged in the literary department, and that of
science is conducted by Professor
Leslie, a great philosopher, and as abominable an animal as I ever
saw. He writes, however, with great eloquence, and is an enthusiast in
mathematical, chemical, and mineralogical pursuits. I hope to draw upon you in
this matter, particularly in the historical department, to which your critical
labours will naturally turn your attention. You will ask what I propose to do
myself. In fact, though something will be expected, I cannot propose to be very
active, unless the Swift is
abandoned, of which I think there is some prospect, as I have reason to
complain of
very indifferent usage, not indeed
from Constable, who is reduced to utter despair by the
circumstance, but from the stupid impertinence of his partner, a sort of Whig run mad. I have some
reason to believe that Ballantyne, whose
stock is now immensely increased, and who is likely to enlarge it by marriage,
will commence publisher. Constable threatened him with
withdrawing his business from him as a printer, on account of his being a
Constitutionalist. He will probably by this false step establish a formidable
rival in his own line of publishing, which will be most just retribution. I
intend to fortify Ballantyne by promising him my continued
friendship, which I hope may be of material service to him. He is much liked by
the literary people here; has a liberal spirit, and understanding business very
completely, with a good general idea of literature, I think he stands fair for
“But, Oh! Ellis, these cursed, double cursed news, have sunk my spirits
so much, that I am almost at disbelieving a Providence. God forgive me! But I
think some evil demon has been permitted, in the shape of this tyrannical
monster whom God has sent on the nations visited in his anger. I am confident
he is proof against lead and steel, and have only hopes that he may be shot
with a silver bullet,* or drowned in the torrents of blood which he delights to
shed. Oh! for True Thomas and Lord Soulis’s cauldron.† Adieu, my
dear Ellis. God
* See note, “Proof against shot given by
Satan.”—Waverley Novels, vol. x. p. 40. † “On a circle of stones they placed the pot, On a circle of stones but barely nine; They heated it red and fiery hot, Till the burnish’d brass did glimmer and
shine. They roll’d him up in a sheet of lead, A sheet of lead for a funeral pall; |
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bless you! I have been these three days writing this by
James Ballantyne (1772-1833)
Edinburgh printer in partnership with his younger brother John; the company failed in the
financial collapse of 1826.
Archibald Constable (1774-1827)
Edinburgh bookseller who published the
Edinburgh Review and works
of Sir Walter Scott; he went bankrupt in 1826.
George Ellis (1753-1815)
English antiquary and critic, editor of
Specimens of Early English
Poets (1790), friend of Walter Scott.
William Erskine, Lord Kinneder (1768-1822)
The son of an episcopal clergyman of the same name, he was a Scottish advocate and a
close friend and literary advisor to Sir Walter Scott.
Alexander Gibson Hunter (1771-1812)
The eldest son of David Hunter, of Blackness; he was a Writer to the Signet (1797) who in
1804 became a partner of the Edinburgh bookseller Archibald Constable.
Sir John Leslie (1766-1832)
Professor of Mathematics at Edinburgh University, author of
Experimental Enquiries into the Nature and Properties of Heat (1804), and
contributor to the
Edinburgh Review.
Colin Mackenzie of Portmore (1770-1830)
Scottish advocate; he was Principal Clerk of Session (1804-08) and Deputy Keeper of the
Signet (1820-28). He was a schoolmate and friend of Sir Walter Scott.
Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831)
Scottish man of letters, author of
The Man of Feeling (1770) and
editor of
The Mirror (1779-80) and
Lounger (1785-87).
Thomas of Erceldoune (1220 c.-1297 c.)
Scottish poet and prophet; author (or supposed author) of the romance,
Sir Tristrem.