“I had your letter some time ago, which gave me less
comfort in the present public emergency than your letters usually do. Frankly,
I see great doubts, not to say an impossibility, of Canning’s attaining that rank among the Opposition which
will enable him to command the use of their shoulders to place him where you
cannot be more convinced that I am—he is entitled to stand. The condottieri of the Grenvilles,—for they have no political principles, and
therefore no political party, detached from their immense influence over
individuals—will hardly be seduced from their standard to that of
Canning, by an eloquence which has been exerted upon
them in vain, even when they might have hoped to be gainers by listening to it.
The soi-disant Whigs stick together
like burs. The ragged regiment of Burdett and Folkstone is
under yet stricter discipline, for you may have observed that no lover was ever
so jealous of his mistress as Sir Francis is of his mob
popularity—witness the fate of Paull,
Tierney, even Wardle; in short, of whomsoever presumed to
rival the brazen image whom the mob of Westminster has set up. That either, or
both of these parties, will be delighted with the accession of our
friend’s wisdom and eloquence, cannot for a moment be disputed. That the
Grenvilles, in particular, did he only propose to
himself a slice of the great pudding, would allow him to help himself where the
plums lie thickest, cannot be doubted. But I think it is very doubtful whether
they, closely banded and confident of
“I am the more anxious on this score, because I feel
an internal conviction that neither Marquis
Wellesley nor Lord Melville
will lend their names to bolster out this rump of an Administration. Symptoms
of this are said to have transpired in Scotland, but in this retirement I
cannot learn upon what authority. Should this prove so, I confess my best
wishes would be realized, because I cannot see how Percival could avoid surrendering at discretion, and taking,
perhaps, a peerage. We should then have an Administration à la Pitt, which is a much better thing than an Opposition,
howsoever conducted or headed, which, like a wave of the sea, forms indeed but
a single body when it is rolling towards the shore, but dashes into foam and
dispersion the instant it reaches its object. Should Canning and the above named noble peers come
to understand each other, joined to all among the present Ministry whom their
“I have a great deal to write you about a new poem which I have on the anvil—also, upon the melancholy death of a favourite greyhound bitch—rest her body, since I dare not say soul! She was of high blood and excellent promise. Should any of your sporting friends have a whelp to spare, of a good kind, and of the female sex, I would be grateful beyond measure, especially if she has had the distemper. As I have quite laid aside the gun, coursing is my only and constant amusement, and my valued pair of four-legged champions, Douglas and Percy, wax old and unfeary. Ever yours truly,