“I am very sensibly gratified by your kind
expressions, whether of condolence or congratulation, and I acknowledge, if not
(with your Highland writer) the
synonymousness of the two terms, at least the union of the two sentiments, as
applied to my present circumstances. I am not so heroically fond of being out
(quátenus out), as not
to consider that a matter of condolence. But I am at the same time sufficiently
convinced of the desirableness of not being in, when one should be in to no
“I should be very happy indeed to look forward, with the prospect of being able to realize it, to the trip to Scotland which you suggest to me; and still more to the visit included therein, which, as you hold it out, would not be the least part of my temptation. Of this, however, I hope we shall have opportunities of talking before the season arrives; for I reckon upon your spring visit to London, and think of it, I assure you, with great pleasure, as likely to happen at a period when I shall have it more in my power than I have had on any former occasion to enjoy the advantage of it. You will find me not in quite so romantic a scene of seclusion and tranquillity here as that which you describe—but very tranquil and secluded nevertheless, at a mile and a half’s distance from Hyde Park Corner—a distance considerable enough, as I now am, to save me from any very overwhelming ‘unda salutantium.’
“Here, or any where else, I beg you to believe in the very sincere satisfaction which I shall derive from your society, and which I do derive from the assurance of your regard and good opinion. Ever, my dear sir, very truly and faithfully yours,
“P.S.—I expect, in the course of this week, to send you a copy of a more ample statement of the circumstances of my retirement, which the misrepresentations of some who, I think, must have known they were misrepresenting (though that I must not say), have rendered necessary.”