Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Walter Scott to Joanna Baillie, 27 October 1809
“On receiving your long kind letter yesterday, I
sought out Siddons, who was equally
surprised and delighted at your liberal arrangement about the Lady of the Rock.
I will put all the names to rights, and retain enough of locality and
personality to please the antiquary, without the least risk of bringing the
clan Gillian about our ears. I went through the theatre,
which is the most complete little thing of the kind I ever saw, elegantly
fitted up, and large enough for every purpose. I trust, with you, that in this
as in other cases, our Scotch poverty may be a counterbalance to our Scotch
pride, and that we shall not need in my time a larger or more expensive
building. Siddons himself observes, that even for the
purposes of show (so paramount now-![]()
adays) a moderate stage is
better fitted than a large one, because the machinery is pliable and manageable
in proportion to its size. With regard to the equipment of the Family Legend, I have been
much diverted with a discovery which I have made. I had occasion to visit our
Lord Provost (by profession a
stocking-weaver),* and was surprised to find the worthy magistrate filled with
a new born zeal for the drama. He spoke of Mr
Siddons’ merits with enthusiasm, and of Miss Baillie’s powers almost with tears
of rapture. Being a curious investigator of cause and effect, I never rested
until I found out that this theatric rage which had seized his lordship of a
sudden, was owing to a large order for hose, pantaloons, and plaids for
equipping the rival clans of Campbell and
Maclean, and which Siddons was
sensible enough to send to the warehouse of our excellent provost. . . . .
The Laird† is just gone to the
High School, and it is with inexpressible feeling that I hear him trying to
babble the first words of Latin, the signal of commencing serious study, for
his acquirements hitherto have been under the mild dominion of a governess. I
felt very like Leontes— “Looking on the lines Of my boy’s face, methought I did recall Thirty good years”— |
* This magistrate was Mr
William Coulter, who died in office in April, 1810, and
is said to have been greatly consoled on his deathbed by the prospect
of so grand a funeral as must needs occur in the case of an actual Lord
Provost of Auld Reekie. Scott used
to take him off as, saying at some public meeting, “Gentlemen,
though doomed to the trade of a stocking-weaver, I was born with the
soul of a Sheepio!”
(Scipio.) † Young Walter
Scott was called Gilnockie, the Laird of
Gilnockie, or simply the Laird,
in consequence of his childish admiration for Johnnie Armstrong, whose ruined tower
is still extant at Gilnockie on the Esk, nearly opposite Netherby. |
And O my dear Miss Baillie, what a
tale thirty years can tell even in an uniform and unhazardous course of life!
How much I have reaped that I have never sown, and sown that I have never
reaped! Always, I shall think it one of the proudest and happiest circumstances
of my life that enables me to subscribe myself your faithful and affectionate
W. S.”
Joanna Baillie (1762-1851)
Scottish poet and dramatist whose
Plays on the Passions
(1798-1812) were much admired, especially the gothic
De Montfort,
produced at Drury Lane in 1800.
William Coulter (1760-1810)
Originally a stocking-weaver, he was Lord Provost of Edinburgh (1808-10).
Scipio Africanus (236 BC-183 BC)
He defeated Hannibal in the Second Punic War at the battle of Zama.
Sir Walter Scott, second baronet (1801-1847)
The elder son and heir of Sir Walter Scott; he was cornet in the 18th Hussars (1816),
captain (1825), lieut.-col. (1839). In the words of Maria Edgeworth, he was
“excessively shy, very handsome, not at all literary.”
Henry Siddons (1774-1815)
English actor and playwright, the son of the actress Sarah Siddons; with the assistance
of Walter Scott he obtained patent of the Edinburgh Theatre Royal in 1809.