Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Walter Scott to Joanna Baillie, 13 March 1813
Edinburgh, March 13th, 1813.
“My dearest Friend,
“The pinasters have arrived safe, and I can hardly
regret, while I am so much flattered by, the trouble you have had in collecting
them. I have got some wild larch trees from Loch Katrine, and both are to be
planted next week, when, God willing, I shall be at Abbotsford to superintend
the operation. I have got a little corner of ground laid out for a nursery,
where I shall rear them carefully till they are old enough to be set forth to
push their fortune on the banks of Tweed.—What I shall finally make of this
villa-work I don’t know, but in the mean time it is very entertaining. I
shall have to resist very flattering invitations this season; for I have
received ![]()
hints, from more quarters than one, that my bow
would be acceptable at Carlton House in case I should be in London, which is
very flattering, especially as there were some prejudices to be got over in
that quarter. I should be in some danger of giving new offence, too; for,
although I utterly disapprove of the present rash and ill-advised course of the
princess, yet, as she always was most
kind and civil to me, I certainly could not, as a gentleman, decline obeying
any commands she might give me to wait upon her, especially in her present
adversity. So, though I do not affect to say I should be sorry to take an
opportunity of peeping at the splendours of royalty, prudence and economy will
keep me quietly at home till another day. My great amusement here this some
time past has been going almost nightly to see John
Kemble, who certainly is a great artist. It is a pity he shows
too much of his machinery. I wish he could be double-caped, as they say of
watches;—but the fault of too much study certainly does not belong to many of
his tribe. He is, I think, very great in those parts especially where character
is tinged by some acquired and systematic habits, like those of the Stoic
philosophy in Cato and Brutus, or of misanthropy in Penruddock: but sudden turns and natural bursts
of passion are not his forte. I saw him play Sir Giles
Overreach (the Richard III.
of middling life) last night; but he came not within a hundred miles of
Cooke, whose terrible visage, and
short, abrupt, and savage utterance, gave a reality almost to that
extraordinary scene in which he boasts of his own successful villany to a
nobleman of worth and honour, of whose alliance he is ambitious.
Cooke contrived somehow to impress upon the audience
the idea of such a monster of enormity as had learned to pique himself even
upon his own atrocious character. But Kemble was too
handsome, too plausible, and too ![]()
smooth, to admit its being
probable that he should be blind to the unfavourable impression which these
extraordinary vaunts are likely to make on the person whom he is so anxious to
“Abbotsford, 21st March.
“This letter, begun in Edinburgh, is to take
wing from Abbotsford. John Winnos (now John Winnos is the sub-oracle of
Abbotsford, the principal being Tom
Purdie) John Winnos pronounces that the
pinaster seed ought to be raised at first on a hot-bed, and thence
transplanted to a nursery: so to a hot-bed they have been carefully
consigned, the upper oracle not objecting, in respect his talent lies in
catching a salmon, or finding a hare sitting—on which occasions (being a
very complete Scrub) he solemnly
exchanges his working jacket for an old green one of mine, and takes the
air of one of Robin Hood’s
followers. His more serious employments are ploughing, harrowing, and
overseeing all my premises; being a complete jack-of-all-trades, from the
carpenter to the shepherd, nothing comes strange to him; and being
extremely honest, and somewhat of a humourist, he is quite my right hand. I
cannot help singing his praises at this moment, because I have so many odd
and out-of-the-way things to do, that I believe the conscience of many of
our jog-trot countrymen would revolt at being made my instrument in
sacrificing good corn-land to the visions of Mr
Price’s theory. Mr
Pinkerton, the historian, has a play coming out at
Edinburgh; it is by no means bad poetry, yet I think it will not be
popular; the people come and go, and speak very notable things in good
blank verse, but there is no very strong interest excited: the plot also is
disagreeable, and liable to the objections (though in a less degree) which
have been urged against the Mysterious Mother: ![]()
it is to be acted on
Wednesday; I will let you know its fate. P., with whom
I am in good habits, showed me the MS., but I referred him, with such
praise as I could conscientiously bestow, to the players and the public. I
don’t know why one should take the task of damning a man’s play
out of the hands of the proper tribunal. Adieu, my dear friend. I have
scarce room for love to
Mrs, and
Dr B.
Agnes Baillie (1760-1861)
The daughter of the Scottish cleric James Baillie and elder sister of the poet Joanna
Baillie with whom she lived in Hampstead for many decades.
Matthew Baillie (1761-1823)
Physician and brother of Joanna Baillie; as successor to the anatomist William Hunter he
treated the pedal deformities of both Walter Scott and Lord Byron.
Sophia Baillie [née Denman] (1771-1845)
The daughter of the obstetrician Thomas Denman and sister of Lord Denman; in 1791 she
married the physician Matthew Baillie, brother of Joanna Baillie.
Queen Caroline of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1768-1821)
Married the Prince of Wales in 1795 and separated in 1796; her husband instituted
unsuccessful divorce proceedings in 1820 when she refused to surrender her rights as
George Frederick Cooke (1756-1812)
Shakespearean actor in London and the United States; his journals became the basis for
the biography by the American playwright William Dunlop (1766-1839).
John Philip Kemble (1757-1823)
English actor renowned for his Shakespearean roles; he was manager of Drury Lane
(1783-1802) and Covent Garden (1803-1808).
John Pinkerton [Robert Heron] (1758-1826)
Scottish poet and antiquary patronized by Horace Walpole; editor of
Ancient Scottish Poems (1786), published
A Dissertation on the
Origin and Progress of the Scythians or Goths (1787)
History of
Scotland (1797),
Modern Geography (1802) and other
Sir Uvedale Price, first baronet (1747-1829)
Of Foxley in Herefordshire; he was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, and
Essay on the Picturesque (1794).
Thomas Purdie (1767-1829)
Sir Walter Scott's forester; they originally met when Purdie was brought before Sheriff
Scott on charges of poaching.