“I wish you joy of your success, which, although all reports state it as most highly flattering, does not exceed what I had hoped for you. I think I shall do you a sensible pleasure in requesting that you will take a walk over the fields to Hampstead one of these fine days, and deliver the enclosed to my friend Miss Baillie, with whom, I flatter myself, you will be much pleased, as she has all the simplicity of real genius. I mentioned to her some time ago that I wished to make you acquainted, so that the sooner you can call upon her the compliment will be the more gracious. As I suppose you will sometimes look in at the Roxburghe sale, a memorandum respecting any remarkable articles will be a great favour.
“Abbotsford was looking charming, when I was obliged
to mount my wheel in this court, too fortunate that I have at length some share
in the roast meat I am daily engaged in turning. Our flitting and removal from
Ashestiel baffled all description; we had twenty-four cart-loads of the veriest
trash in nature, besides dogs, pigs, poneys, poultry, cows, calves, bare-headed
ROKEBY BEGUN—MAY, 1812. | 5 |