Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Walter Scott to J. B. S. Morritt of Rokeby, 10 December 1812
“Edinburgh, Thursday, 10th December, 1812.
“I have just time to say that I have received your
letters, and am delighted that Rokeby pleases the owner. As I hope the whole will be printed off
before Christmas, it will scarce be worth while to send you the other sheets
till it reaches you altogether. Your criticisms are the best proof of your kind
attention to the poem. I need not say I will pay them every attention in the
next edition. But some of the faults are so interwoven ![]()
with the story that they must stand. Denzil, for instance, is essential to me, though,
as you say, not very interesting; and I assure you that, generally speaking,
the poeta loquitur has a bad effect
in narrative; and when you have twenty things to tell, it is better to be
slatternly than tedious. The fact is, that the tediousness of many really good
poems arises from an attempt to support the same tone throughout, which often
occasions periphrasis, and always stiffness. I am quite sensible that I have
often carried the opposite custom too far; but I am apt to impute it partly to
not being able to bring out my own ideas well, and partly to haste—not to error
in the system. This would, however, lead to a long discussion, more fit for the
fireside than for a letter. I need not say that, the poem being in fact your
own, you are at perfect liberty to dispose of the sheets as you please. I am
glad my geography is pretty correct. It is too late to enquire if Rokeby is
insured, for I have burned it down in Canto V.; but I suspect you will bear me
no greater grudge than at the noble Russian who burned Moscow. Glorious news
to-day from the north—pereat iste!
Mrs Scott, Sophia, and Walter join
in best compliments to Mrs Morritt; and
I am, in great haste, ever faithfully yours,
“P.S.—I have heard of Lady Hood by a letter from herself. She is
well, and in high spirits, and sends me a pretty topaz seal, with a
talisman which secures this letter, and signifies (it seems), which one
would scarce have expected from its appearance, my name.”
Katherine Morritt [née Stanley] (d. 1815)
The daughter of the Reverend Thomas Stanley, rector of Winwick in Lancashire; in 1803 she
married John Morritt of Rokeby.
Sir Walter Scott, second baronet (1801-1847)
The elder son and heir of Sir Walter Scott; he was cornet in the 18th Hussars (1816),
captain (1825), lieut.-col. (1839). In the words of Maria Edgeworth, he was
“excessively shy, very handsome, not at all literary.”