“I do not delay, my dear Southey, to say my gratulor. Long may you
live, as Paddy says, to rule over us, and
to redeem the crown of Spenser and of
Dryden to its pristine dignity. I am
only discontented with the extent of your royal revenue, which I thought had
been L.400, or L.300 at the very least. Is there no getting rid of that
iniquitous modus, and requiring the butt in kind? I
would have you think of it: I know no man so well entitled to Xeres sack as
yourself, though many bards would make a better figure at drinking it. I should
think that in due time a memorial might get some relief in this part of the
appointment—it should be at least L.100 wet and L.100 dry. When you have
carried your point of discarding the
“Adieu, my dear Southey; my best wishes attend all that you do, and my best congratulations every good that attends you—yea even this, the very least of Providence’s mercies, as a poor clergyman said when pronouncing grace over a herring. I should like to know how the prince received you; his address is said to be excellent, and his knowledge of literature far from despicable. What a change of fortune even since the short time when we met! The great work of retribution is now rolling onward to consummation, yet am I not fully satisfied—pereat iste—there will be no permanent peace in Europe till Buonaparte sleeps with the tyrants of old. My best compliments attend Mrs Southey and your family. Ever yours,