“I have been a vile lazy correspondent, having been
strolling about the country, and indeed a little way into England, for the
greater part of July and August; in short, ‘aye skipping here and
there,’ like the Tanner of
Tamworth’s horse. Since I returned, I have had a gracious
offer of the laurel on the part of the Prince
Regent. You will not wonder that I have declined it, though with
every expression of gratitude which such an unexpected compliment demanded.
Indeed, it would be high imprudence in one having literary reputation to
maintain, to accept of an offer which obliged him to produce a poetical
exercise on a given theme twice a-year; and besides, as my loyalty to the royal
family is very sincere, I would not wish to have it thought mercenary. The
public has done its part by me very well, and so has Government: and I thought
this little literary provision ought to be bestowed on one who has made
literature his sole profession. If the Regent means to make it respectable, he
will abolish the foolish custom of the annual odes, which is a drudgery no
“I was for a fortnight at Drumlanrig, a grand old chateau which has descended, by the death of the late Duke of Queensberry, to the Duke of Buccleuch. It is really a most magnificent pile, and when embosomed amid the wide forest scenery, of which I have an infantine recollection, must have been very romantic. But old Q. made wild devastation among the noble trees, although some fine ones are still left, and a quantity of young shoots are, in despite of the want of every kind of attention, rushing up to supply the place of the fathers of the forest from whose stems they are springing. It will now I trust be in better hands, for the reparation of the castle goes hand in hand with the rebuilding of all the cottages, in which an aged race of pensioners of Duke Charles, and his pious wife,—‘Kitty, blooming, young and gay,’—have, during the last reign, been pining into rheumatisms and agues, in neglected poverty.
“All this is beautiful to witness; the indoor work
does not please me so well, though I am aware that, to those who are to inhabit
an old castle, it becomes often a matter of necessity to make alterations by
which its tone and character are changed for the worse. Thus a noble gallery,
which ran the whole length of the front, is converted into bedrooms—very
comfortable, indeed, but not quite so magnificent; and as grim a dungeon as
ever knave or honest man was confined in, is in some danger of being humbled
into a wine-cellar. It is almost impossible to draw your breath, when you
recollect that this, so many feet under ground, and totally
“I meant to have gone to Rokeby, but was prevented by Mrs Morritt being unwell, which I very much regret, as I know few people that deserve better health. I am very glad you have known them, and I pray you to keep up the acquaintance in winter. I am glad to see by this day’s paper that our friend Terry has made a favourable impression on his first appearance at Covent-Garden—he has got a very good engagement there for three years, at twelve guineas a-week, which is a handsome income. This little place comes on as fast as can be reasonably hoped; and the pinasters are all above the ground, but cannot be planted out for twelve months. My kindest compliments—in which Mrs Scott always joins—attend Miss Agnes, the Doctor, and his family. Ever, my dear friend, yours most faithfully,