“It is not with the view of distressing you with my griefs, in order to relieve my own feelings, that I address you at this moment. But knowing your attachment to myself, and more particularly the real affection which you bore to my poor wife, I thought that a few lines from me would be acceptable, both to explain the state of my mind at present, and to mention a few circumstances connected with that melancholy event.
“I am calm and resigned. The blow was so severe that
it stunned me, and I did not feel that agony of mind which might have been
expected. I now see the full extent of my misfortune; but that extended view of
it has come gradually upon me. I am fully aware how imperative it is upon me to
exert myself to the utmost
“Painful as it may be, I cannot reconcile it to
myself to be totally silent as to the last scene of this cruel tragedy. As she
had lived, so she died—an example of every noble feeling—of love, attachment,
and the total want of every thing selfish. Endeavouring to the last to conceal
her suffering, she evinced a fortitude, a resignation, a Christian courage,
beyond all power of description. Her last injunction was to attend to her poor
people. It was a dreadful but instructive moment. I have learned that the most
truly heroic spirit may be lodged in the tenderest and the gentlest breast.
Need I tell you that she expired in the full hope and
expectation, nay, in the firmest certainty of passing to a better world,
through a steady reliance on her Saviour. If ever there was a proof of the
efficacy of our religion in moments of the deepest affliction, and in the hour
“I will endeavour to do in all things what I know she would wish. I have therefore determined to lay myself open to all the comforts my friends can afford me. I shall be most happy to cultivate their society as heretofore. I shall love them more and more because I know they loved her. Whenever it suits your convenience I shall he happy to see you here. I feel that it is particularly my duty not to make my house the house of mourning to my children; for I know it was her decided opinion that it is most mischievous to give an early impression of gloom to the mind.
“You will find me tranquil, and capable of going through the common occupations of society. Adieu for the present. Yours very sincerely,