Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
James Hogg to the Duchess of Buccleuch, 17 March [1813]
“Ettrickbank, March 17, 1814.
“May it please your Grace,
“I have often grieved you by my applications for
* Mr Grieve
was a man of cultivated mind and generous disposition, and a most kind
and zealous friend of the Shepherd. |
this and that. I am sensible of this, for I have had
many instances of your wishes to be of service to me, could you have known what
to do for that purpose. But there are some eccentric characters in the world,
of whom no person can judge or know what will prove beneficial, or what may
prove their bane. I have again and again received of your Grace’s private
bounty, and though it made me love and respect you the more, I was nevertheless
grieved at it. It was never your Grace’s money that I wanted, but the
honour of your countenance; indeed my heart could never yield to the hope of
being patronised by any house save that of Buccleuch, whom
I deemed bound to cherish every plant that indicated any thing out of the
common way on the Braes of Ettrick and Yarrow.
“I know you will be thinking that this long prelude
is to end with a request. No, Madam! I have taken the resolution of never
making another request. I will, however, tell you a story which is, I believe,
founded on a fact:
“There is a small farm at the head of a water called
* * * * * , possessed by a mean fellow named * * *. A third of it has been
taken off and laid into another farm—the remainder is as yet unappropriated.
Now, there is a certain poor bard, who has two old parents, each of them
upwards of eighty-four years of age; and that bard has no house nor home to
shelter those poor parents in, or cheer the evening of their lives. A single
line, from a certain very great and very beautiful lady, to a certain Mr Riddell,* would ensure that small pendicle
to the bard at once. But she will grant no such thing! I appeal to your Grace
if she is not a
very bad lady that?
I am your Grace’s ever obliged and grateful
John Grieve (1781-1836)
Scottish poet and haberdasher; he was a close friend of James Hogg, who dedicated
Mador of the Moor to him.
James Hogg [The Ettrick Shepherd] (1770-1835)
Scottish autodidact, poet, and novelist; author of
The Queen's
Wake (1813) and
Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified
Sinner (1824).
Charles Riddle of Muselee (1755-1849)
The son of Patrick Riddell, whom he succeeded in 1772; he was chamberlain to the Duke of