Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
James Ballantyne to Maria Edgeworth, 11 November 1814
“Edinburgh, 11th November, 1814.
“I am desired by the Author
of Waverley to acknowledge, in his name, the honour you have
done him by your most flattering approbation of his work a distinction which he
receives as one of the highest that could be paid him, and which he would have
been proud to have himself stated his sense of, only that being impersonal, he
thought it more respectful to require my assistance, than to write an anonymous
“There are very few who have had the opportunities
that have been presented to me, of knowing how very elevated is the admiration
entertained by the Author of Waverley for the genius of Miss
Edgeworth. From the intercourse that took place betwixt us while
the work ![]()
was going through my press, I
know that the exquisite truth and power of your characters operated on
his mind at once to excite and subdue it. He felt that the success of his book
was to depend upon the characters, much more than upon the story; and he
entertained so just and so high an opinion of your eminence in the management
of both, as to have strong apprehensions of any comparison which might be
instituted betwixt his picture and story and yours; besides, that there is a
richness and naiveté in Irish character and humour,
in which the Scotch are certainly defective, and which could hardly fail, as he
thought, to render his delineations cold and tame by the contrast. ‘If
I could but hit Miss Edgeworth’s wonderful power
of vivifying all her persons, and making them live as beings in your mind, I should not be afraid:’—Often has
the Author of Waverley used such language to me; and
I knew that I gratified him most when I could say,—‘Positively, this
is equal to Miss Edgeworth.’ You will thus
judge, Madam, how deeply he must feel such praise as you have bestowed upon his
efforts. I believe he himself thinks the Baron the best drawn character in his
book—I mean the Bailie—honest Bailie
Macwheeble. He protests it is the most true, though from many causes he did not expect it to be the most
popular. It appears to me, that amongst so many splendid portraits, all drawn
with such strength and truth, it is more easy to say which is your favourite
than which is best. Mr Henry Mackenzie
agrees with you in your objection to the resemblance to Fielding. He says, you should never be forced
to recollect, maugre all its internal
evidence to the contrary, that such a work is a work of fiction, and all its
fine creations but of air. The character of Rose is less finished than the author had at one period
intended; but I believe the characters of humour grew ![]()
upon his liking, to the
prejudice, in some degree, of those of a more elevated and sentimental kind.
Yet what can surpass Flora and her gallant
“I am not authorized to say—but I will not resist
my impulse to say to Miss Edgeworth,
that another novel, descriptive of more ancient manners still, may be expected
ere long from the Author of Waverley. But I
request her to observe, that I say this in strict confidence—not certainly
meaning to exclude from the knowledge of what will give them pleasure, her
respectable family.
“Mr Scott’s
poem, the Lord of the Isles,
promises fully to equal the most admired of his productions. It is, I think,
equally powerful, and certainly more uniformly polished and sustained. I have
seen three Cantos. It will consist of six.
“I have the honour to be, Madam, with the utmost
admiration and respect,
Your most obedient
and most humble servant,
James Ballantyne (1772-1833)
Edinburgh printer in partnership with his younger brother John; the company failed in the
financial collapse of 1826.
Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849)
Irish novelist; author of
Castle Rackrent (1800)
Belinda (1801),
The Absentee (1812) and
Ormond (1817).
Henry Fielding (1707-1754)
English dramatist, essayist, and novelist; author of
Andrews (1742) and
The History of Tom Jones (1749).
Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831)
Scottish man of letters, author of
The Man of Feeling (1770) and
editor of
The Mirror (1779-80) and
Lounger (1785-87).