Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Walter Scott to Daniel Terry, 12 November 1816
“November 12th, 1816.
“I have been shockingly negligent in acknowledging
your repeated favours; but it so happened, that I have had very little to say,
with a great deal to do; so that I trusted to your kindness to forgive my
apparent want of kindness, and indisputable lack of punctuality. You will
readily suppose that I have heard with great satisfaction of the prosperity of
your household, particularly of the good health of my little namesake and his
mother. Godmothers of yore used to be fairies; and though only a godfather, I
think of sending you, one day, a fairy gift—a little drama, namely, which, if the
audience be indulgent, may be of use to him. Of course, you will stand
godfather to it yourself: it is yet only in embryo—a sort of poetical Hans in Kelder—nor am I sure when I can bring him
forth; not for this season, at any rate. You will receive, in the course of a
few days, my late whereabouts in four volumes: there are
two tales the last of which I really prefer to any fictitious narrative I have
yet been able to produce—the first is wish-washy enough. The subject of the
second tale lies among the old Scottish Cameronians—nay, I’ll ![]()
tickle ye off a Covenanter as readily as old
Jack could do a young Prince; and a rare fellow he is,
when brought forth in his true colours. Were it not for the necessity of using
scriptural language, which is essential to the character, but improper for the
stage, it would be very dramatic. But of all this you will judge by and by. To
give the go-by to the public, I have doubled and leaped into my form, like a
hare in snow: that is, I have changed my publisher, and come forth like a
maiden knight’s white shield (there is a conceit!) without any adhesion
to fame gained in former adventures (another!) or, in other words, with a
virgin title-page (another!).—I should not be so lighthearted about all this,
but that it is very nearly finished and out, which is always a blithe moment
for Mr Author. And now to other matters. The books came safe, and were unpacked
two days since, on our coming to town most ingeniously were they stowed in the
legs of the very handsome stand for Lord
Byron’s vase, with which our friend George Bullock has equipped me. I was made
very happy to receive him at Abbotsford, though only for a start; and no less
so to see Mr Blore, from whom I received
your last letter. He is a very fine young man, modest, simple, and unaffected
in his manners, as well as a most capital artist. I have had the assistance of
both these gentlemen in arranging an addition to the cottage at Abbotsford,
intended to connect the present farm-house with the line of low buildings to
the right of it. Mr Bullock will show you the plan, which
I think is very ingenious. He has promised to give it his consideration with
respect to the interior; and Mr Blore has drawn me a very
handsome elevation, both to the road and to the river. I expect to get some
decorations from the old Tolbooth of Edinburgh, particularly the copestones of
the door-way, or lintels, as we call them, ![]()
and a niche or two—one very handsome
indeed! Better get a niche from the Tolbooth than a
niche in it, to which such building operations are apt
to bring the projectors. This addition will give me:—first,—a handsome boudoir,
in which I intend to place Mr
Bullock’s Shakspeare,* with his superb cabinet, which serves as a
pedestal. This opens into the little drawingroom, to which it serves as a
chapel of ease; and on the other side, to a handsome dining-parlour of 27 feet
by 18, with three windows to the north, and one to the south, the last to be
Gothic, and filled with stained glass. Besides these commodities, there is a
small conservatory or greenhouse; and a study for myself, which we design to
fit up with ornaments from Melrose Abbey. Bullock made
several casts with his own hands—masks, and so forth, delightful for cornices,
“Do not let Mrs
Terry think of the windows till little Wat is duly cared after.† I am informed
by Mr Blore that he is a fine thriving
fellow, very like papa. About my armorial bearings: I will send you a correct
drawing of them as soon as I can get hold of Blore;
namely—of the scutcheons of my grandsires on each side, and my own. I could
detail them in the jargon of heraldry, but it is better to speak to your eyes
by translating them into coloured drawings, as the sublime science of armory
has fallen into some neglect of late years, with
* A cast from the monumental effigy at
Stratford-upon-Avon—now in the library at Abbotsford was the gift of
Mr George Bullock, long
distinguished in London as a collector of curiosities for sale, and
honourably so by his “Mexican
Museum” which formed during several years a popular
exhibition throughout the country. This ingenious man was, as the
reader will see in the sequel, a great favourite with Scott. † Mrs
Terry had offered the services of her elegant pencil in
designing some windows of painted glass for Scott’s armoury, &c. |
all its mascles, buckles, crescents, and boars of the
first, second, third, and fourth.
“I was very sorry I had no opportunity of showing
attention to your friend Mr Abbot, not
being in town at the time. I grieve to say, that neither the genius of
Kean, nor the charms of Miss O’Neill could bring me from the
hill-side and the sweet society of Tom
Purdie. All our family are very well—Walter as tall nearly as I am, fishing salmon and shooting
moor-fowl and black-cock, in good style; the girls growing up, and, as yet, not
losing their simplicity of character; little Charles excellent at play, and not deficient at learning, when
the young dog will take pains. Abbotsford is looking pretty at last, and the
planting is making some show. I have now several hundred acres thereof, running
out as far as beyond the lake. We observe with great pleasure the steady rise
which you make in public opinion, and expect, one day, to hail you
stage-manager. Believe me, my dear Terry, always very much your?,
“P.S. The Counsellor, and both the
Ballantynes are well and hearty.”
William Abbott (1790-1843)
English actor who performed at Covent Garden and was afterwards a theater manager in the
United States.
Edward Blore (1787-1879)
Artist, antiquary, and architect who built Walter Scott's house at Abbotsford; he
Monumental Remains of noble and eminent Persons comprising the
Sepulchral Antiquities of Great Britain (1826).
George Bullock (1782-1818)
English cabinetmaker in Liverpool and London, the brother of the museum-director William
Bullock; his clients included Walter Scott.
Edmund Kean (1787-1833)
English tragic actor famous for his Shakespearean roles.
Elizabeth O'Neill (1791-1872)
Irish-born actress who excelled in parts such as Ellen in the adaptation of Scott's
The Lady of the Lake; she retired in 1819 following her marriage to
William Wrixon-Becher (1780-1850), Irish MP.
Thomas Purdie (1767-1829)
Sir Walter Scott's forester; they originally met when Purdie was brought before Sheriff
Scott on charges of poaching.
Charles Scott (1805-1841)
The younger son of Sir Walter Scott; educated at Oxford, he pursued a career in diplomacy
and died in Tehran.
Sir Walter Scott, second baronet (1801-1847)
The elder son and heir of Sir Walter Scott; he was cornet in the 18th Hussars (1816),
captain (1825), lieut.-col. (1839). In the words of Maria Edgeworth, he was
“excessively shy, very handsome, not at all literary.”
Daniel Terry (1789-1829)
English actor; after a career in provincial theater made his London debut in 1812. A
close friend of Walter Scott, he performed in theatrical adaptations of Scott's
Elizabeth Wemyss Terry [née Nasmyth] (1793-1862)
Painter and wife of Walter Scott's friend Daniel Terry; after the death of her first
husband she married the lexicographer Charles Richardson (1775-1865) in 1835.
Walter Scott Terry (1816-1842)
The son of the actor Daniel Terry; he was a lieutenant in the Bombay Artillery, mortally
wounded fighting at the Khyber Pass. Walter Scott was his godfather.