Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Walter Scott to Lord Montagu of Boughton, 22 February 1820
“Edinburgh, 22d February, 1820.
“My dear Lord,
“I have nothing to say, except that Selkirk has
declared decidedly for Monteith, and
that his calling and election seem to be sure. Roxburghshire is right and
tight. Harden will not stir for
Berwickshire. In short, within my sphere of observation, there is nothing which
need make you regret your personal absence; and I ![]()
hope my dear young namesake and chief will not find his influence abated while he
is unable to head it himself. It is but little I can do, but it shall always be
done with a good will and merits no thanks, for I owe much more to his
father’s memory than ever I can pay a tittle of. I often think what he
would have said or wished, and, within my limited sphere, that will always be a
rule to me while I have the means of advancing in any respect the interest of
his son—certainly if any thing could increase this desire, it would be the
banner being at present in your Lordship’s hand. I can do little but look
out a-head, but that is always something. When I look back on the house of
Buccleuch, as I once knew it, it is a sad retrospect.
But we must look forward, and hope for the young blossom of so goodly a tree. I
think your Lordship judged quite right in carrying Walter
in his place to the funeral.* He will long remember it, and may survive many
occasions of the same kind, to all human appearance. Here is a horrid business
of the Duke de Berri. It was first told me
yesterday by Count Itterburg (i. e. Prince Gustavus of Sweden, son of the
ex-King), who comes to see me very often. No fairy tale could match the
extravagance of such a tale being told to a private Scotch gentleman by such a
narrator, his own grandfather having perished in the same manner. But our age
has been one of complete revolution, baffling all argument and expectation. As
to the King; and Queen, or to use the abbreviation of an old Jacobite of my
acquaintance, who, not loving to hear them so called at full length, and yet
desirous to have the newspapers read to him, commanded these words always to be
pronounced as the letters K. and Q.—I say then, as to the K. and the Q. I
venture to think, that which-
ever strikes the first blow will lose the battle. The
sound, well-judging, and well-principled body of the people will be much
shocked at the stirring such a hateful and disgraceful question. If the K.
urges it unprovoked, the public feeling will put him in the wrong; if he lets
her alone, her own imprudence, and that of her hot-headed adviser Harry Brougham, will push on the discussion; and,
take a fool’s word for it, as Sancho
says, the country will never bear her coming back, foul with the various kinds
of infamy she has been stained with, to force herself into the throne. On the
whole, it is a discussion most devoutly to be deprecated by those who wish well
to the Royal family.
“Now for a very different subject. I have a report
that there is found on the farm of Melsington, in a bog, the limb of a bronze
figure, full size, with a spur on the heel. This has been reported to Mr Riddell, as Commissioner, and to me as
Antiquary in chief, on the estate. I wish your lordship would permit it to be
sent provisionally to Abbotsford, and also allow me, if it shall seem really
curious, to make search for the rest of the statue. Clarkson* has sent me a curious account of it; and that a Roman
statue, for such it seems, of that size should be found in so wild a place, has
something very irritating to the curiosity. I do not of course desire to have
any thing more than the opportunity of examining the relique. It may be the
foundation of a set of bronzes, if stout Lord
Walter should turn to virtu.
“Always my dear Lord, most truly yours,
Henry Peter Brougham, first baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868)
Educated at Edinburgh University, he was a founder of the
Review in which he chastised Byron's
Hours of Idleness; he
defended Queen Caroline in her trial for adultery (1820), established the London University
(1828), and was appointed lord chancellor (1830).
Ebenezer Clarkson (1759-1844)
Scottish surgeon who was Balie and Provost of Selkirk; a friend, he attended Sir Walter
Scott in his last illness.
Henry Monteith of Carstairs (1765-1848)
He was Tory MP for Selkirk burghs (1820-26, 1830-31) and Saltash (1826-26), and Lord
Provost of Glasgow.
Charles Riddle of Muselee (1755-1849)
The son of Patrick Riddell, whom he succeeded in 1772; he was chamberlain to the Duke of