Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Walter Scott to Lord Montagu of Boughton, 8 June 1817
“Abbotsford, June 8, 1817.
“My dear Lord,
“I am honoured with your letter, and will not fail
to take care that the Shepherd profits by your kind intentions, and those of
Lady Montagu. This is a scheme which I
did not devise, for I fear it will end in disappointment, but for which I have
done, and will do all I possibly can. There is an old saying of the
seamen’s, ‘every man is not born to be a boatswain,’ and I
think I have heard of men born under a sixpenny planet, and doomed never to be
worth a groat. I fear something of this vile sixpenny influence had gleamed in
at the cottage window when poor Hogg
first came squeaking into the world. All that he made by his original book he
ventured on a flock of sheep to drive into the Highlands to a farm he had taken
there, but of which he could not get possession, so that all the stock was
ruined and sold to disadvantage. Then he tried another farm, which proved too
dear, so that he fairly broke upon it. Then put forth divers publications,
which had little sale and brought him accordingly few pence, though some
praise. Then came this Queen’s
Wake, by which he might and ought to have made from L.100 to
L.200—for there were, I think, three editions—when lo! his bookseller turned
bankrupt, and paid him never a penny. The Duke has now, with his wonted
generosity, given him a cosie bield, and the object of the present attack upon
the public, is to get if possible as much cash together as will stock it. But
no one has loose guineas now to give to poor poets, and I greatly doubt the
scheme succeeding, ![]()
unless it
is more strongly patronised than can almost be expected. In bookselling
matters, an author must either be the conjuror, who commands the devil, or the
witch who serves him—and few are they whose situation is sufficiently
independent to enable them to assume the higher character—and this is injurious
to the indigent author in every respect, for not only is he obliged to turn his
pen to every various kind of composition, and so to injure himself with the
public by writing hastily, and on subjects unfitted for his genius; but
moreover, those honest gentlemen, the booksellers, from a natural association,
consider the books as of least value, which they find they can get at least
expense of copy-money, and therefore are proportionally careless in pushing the
sale of the work. Whereas a good round sum out of their purse, like a moderate
rise of rent on a farm, raises the work thus acquired in their own eyes, and
serves as a spur to make them clear away every channel, by which they can
discharge their quires upon the public. So much for bookselling, the most
ticklish and unsafe, and hazardous of all professions, scarcely with the
exception of horse-jockeyship.
“You cannot doubt the sincere interest I take in
Lady Montagu’s health. I was very
glad to learn from the Duke, that the late
melancholy event had produced no permanent effect on her constitution, as I
know how much her heart must have suffered.* I saw our regretted friend for the last time at the Theatre, and
made many schemes to be at Bothwell this next July. But thus the world glides
from us, and those we most love and honour are withdrawn from the stage before
us. I know not why it was that among the few for whom I had so much respectful
regard, I never had associated
the idea of early deprivation with Lady
Douglas. Her excellent sense, deep information, and the wit
which she wielded with so much good humour, were allied apparently to a healthy
constitution which might have permitted us to enjoy, and be instructed by her
society for many years. Dis aliter
visum, and the recollection dwelling on all the delight
which she afforded to society, and the good which she did in private life, is
what now remains to us of her wit, wisdom, and benevolence. The Duke keeps his
usual health, with always just so much of the gout, however, as would make me
wish that he had more a kind wish for which I do not observe that he is
sufficiently grateful. I hope to spend a few days at Drumlanrig Castle, when
that ancient mansion shall have so far limited its courtesy as to stand covered
in the presence of the wind and rain, which I believe is not yet the case. I am
no friend to ceremony, and like a house as well when it does not carry its roof
en chapeau bras. I heartily
wish your Lordship joy of the new mansion at Ditton, and hope my good stars
will permit me to pay my respects there one day. The discovery of the niches
certainly bodes good luck to the house of Montagu, and as
there are three of them, I presume it is to come threefold. From the care with
which they were concealed, I presume they had been closed in the days of
Cromwell, or a little before, and
that the artist employed (like the General, who told his soldiers to fight
bravely against the Pope, since they were Venetians before they were
Christians) had more professional than religious zeal, and did not even,
according to the practice of the time, think it necessary to sweep away Popery
with the besom of destruction.* I am here on * Lord
Montagu’s house at Ditton Park, near Windsor, had
recently been destroyed by fire and the ruins revealed some niches with
antique candlesticks, &c., belonging to a domestic chapel that had
been converted to other purposes from the time, I believe, of Henry VIII.
a stolen visit of two days, and find
my mansion gradually enlarging. Thanks to Mr
Atkinson (who found out a practical use for our romantic
theory), it promises to make a comfortable station for offering your Lordship
and Lady Montagu a pilgrim’s meal, when you next
visit Melrose Abbey, and that without any risk of your valet (who I recollect
is a substantial person) sticking between the wall of the parlour and the backs
of the chairs placed round the table. This literally befel Sir Harry Macdougal’s fat butler, who
looked like a ship of the line in the loch at Bowhill, altogether unlike his
master, who could glide wherever a weasel might make his way. Mr
Atkinson has indeed been more attentive than I can express, when
I consider how valuable his time must be.* We are attempting no castellated
conundrums to rival those Lord Napier used
to have executed in sugar, when he was Commissioner, and no cottage neither,
but an irregular somewhat—like an old English hall, in which your squire of
L.500 a-year used to drink his ale in days of yore.
“I am making considerable plantations (that is
considering), being greatly encouraged by the progress of those I formerly laid
out. Read the veracious Gulliver’s
account of the Windsor Forest of Lilliput, and you will have some idea of the
solemn gloom of my Druid shades.
Your Lordship’s truly faithful
“This is the 8th of June, and not an ash tree in
leaf yet. The country cruelly backward, and whole fields destroyed by the
grub. I dread this next season.”
William Atkinson (1774-1839)
English architect who worked at Sir Walter Scott's Abbotsford; he published
Views of Picturesque Cottages (1805).
Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658)
English general and statesman; fought with the parliamentary forces at the battles of
Edgehill (1642) and Marston Moor (1644); led expedition to Ireland (1649) and was named
Lord Protector (1653).
Lady Frances Douglas [née Scott] (1750-1817)
The daughter of Francis Scott, earl of Dalkeith (1721-1750); in 1783 she became the
second wife of Archibald, Lord Douglas. She resided at Bothwell Castle and was the friend
of Sir Walter Scott and other literati.
Lady Lucy Douglas [née Graham] (1751-1780)
The daughter of William Graham, second Duke of Montrose; in 1771 she married Archibald
James Edward Douglas, first Baron Douglas of Douglas
James Hogg [The Ettrick Shepherd] (1770-1835)
Scottish autodidact, poet, and novelist; author of
The Queen's
Wake (1813) and
Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified
Sinner (1824).
Jane Margaret Montagu [née Douglas] (1779-1859)
The daughter of Archibald James Edward Douglas, first Baron Douglas of Douglas; in 1804
she married Henry James Montagu-Scott, second Baron Montagu, son of the third Duke of
Francis Napier, eighth Lord Napier (1758-1823)
The son of William, seventh Lord Napier (1730-1775); he fought under Burgoyne in the
American War of Independence and was a Scottish representative peer and lord lieutenant of
Selkirkshire (1797).