Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Walter Scott to William Laidlaw, [February 1818]
“Wednesday. [Feb. 1818.]
“I have no idea Usher* will take the sheep land again, nor would I press it on
him. As my circumstances stand, immediate revenue is much less my object than
the real improvement of this property, which amuses me besides; our wants are
amply supplied by my L.1600 a-year official income; nor have we a wish or a
motive to extend our expenses beyond that of the decencies and hospitality of
our station in life; so that my other resources remain for buying land in
future, or improving what we have. No doubt Abbotsford, in maintaining our
establishment during the summer, may be reckoned L.150
* John Usher,
the ex-proprietor of Toftfield, was eventually Scott’s tenant on part of those lands for many
years. He was a man of far superior rank and intelligence to the rest
of the displaced lairds—and came presently to be one of
Scott’s trusty rural friends, and a
frequent companion of his sports. |
or L.200 saved on what we must otherwise buy, and if we
could arrange to have mutton and beef occasionally, it would be a still greater
saving. All this you will consider: for Tom, thoroughly honest and very clever in his way, has no kind
of generalizing, and would often like to save sixpence in his own department at
the expense of my paying five shillings in another. This is his fault, and when
you join to it a Scotch slovenliness which leads him to see things
half-finished without pain or anxiety, I do not know any other he has—but such
as they are these must be guarded against. For our housemaid (for housekeeper
we must not call her), I should like much a hawk of a nest so good as that you
mention; but would not such a place be rather beneath her views? Her duty would
be to look to scrupulous cleanliness within doors, and employ her leisure in
spinning, or plain-work, as wanted. When we came out for a blink, she would be
expected to cook a little in a plain way, and play maid of all works; when we
were stationary, she would assist the housemaid and superintend the laundry.
Probably your aunt’s granddaughter will have pretensions to something
better than this; but as we are to be out on the 12th March, we will talk it
over. Assuredly a well-connected steady person would be of the greatest
consequence to us. I like your plan of pitting much, and to compromise betwixt
you and Tom, do one half with superior attention, and slit
in the others for mere nurses. But I am no friend to that same slitting.
“I adhere to trying a patch or two of larches of a
quarter of an acre each upon the Athole plan, by way of experiment. We can
plant them up if they do not thrive. On the whole, three-and-a-half feet is, I
think, the right distance. I have no fear of the ground being impoverished.
Trees are not like arable crops, which necessarily derive their sustenance from
the superficial ![]()
earth—the roots of
trees go far and wide, and, if incommoded by a neighbour, they send out suckers
to procure nourishment elsewhere. They never hurt each other till their tops
interfere, which may be easily prevented by timely weeding.
“I rejoice in the sawmill. Have you settled with
Harper? and how do Ogg and
Bashan* come on? I cannot tell you how delighted
I am with the account Hogg gives me of
Mr Grieve. The great Cameron was chaplain in the house of my great
something grandfather, and so I hope Mr Grieve will be
mine. If, as the King of Prussia said to
Rousseau, ‘a little
persecution is necessary to make his home entirely to his mind,’
he shall have it; and what persecutors seldom promise, I will stop whenever he
is tired of it. I have a pair of thumbikins also much at his service, if he
requires their assistance to glorify God and the Covenant. Sincerely, I like
enthusiasm of every kind so well, especially when united with worth of
character, that I shall be delighted with this old gentleman. Ever yours,
Richard Cameron (d. 1680)
Scottish covenanter and field preacher killed in a fight with government forces at
Ayrsmoss. He was at one time chaplain to Sir William Scott of Harden.
Frederick II of Prussia (1712-1786)
King of Prussia (1740-86) and military commander in the War of the Austrian Succession
and Seven Years War.
Walter Grieve (1747-1822)
Minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church; he was the father of the poet John Grieve
and uncle of William Laidlaw.
James Hogg [The Ettrick Shepherd] (1770-1835)
Scottish autodidact, poet, and novelist; author of
The Queen's
Wake (1813) and
Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified
Sinner (1824).
William Laidlaw (1779-1845)
The early friend of James Hogg and Sir Walter Scott's steward and amanuensis.
Thomas Purdie (1767-1829)
Sir Walter Scott's forester; they originally met when Purdie was brought before Sheriff
Scott on charges of poaching.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Swiss-born man of letters; author of, among others,
Julie ou la
Nouvelle Heloïse (1761),
Émile (1762) and
Les Confessions (1782).
John Usher (1766-1847)
The son of James Usher of Toftfield (d. 1816); Walter Scott purchased the estate from him
in 1817.